Tag Archives: Ultimate Spider-Man

Spawniverse and TMNT February 2025


After recommitting to the page in December, we went radio silent again last month. I think going forward, I might use January as a month to rest and recharge after the busy holiday season. But, no need to make that decision for another year or so. And, let’s jump start this month with Spawniverse and TMNT February 2025.

King Spawn 40

Writer: Rory McConville with additional script from Uncle Todd, Artist: Yildiray Cinar

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Spawn’s war reaches a near conclusion. While on the cusp of that conclusion, however, he gets lured into a trap. A trap that may cost him dearly due to his current lack of powers. This story initially turned me off, but I like the current angle that McConville brought over the last few issues. Bringing back Sam and Twitch and putting Spawn in mortal danger gives the story some extra oomph. My verdict: Good.

The Scorched 36

Writer: Layman with Uncle Todd on Additional Script, Artist: Steven Segovia

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The Scorched and The Agency square off in the hunt for Medieval Spawn. Both teams pull out all of their tricks in an attempt to best the other. Their battles level part of The Vatican. My favorite Spawniverse book and one of my favorite writers. Two great tastes that taste great together. After lagging for a few months, this one gradually regained steam to get back to that former glory. My verdict: Great.

Spawn 360

Writer: Rory McConville with Uncle Todd on Additional Script. Artist: Brett Booth.

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: After some back story, partly to build suspense, Spawn goes to face off against Bludd. Jessica tries to talk sense into him by pointing out that it’s an obvious trap and that he needs to chill out. I mean, telling someone to calm down always works, right? Yeah, it doesn’t here, either, and Bludd absolutely demolishes a powerless Spawn. Putting McConville in charge of both main titles was a smart move. It brings a cohesiveness to the story that was missing for a while. Now, we see how Spawn survives this deadly attack. My verdict: Good.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 5

Writer: Jason Aaron, Artist: Darick Robertson

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Hale runs, unchecked, through New York. He lies, cheats, and steals with abandon and seemingly no repercussions. Casey Jones hopes to change that. He confronts Hale and his cronies. Hale arrests him. Casey tries to escape, but Hale shoots him and again declares himself the King of New York. No turtles this time stunts the story some. Props to Aaron for bringing Casey into the book so quickly, but is he gone just as quickly? Yikes! My verdict: Good.

Bonus: Ultimate Spider-Man 13

Writer: Jonathon HIckman, Artist: Marco Checchetto

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The hunt is on for Spider-Man and Green Goblin. Now, Kraven’s involved. That ups everything, in a nod to Spinal Tap, to 11. Our protagonists survive and Spidey ends up back in New York where he runs into Black Cat. As Chris says, DCBS doing DCBS things and I only received this one from my Ultimate pull list. Who the heck knows. Nevertheless, a fun story and I can’t wait to see what comes next. My verdict: Decent.

The Verdict

Overall, a good collection of books in Spawniverse and TMNT February 2025 (with an added bonus!). I didn’t care for the lack of turtles and missed some of the other Spawn books (mostly Rat City). Plus, Ultimate Spider-Man isn’t quite catching for me yet. But, there’s always time for things to improve.

Ultimate Marvel December 2024


When I saw the announcement of the new Ultimate Marvel line, I cringed. I remember the first time when they completely lost the thread. A couple of times, they removed my comments from social media reminding them about the cannibalistic Hulk and incestuous Maximoff twins. Then, a few months ago, for some reason, I picked up a couple of the Ultimate titles. I heard good things about the books. If I’m being honest, though, I didn’t enjoy the stories all that much. However, from the looks of it, I put Ultimates and Ultimate Spider-Man on my DCBS list. So, I set aside this Ultimate Marvel December 2024 article to try to see if i can find something to like about the books.

The Ultimates 6

Writer: Deniz Camp, Artist: Juan Frigeri

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: This issue sees the Ultimates team up to try to take down the Hulk. They figure a little prison rules will hopefully help them defeat the Maker. As you might expect, things go very wrong for them. Very, very wrong indeed.

