X – Books February 2025


I posted almost nothing last month. This month, I dedicated myself to rebuilding my interest and motivation to update the page. As often, I started with comics. I know comics. I read comics. Comics come naturally to me. Even so, the reviews spilled into this week. Therefore, I kick off a new week (D&D) with the last few X-Books February 2025.

Exceptional X-Men #5

Writer: Eve Ewing, Artist: Carmen Carnero

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Like many mutants, Kitty went through some shit at the end of the Krakoa era. However, her past haunts rather than inspires. So, when that past comes back, one of the group decides it’s too much to bear and quits the group. How much more can this young team take? My decision to split off the X-Books originally came as a numbers game. However, the more I read these books, the better and more consistent they are. I used to decry the proliferation of X-Books as too much of a good thing. That’s not the case here. Eve Ewing built the mythos of this book very quickly and gave it a very different feel from the other comic stories out there. My verdict: Great

Nyx 6

Writers: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzig, Artist: Michael Shelfer

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: An invitation to a Dazzler concert! That turns out to be a front for Mojo and another of his diabolical schemes. Can Kamala Khan survive the treachery? Kelly and Lanzing took another ragtag group of heroes and made them a family that I love just as much as their Guardians of the Galaxy books a few years ago. What’s funny is that I like the individual heroes more in this book, but I loved the Guardians more as a team. This issue, for example, felt a little too uneven for me. I know the point is they’re on the ground mutants. Maybe it just felt too much like Exceptional this time. Oh well, they have time to weave their magic. My verdict: Good.

Phoenix 7

Writer: Stephanie Phillips, Artist: Marco Renna

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Thanos targeted Phoenix and brought friends to the party. Phoenix, too, has a few allies with her to try to even the playing field. A good old fashioned celestial brawl ensues with Jean Grey left at a crossroads. This book took some time for me to warm up to. I didn’t like the singular nature of it compared with the team aspect of the other X-Books. But, this one brings a fun team up. My verdict: Good.

The Uncanny X-Men 9 (Legacy 709)

Writer: Gail Simone, Artist: Andrei Bressan

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The Outliers, brought onto the team recently, find themselves in mortal danger. A new group of sentinels named the Wolfpack hunts them for reasons unknown. Without their mentors, can they survive long enough to get answers? Well, true believer, come back next time to find out. Another new bunch of mutants. These ones are, obviously, less recognizable than the characters in Nyx. But, Gail Simone brings them to life in a way that only she can. Also, this issue reads more like a classic X-Man book. Maybe that’s what I need from them right now. My verdict: Good.

X-Force 6 (Legacy 296)

Writer: Goeffrey Thorne, Artist: James Towe

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The X-Men showed up a few issues ago. Now, Mystique is in the mix as well. Forge faces inter-dimensional horror and lost love returned. Hard to say which represents the bigger threat right now. Like Phoenix, this one took me a while to buy into the premise. But, the last couple episode got me to buy. This one backs off some with the action, but not much. I mean, this is Forge after all. He deals with his emotions by shooting things. My verdict: Good.

X-Men 8 (Legacy 308)

Writer: Jed MacKay, Artist: Ryan Stegman

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The X-Men finally gathered enough intel on the prison where they’re keeping Beast. Time to launch a search mission. Actually, two missions. Both of the leaders of the factions (Rogue and Cyclops) pull together their teams to get Beast back. Will they find the ability to work together? Or, will the tension tear them even further apart? MacKay thrives on this shit. He’s at his best when two disparate teams of super powered beings exist in a tenuous truce that can break at any time. So, he’s the perfect pick to help pick up the pieces after the Krakoan era blew up. My verdict: Great.

The Verdict

X-Books February 2025 is a good collection that advances all of the stories nicely. I missed adding Psylocke to my list as well as the Ultimate X-Titles. First, I need a reason to visit That’s Entertainment. Second, my pull list already pushes over 100 bucks most months. And, that’s with the DCBS Discount.

Images for X-Books February 2025 comes from Marvel.com.

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