Tag Archives: Nyx

X – Books February 2025


I posted almost nothing last month. This month, I dedicated myself to rebuilding my interest and motivation to update the page. As often, I started with comics. I know comics. I read comics. Comics come naturally to me. Even so, the reviews spilled into this week. Therefore, I kick off a new week (D&D) with the last few X-Books February 2025.

Exceptional X-Men #5

Writer: Eve Ewing, Artist: Carmen Carnero

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Like many mutants, Kitty went through some shit at the end of the Krakoa era. However, her past haunts rather than inspires. So, when that past comes back, one of the group decides it’s too much to bear and quits the group. How much more can this young team take? My decision to split off the X-Books originally came as a numbers game. However, the more I read these books, the better and more consistent they are. I used to decry the proliferation of X-Books as too much of a good thing. That’s not the case here. Eve Ewing built the mythos of this book very quickly and gave it a very different feel from the other comic stories out there. My verdict: Great

Nyx 6

Writers: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzig, Artist: Michael Shelfer

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: An invitation to a Dazzler concert! That turns out to be a front for Mojo and another of his diabolical schemes. Can Kamala Khan survive the treachery? Kelly and Lanzing took another ragtag group of heroes and made them a family that I love just as much as their Guardians of the Galaxy books a few years ago. What’s funny is that I like the individual heroes more in this book, but I loved the Guardians more as a team. This issue, for example, felt a little too uneven for me. I know the point is they’re on the ground mutants. Maybe it just felt too much like Exceptional this time. Oh well, they have time to weave their magic. My verdict: Good.

Phoenix 7

Writer: Stephanie Phillips, Artist: Marco Renna

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Thanos targeted Phoenix and brought friends to the party. Phoenix, too, has a few allies with her to try to even the playing field. A good old fashioned celestial brawl ensues with Jean Grey left at a crossroads. This book took some time for me to warm up to. I didn’t like the singular nature of it compared with the team aspect of the other X-Books. But, this one brings a fun team up. My verdict: Good.

The Uncanny X-Men 9 (Legacy 709)

Writer: Gail Simone, Artist: Andrei Bressan

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The Outliers, brought onto the team recently, find themselves in mortal danger. A new group of sentinels named the Wolfpack hunts them for reasons unknown. Without their mentors, can they survive long enough to get answers? Well, true believer, come back next time to find out. Another new bunch of mutants. These ones are, obviously, less recognizable than the characters in Nyx. But, Gail Simone brings them to life in a way that only she can. Also, this issue reads more like a classic X-Man book. Maybe that’s what I need from them right now. My verdict: Good.

X-Force 6 (Legacy 296)

Writer: Goeffrey Thorne, Artist: James Towe

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The X-Men showed up a few issues ago. Now, Mystique is in the mix as well. Forge faces inter-dimensional horror and lost love returned. Hard to say which represents the bigger threat right now. Like Phoenix, this one took me a while to buy into the premise. But, the last couple episode got me to buy. This one backs off some with the action, but not much. I mean, this is Forge after all. He deals with his emotions by shooting things. My verdict: Good.

X-Men 8 (Legacy 308)

Writer: Jed MacKay, Artist: Ryan Stegman

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The X-Men finally gathered enough intel on the prison where they’re keeping Beast. Time to launch a search mission. Actually, two missions. Both of the leaders of the factions (Rogue and Cyclops) pull together their teams to get Beast back. Will they find the ability to work together? Or, will the tension tear them even further apart? MacKay thrives on this shit. He’s at his best when two disparate teams of super powered beings exist in a tenuous truce that can break at any time. So, he’s the perfect pick to help pick up the pieces after the Krakoan era blew up. My verdict: Great.

The Verdict

X-Books February 2025 is a good collection that advances all of the stories nicely. I missed adding Psylocke to my list as well as the Ultimate X-Titles. First, I need a reason to visit That’s Entertainment. Second, my pull list already pushes over 100 bucks most months. And, that’s with the DCBS Discount.

Images for X-Books February 2025 comes from Marvel.com.

X-Books December 2024


Having missed out on the Krakoa era, I went overboard on the Marvel mutants. I have 7 different titles for X-Books December 2024. And, when I went to That’s Entertainment after the Lego Fest in Worcester, I looked at 3 or 4 other titles and considered picking them up. I might have even pulled the trigger on Psylocke. She was always my favorite growing up. What can I tell you? I have a soft spot for the B-listers that fight their way to the A-list.