I actually liked this issue. Either they improved the quality of the story or I’m feeling more generous today. Obviously, both can be true. I guess I’ll find out next month which it more true. I will say that I like this version of Ultimate Hulk better than the sociopath that they wrote last time. He reminds me of Smart Hulk and that’s always a fun version of the character. My verdict: Good.

Ultimate Spider-Man 11

Writer: Johnathon Hickman, Guest Artist: David Messina

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Pete reaches out to Norman to try to smooth things over, it looks like. Not sure what happened, but there’s some tension there. He then receives quite the ass kicking from Mr. Negative and his henchmen. That brings him back home while Mr. Negative debriefs Kingpin. Black Cat gets introduced and Peter ends the issue talking things out with Uncle Ben.

Wow. Quite a bit happens in this issue. But, it doesn’t feel too busy or overworked. Hickman spends just enough time on each story to give you some information while leaving you wanting more. I definitely liked this issue and now I can’t wait to (a) read next month’s issue and (b) pick up the back issues. My verdict: Great.

The Verdict

Much better than the issues I read earlier in both series. I don’t think I’ll pick up the other Ultimate titles right now. Okay, I lied. I added both Ultimate Black Panther and Ultimate X-Men to the pull list for next month. Ultimate Marvel December 2024 sold me on the line for now.

A Trip to That’s E


I’m getting older. Proof of that is in my admission that my family owned an Atari 2600. I mean, technically, everyone is getting older. But, honestly, you don’t notice it until you pass 45. I said at work one day that 45 hits like a truck if you aren’t careful. Anyway, the point of this all is that I received an order from my doctor to get lipid testing. As a reward to myself, i took a trip to That’s E.

Officially named That’s Entertainment, there are two locations in Western Massachusetts. One, in Worcester, is massive. I’ve said numerous time, to Chris, that I could spend a day there every couple of months just browsing and spending stupid amounts on comics. The one that I visited, in Fitchburg, is smaller, but no less dangerous. Without thinking, I dropped over 150 bucks there yesterday.

Blood Hunt

I resisted “Blood Hunt” initially. Then, I saw the first three issues at Newbury Comics last week, so I picked them up. I felt underwhelmed and correct in my decision to not read the series. Then, yesterday, I caved to the pressure and bought the last two issues. I’m glad I did. When I saw that Blade broke bad with little to no explanation, I rolled my eyes. Then McKay explained it in 4 and brought it all together with the usual huge team up. The difference, this time, is that DOOM helped, as well, setting the stage for his rise later on in the year. Now, that one I’m looking forward to reading.

More From the New Beginning

X Factor gets reborn as a social media military group stocked with a bunch of E and F-list mutants with Angel as their leader. In spite of promises otherwise, they still face the same mutant hatred until their first mission. I’m interested to see where this goes. Forge puts together X-Force to help stop a giant slime monster from destroying the world. In the end, he brings in Deadpool to “help” with the mission. Overall, another solid beginning. I wrote about Gail Simone taking over Uncanny X-Men in the other article. Jed McKay writes the other main title. I’m not sure what I expected, but all we get here is more of the same. Magneto in charge, Scott leading the team, and Wolverine walking out at the end. I guess it pays to go back to basics, but I hope we get more going forward.

Ultimate Marvel

I avoided the Ultimates reboot initially. I remember the old Ultimate universe and how it went completely off the rails eventually. In fact, Marvel deleted several of my posts reminding them of cannibalistic Hulks and incestuous Maximoff twins. When I texted Chris about the new Absolute DC or whatever and called it “Ultimate DC” as a dig for the obvious rip off, he said something about the current line of Ultimate Marvel performing well. So, when faced with these two titles, I bit. In the interest of time and getting the article out today, I only read the first two issues. But, I must say. I enjoyed them. The Ultimate universe adds something new to the mythos of the characters while avoiding (so far) the pitfalls of the originals. If they keep this up, as I just texted Chris, “I’m going to end up broke with all these new books.”

The Verdict (A Trip to That’s E)

I took a trip to That’s E in Fitchburg after my lab tests yesterday. While I picked up some good books that I just told you about, there are others that I’m going to wait until my official comic review article to reveal. It also made me want to go to the big store in Worcester. Maybe once school starts and I need an outlet, I’ll make a trip down there.