MTGMOM Miscellany Edition: Cards I Love


In between an insane schedule mentioned several times before, I finished two set reviews. I even built some terrible decks for each of the Hearthstone classes a couple of weeks ago. Now, with MTGMOM Miscellany Edition, I finish the latest set and we put to rest the dreaded Phyrexians once and for all. Or, do we?

At least in the short term, WotC seems done with the Phyrexians. As recent television and movie projects show us, though, nobody ever truly dies in fantasy and science fiction. So, five to ten years down the road, new Praetors rise to take the mantle and spread the infection. But, for now, let’s lead the resistance.

MTGMOM Multicolored Honorable Mention (Dinos, Vampires, Giant Frogs and other Miscellany)

Thalia and the Gitrog Monster

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One of the first spoilers I saw was Thalia and the Gitrog Monster. I made the connection then that this last stand against the Phyrexians brought strange alliances between classic characters. That hooked me immediately and increased my interest in the set. What a fun lore and plot device. Then came Mavren and Ghalta. I just now saw Borgy and Fblthp when I went to look at the spoilers, but that just looks like a fun card. Hopefully I get a chance to play some of these at some point.

MTGMOM Multicolored Card I Love (Omnath Compleat)

As the story went along, Omnath became more powerful and mastered more colors of mana. After gaining white, I wondered how they might incorporate black mana. It makes perfect sense to have Sheoldred come in and corrupt the lifeforce and give it access to not only black, but Phyrexian mana, too. I definitely want to build an Omnath deck now.

MTGMOM Colorless Card I Love (New Sword!)

With surprisingly few colorless cards in the block, I picked the only decent one. If you play eternal formats or cubes, then you know the swords of from Magic history. They blessed us with another in this set and finally completed the cycle. I know people are down on current MTG sets, but I love that the designers continue to expand the lore and bring us new ways to enjoy the past while looking to the future.

The Verdict

Too many multicolored cards and too few colorless make this an imbalanced article. But, I consider it a success that, in spite of how busy I am I completed the latest set of Hearthstone and Magic the Gathering. I need to figure things out after recording the next episode of Ready Player One, but I promise an update over the weekend. Thanks for reading my MTGMOM Miscellany edition and I’ll see you again next week.

Spoilers courtesy of Mythic Spoiler. They’ve been my go to for spoilers for as long as I can remember.

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