Exceptional X-Men 3

Writer: Eve Ewing, Artist: Carmen Carnero

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Kitty wants nothing to do with the X-Men. Nope, not at all. She needs a break after all that went down. Please, stop trying to rope her into forming a new X-Team with brand new mutants. Especially you, Emma Frost. Do you need some discouragement from my fists? Emma and Kitty face off and Kitty ends up as foster Mom to Axo, Bronze, and Melee. But, what’s this? At the end, an Ice Man appears as the cavalry. I wonder what his name is.

This book is tons of fun right now. It reads very much like Rainbow Rowell’s She Hulk. Can a big city X-girl really have it all? Probably not, but it’s fun to watch her try. If they’re thinking about rebooting the title, either Ewing or Gronbekk should be on the short list. My verdict: Good.

Nyx 4 and 5

Writers: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, Artists: Enid Balam, Francesco Mortarino

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The Nyxers work hard to find their places in the post Krakoa mutant landscape. This is made more complicated by The Quiet Council and the Peacekeepers. Also, just the hustle and bustle of New York City. If they can make it there, they can make it anywhere.

Kelly and Lanzing breathe life into a new band of misfits that become a family. While this one doesn’t deal with an intergalactic threat that was once part of the family, they still have quite a bit that keeps them on their toes. Like Exceptional, I like the personal touches on this title. Let the other X-Men fight the Avengers. Some of us need to help less fortunate mutants. My verdict: Good.

Phoenix 5

Writer: Stephanie Philips, Artist: Alessandro Miracolo

Quick Synposis and Thoughts: Phoenix continues to deal with the fallout and the assassins sent after her. All while contending with her role as the Phoenix and what that means to her and others. On the last page, the big man himself reveals that he wants to take over the council and then, of course, all of creation.

Of the new X-Books, this isn’t one of my favorites. Having already told you that I like the personal stories in NYX and Exceptional, this one spans the galaxy and galactic threats. I guess I’m in my “relatable comic book heroes” era. My verdict: Decent.

Psylocke 1 and 2

Writer: Alyssa Wong, Artist: Vincenzo Carratu

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Psylocke brings her brutal energy and assassin training to the X-Men. They decide that those methods are too extreme and kick her off the team. With no support, she finds herself in a familiar position. She will need to survive on her own. No problem there.

I don’t know how I feel about this new iteration of Psylocke. She feels a little too much like Wolverine in her mannerisms and attitude. But, I’ll give the book a chance. Because I like the writing and art. More often than not, things tend to work out. My verdict: Decent

The Uncanny X-Men 5 and 6 (Legacy 705 and 706)

Writer: Gail Simone, Artist: Javier Garron

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The finale to the Red Wave story where they face a supernatural threat that reveals a secret that threatens to tear the young team apart. But, Rogue manages to keep them together and starts a new school in her home state. That leads to a whole slew of other potential problems.

Gail Simone nicely balances the human and superhuman in her characters. Where I normally might not enjoy this title because of the huge paranormal threat, she follows it up with a story that we can all relate to. School sucks. I know. My verdict: Great

X-Force 5 (Legacy 295)

Writer: Geoffrey Thorne, Artist: Marcus To

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: All hell breaks loose in this one. The Avengers show up to deal with the Nuklo threat. That leads to an all out melee that is then broken up by The Phoenix. A team member dies and another quits the team, questioning Forge’s humanity and leadership. To be fair, it deserves questioning.

All I have to say is, “Wow.” And, I’ll add a “Holy shit.” So much went down in this book. But, Thorne handled it all well. I never cared all that much for X-Force growing up, but I like this team. The dynamic between the characters is phenomenal. The story felt disjointed at first, but all came together in this issue. Plus, Forge is just so brutally efficient as a leader. Harsh. My verdict: Great.

X-Men 7 (Legacy 307)

Writer: Jed MacKay, Artist: Netho Diaz

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: We open on Scott’s Alaska camp during the Iron Night. He mopes as only Scott can while discussing recent events with Magneto. A Sentinel descends on the town and they fight it together. Magneto gets in the killing blow. The issue ends with Beat getting abducted during a phone call.

MacKay’s X-Men is taking some time to get going. I suppose it makes sense give the massive aftermath they are dealing with. But, it’s still a little frustrating that the main title lags behind all of the others when it comes to story and character development. Oh well, I have a feeling he will turn it around sooner rather than later. My verdict: Decent.

