The Incredible Hulk 800


You know we like a nice round number around here. From Detective Comics and Action Comics 1000 to Spawn 300, all of those issues received special treatment from the 2 Generations Gaming crew. I thought I might miss The Incredible Hulk 800 because of a lapse in ordering from DCBS, but that fear was unfounded.

Instead, the book arrived with this month’s comics. Along with a couple of unexpected Ultimate marvel books, that gives me four different Marvel articles this month. Crazy how that all works out. But, a good problem to have.

The Incredible Hulk 800 Synopsis and Thoughts

Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Artist: Nic Klein

With Hulk incapacitated, Charlie faces off against the Eldest. Convinced of its superiority and that Hulk is sufficiently out, the Eldest taunts Charlie. As often happens in these showdowns, the Eldest overplays its hand. Charlie assumes the form of Lycanna and takes out the other skinwalkers. This gives Hulk the distraction necessary to break free. The Eldest will not take this lying down and now Banner will have to deal with the aftermath.

A cool, but slightly anticlimactic showdown between Hulk and the Eldest. I know it’s not done, but it all just happened so fast. Granted, PKJ spent the better part of the last few issues building up to this, so I forgive him for the quick conclusion to this particular part of the arc. Also, he telegraphed Charlie’s transformation some, but I applaud the effort. Nice touch. Besides, the conclusion provided just enough of a cliffhanger to keep me wanting more next time around. My verdict: Great.

The Other Stories

Greg Pak gives us a classic team up story with Cho and Hulk that leads to Banner again trying to convince Cho that he’s a monster through and through. Cho refuses to believe it. He vows to Hulk and Banner that they’ll never truly be alone. You all know that I love Greg Pak and his take on both Hulk and Cho. While typical of his stories, I think he wrote it to introduce new readers to Cho’s character and he succeeded in getting the main point across. My verdict: Good.

Then comes a She-Hulk story written by Torunn Gronbekk. I know what you all think I’m going to say here. A She-Hulk story without Rainbow Rowell? Why even bother? And, yes, I admit that was my first reaction. However, even though I never enjoyed Gronbekk’s Venom, I love her Catwoman and liked this version of She-Hulk very much. A supernatural story complete with slightly creepy little girl that retains all the fun that Rowell wrote into the title. My verdict: Good.

Finally, Benjamin Percy delivers a Red Hulk story. It gives us all of the anger and violence of the character as Ross infiltrates a terrorist cell and executes the leader. This gains the attention of Doom, who wishes to form an alliance with Ross. This all sets up for Planet Doom or whatever they plan for 2025. Of all the Hulks, I like Red the least. You probably surmised that from my synopsis. In any case, I liked this story fine. My verdict: Decent.

The Verdict

The Incredible Hulk 800 delivers on what we expect from milestone issues lately. A compelling continuation of the current story. Plus, a few mini stories of varying quality. I liked all of the ones in this issue.

Images taken from Marvel.

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