Hearthstone Festival Part 4: Great, Good, Decent


We made it to the end of Hearthstone Festival of Legends! In Hearthstone Festival part 4, I cover Warlock and Warrior. What about neutrals, you ask? Well, first, I rarely ever run neutrals. Look at my decks over this series and ask me that question again. I think in one or two of them, I used only class cards. Who knows? Maybe I write a bonus article talking about the neutrals at some point. I need a break, so on to Magic the Gathering starting tomorrow.

Narrator: He will never write any such article.

My history with Warlock starts and ends with control. I loved playing during the Handlock days and remember inviting Chris to watch me end the career of several players back when we were able to get together on a monthly basis. I reluctantly played Implock a couple of times recently to finish a quest, but I’m a control player. Same with Warrior. I have a wild Krontrol deck that I play and built a standard a set or two ago that I revisit every now and then. With that in mind, let’s look at some cards.


Decent: Not knowing enough about demons in Standard right now, all I think of when I see these cards is some ridiculous combo involving them that either ends with a full board or in wild, a full board and your hero gaining immunity.

This is a mish mash hodge podge of cards that makes almost no sense. But, that’s what we like around here, so they get tossed into the good bucket. Likely, never to be heard from again. Hey, you don’t come here for meta. You come here for the inconsistency of the memery.

Crazed Conductor

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Great: I think they started this trend with the last expansion of taking fatigue damage without actually exhausting your deck. I like the idea of bending mechanics in new ways, so of course I chose to build around that. Now, time to see if I’m right about there being more cards to support this terrible build


Decent: A card that increases the amount of armor that you gain plus a card that benefits from that armor gained? Hey, we got a combo over here! Combo right here! There’s a combo here. See, nobody cares.

Reference for those who need it.

Good: (a) I have no idea what these cards mean when they say play your last riff. (b) I refuse to look up what these cares mean when they say play your last riff. (c) They might be great cards, but because there are three, I put them in the good section.

Drum Soloist

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Great: Menagerie build in Battlegrounds remains my favorite to this day. Looking at the statistics from the webpage, others copied me because it always ranks as the top build for nearly every hero. Now, they took that and brought it into standard with these cards. Shove every stupid minion type into your deck. ????? Profit?

The Verdict

I take no credit or blame for that warrior deck. This series is over with Hearthstone Festival part 4 and I’m officially done with these cards. It might actually be a decent deck. It probably just sucks. I return tomorrow with a review of March of the Machine and I don’t entirely know the format yet, so I will either think about that tonight or just repeat the format from the last set. Come back tomorrow to see!

Note: I used Hearthstone Top Deck builder for the decks. I know it isn’t the best, but it works and I like it aesthetically for the screenshot of each deck.

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