The Verdict (X-Books December 2024)

So many books to read and review. As you saw, I picked up Psylocke at the comic book store. a pleasant surprise to go with some other great books from my DCBS order of X-Books December 2024. Strange that the main title is probably the slowest right now, but that won’t be true for long.

Images taken from Marvel.com

X-Books October 2024


I went from missing the entire Krakoa era (other than the very end) to trying to collect as many of the mutant based titles as possible. As a result, X-Books October 2024 outpaces the other Marvel books for last month and this month. And, I haven’t even collected all of the possible books. Each month it seems like they add a new one or I find one that I missed. Clearly, the mutants are carrying Marvel Comics right now and they’re using them to hype up the eventual reveal in the MCU.

Exceptional X-Men #1

Writer: Eve L. Ewing, Artist: Carmen Carnero

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Kitty tries to adjust to normal life in the wake of the fall of Krakoa. She’s a bartender, attending therapy, and going out on dates. No plans to start and lead a new team of mutants. Then, she intervenes in the rescue of just such a young mutant. But, still, not going to recruit that mutant into a team. Back to work. Or, is she? Emma Frost reaches out to find several of the X-Men and settles on Kitty. What plans does she have?

I loved Eve L. Ewing’s Black Panther story. I’m glad she’s back and writing for this book. It has some of the charm of She-Hulk, but not quite on the same level. As long as she keeps some of that fun in the book, I’ll keep coming back for more. The art, too, gives me a reason to enjoy the book. Carnero understands the assignment and gives the book a colorful look that adds to the fun. My verdict: Great start.

Nyx #3

Writers: Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly, Artist: Francesco Mortarino

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The mutants of Nyx bid farewell to one of their fallen as they continue to face prejudice and attacks. In the aftermath, they welcome Anole into their family. Kamala Khan also makes an appearance, fighting alongside X-23. She continues to get pushed to think of herself again as Ms. Marvel and join the fight completely, an act that will tip the scales in the battle.

Lanzing and Kelly brought me my favorite Guardians of the Galaxy story, maybe ever. They pick up this title, another rag tag group of heroes that call themselves a family and bring much of the same magic to Nyx. I never heard of the title before now, but I’m glad that they enticed me to read it by putting these writers together again. The art lacks some detail, but I like the use of two page panels to bring more action when called for. My verdict: Great.

Phoenix #3

Writer: Stephanie Phillips, Artist: Alessandro Miracolo

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Jean works to rescue an entire planet of abductees. Tipped off by Corsair, she wonders if she can even trust him. But, she goes through with it nonetheless. They have a showdown and the final page reveals who was behind the entire plot. The Black Order, scions of Thanos, now work to try to bring down the Phoenix.

This story is one of the few from these titles that doesn’t resonate with me. I never got into the original Phoenix story and the only recent experience I have is when they revealed that the Phoenix force was Thor’s mom or whatever. Not sure if that is even canon anymore, so who the heck knows. I don’t hate the story. It’s just that I can’t get into these galaxy spanning storylines as well as the more personal and down to earth ones. I will say the art is pretty in this book and that helps me to make it through the story. My verdict: Good.

The Uncanny X-Men #2 (Legacy 702)

Writer: Gail Simone, Artist: David Marquez

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Like Nyx, the Uncanny bunch stumbles on a group of wild and untrained mutants. Initially, Wolverine causes a ruckus and the two groups battle. Jubilee comes back from a visit to the prison and brokers a tentative peace between them. Logan refuses any part of the mentoring or training. Interspersed in the story, they read from the journal of Charles Xavier and it gives some insight into where this story might go.

Marvel continues to sucker me into titles with writers that I love. This time, Gail Simone brings her unique ability to make these super powered beings completely human, even the mutants. By the end of this story, I expect to laugh more, cry more, and cheer when all is said and done. Right now, she’s masterfully setting up the pieces. Marquez helps to establish that humanity and those relationships with his very real portrayal of their facial expressions and other interactions. A good team for this title. My verdict: Great.

X-Force #3 (Legacy 283)

Writer: Geoffrey Thorne, Artist: Marcus To.

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Forge’s team makes their way to confront the Fracture Node. They pick up on a massive force in the same area and try to neutralize that, as well. Neither goes according to plan because Nuklo feeds off of the anomaly and vice versa. They sacrifice themselves in the name of saving the day and end up on the verge of destruction.

This book is wild. While some of the other books focused on character building and the more human side of things, this one went balls to the wall with action right out of the gate. Usually, that’s not my thing, but it works with this book and this team. Add to the fact that the art is probably some of the best in the X-Books October 2024 and I want more of all of it. My verdict: Very good.

X-Men #4 (Legacy 304)

Writer: Jed MacKay, Artist: Netho Diaz

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: An insane group of social media “stars” go live on a regular basis to kill mutants for clicks, likes, and subscribers. When the X-Men track them down from landmarks in the background, an epic battle ensues. What’s worse is that each member of the group seems to have a power that nullifies one of the X-Men. They return to report their success to the Sugar Man. The X-Men return to their base to regroup and come up with another game plan. At the end, an old friend awaits as Magick’s chess partner.

This article mirrors X-Factor some. So much so that it made me think of that book and why I never added it to my pull list. Oh well. A long weekend coming up that maybe I can use to travel to That’s Entertainment to fill in some of the books that I missed. I think I never put in an order for next month, so I need to pick up some books. Anyway, I liked this story more than what they did in X-Factor, which is why I mention it. MacKay gives us a reason to care about the social media aspect of the story. My verdict: Good.

The Verdict (X-Books October 2024)

Just like the main Marvel books, X-Books October 2024 brings some great stories. I liked every book, even if Phoenix isn’t quite my cup of tea. A few months ago, others joined mine and Chris’s chorus of “comics might be dead” and then DC sold half a million Absolute Batman books. So, I’m just sticking with my, “this might just be another golden age of comics” and if you’re not reading, you’re missing out.

Images downloaded from Marvel.

Marvel Comics September 2024 Part 2


Yes, it’s October. And, yes, this article mentions Marvel Comics September 2024 Part 2. I told you, I wanted to change things up around here. Also, in the same article (or a different recent one), I mentioned that I always forget how hard the beginning of the school year hits. Hell, just this afternoon, I fell asleep for a good hour or so. The rest of my family joined me for nap time. Adorable, yes. But, also, brutal.

The long story short (I know, always too late) is that I split the Marvel Comics this month into 3 groups of four to allow for my more in depth reviews in a relatively timely fashion. A couple of days ago, I wrote about the first four. Today, I cover Thor, Hulk, Nyx, and Phoenix. Next time will be Venom and two other X-titles.

The Immortal Thor 13 (Legacy 774)

Writer: Al Ewing, Artist: Jan Bazaldua

Quick Synopsis: The issue starts with an interlude to introduce the principles in the story. Ewing tells it from a more modern perspective with both Thor and Loki wearing trendy tees and dad shorts. That leads to a name drop of Nyx and the “land of eternal night”. Cut to Thor and Herc traveling to Antarctica to face another trial. They succeed with some intervention from Loki. The issue ends with someone from Herc’s past entering into the picture.

My verdict: After what I consider to be growing pains at the beginning of the Al Ewing Thor era, this title came into its own. I love the dichotomy of the modern introduction with the mythology of the rest of the book works very well. It makes me think of a quote from Chris Hemsworth who said (paraphrased), “Maybe we had too much fun making the fourth Thor movie.” First, I don’t understand how you can have too much fun making a movie? Sure, it’s a job, but it must be hella fun, too. Second, I don’t agree. I really enjoyed that movie. People are just miserable shits. Anyway, this issue channeled much of that fun. I think I wrote last time that I didn’t recognize the artist, but he’s on the title full time. Good thing. He gives life to both the modern story and the story of the trial. Then, the final reveal brings it full circle. Good

The Incredible Hulk 15 (Legacy 796)

Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Artist: Danny Earls

Quick Synopsis: As the eldest senses a Hulk approaching through the desert, it brings her back to a time millennia ago. A nomad finds a cave. In that cave, the first hulk awakens. It goes on a rampage and kills several and maims one. That one drags his destroyed body back to deliver a message to the Eldest. -She exterminates him and the issue closes with the showdown between the Eldest and the Incredible Hulk imminent.

My Verdict: PKJ tells a wonderful horror story. He continues the recent history of Al Ewing bringing back the horror to the title. This particular story adds to the mythology by bringing us back to the original Hulk. Not the original as in the 60s, but the first Hulk. Way further back that that. It reminds me of the Venom story that introduced Knull. This one leaned a little too heavy on the violence for me, but PKJ didn’t sacrifice story for it, so I don’t mind. Of the two artists that work on Hulk now, I prefer Earls. Even though he still gives the book a more cartoonish vibe, the dimensions aren’t quite as weird and the models have more depth. Good.

Nyx 2

Writers: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, Artist: Francesco Mortarino

Quick Synopsis: Laura on the cover. That’s not a an okie doke. The entire issue deals with her trying to track down and infiltrate the group responsible for the missing mutants. She starts by mistakenly shaking down the protectors of a mutant. But, that gets her a lead that she uses to go undercover as “Scratch” when the lackey tries to identify her as the Wolverine. By proving that she’s the second best at what she does, she works her way up to the head, Mr. Friend. Uh, no. Mojo is in charge. After a good first shot, Mojo sends her back with her tail between her legs to love to fight another day.

My verdict: Kelly and Lanzing brought me the most fun Guardians of the Galaxy stories in their history. For those who think that James Gunn owns the Guardians wholesale, please read Grootfall. They bring that magic to this title, one that I never read before, and are telling a fantastic story so far. The art brings me back to the X-Men of my youth and that’s a good thing. This might be my favorite X-title to come out of the ashes so far. Great.

Phoenix 2

Writer: Stephanie Phillips, Artist: Alessandro Miracolo.

Quick Synopsis: Jean chose the life of universal protector. This issue continues setting that up and throws her a curveball. Her family arrives to tell her that her services are needed. She heeds this advice only to realize that family is, as always, complicated.

My verdict: I missed the first issue of this one, so I’m catching up on the fly. But, I don’t want things to go years like they did with the previous iteration of the X-books. With that being said, I don’t know if there’s enough interest out there for a solo Phoenix book right now. I love that they’re giving more voices to more creators, so I hope the book continues. I just wonder. Additionally, for this one too, that whoever is finding the talent for these books has guys like me in mind who remember 90s X-Men. Good

Final Verdict (Marvel Comics September 2024 Part 2)

I enjoyed the first group of books for Marvel Comics so far this month. Honestly, Marvel Comics September 2024 Part 2 brings more of the same. Little to no drop off in quality in either writing or art for these book, either. I keep saying and I will keep saying it. This is an amazing time to be a comic book fan.

Images taken from the mothership.

A Trip to Newbury Comics


We took our annual vacation to Cape Cod last week. As inevitably happens during the week, a tropical storm passed through the area. With rain on the forecast, we decided to drive to Hyannis and spend part of the day at the mall. However, when we woke up, it was only cloudy and a decent beach day. Christine and I decided to head to the beach. It took some time, but we convinced the kids to wait for us, so we all could go to the mall. The main stop everyone wanted was Barnes and Noble. However, Christine needed something at target, so we walked there. Along the way, we too a trip to Newbury Comics.

Comics played a big role in my life. They also eventually became a huge part of the web page. Chris and I tried an early podcast about comics that fizzled. Both of us attempted to record YouTube videos about comics hauls and reviews that might are lost to the great beyond because Google deleted that account due to inactivity. So, when I see a comic book store, I need to enter it. Those of you who know, understand when I said to them, “No, I was too busy searching for comics in the store with comics in the name” when they asked if I saw a certain item on the shelf. Nevertheless, I found some good ones.

What a Great Idea

I’ve been saying for years that comic publishers should print old issues on demand. Look, due to my interactions with Jason, I understand people and their collection brain. But, I would even take a copy of the book with the huge “REPRINT” banner over the top and bottom of the cover. I just want copies of the old books and not have to pay over 200 bucks for a single comic book. Yes, I can get trades, but there’s still that blank in my comic runs. I’m looking at you Spawn. Granted, I never wanted either one of these books, but I want to support the effort.

I texted Chris a picture of the cover of this magazine, with simply “Liefeld!” He responded, “gross lol”. “This is just the epitome of 90s Marvel right here.” And, so, that’s how I came to own Deadpool’s first appearance in comics.

Of the two, I wanted this one for sure. As a teenager, Gambit was my favorite X-Men character. What’s funny is when Aiden asked me a couple weeks ago at Quarters when I told him I didn’t really like Cyclops, I completely forgot about Gambit. Then, he showed up in Deadpool and Wolverine and it all came flooding back. Another old man moment. When I’m looking for something to watch later at night, I keep forgetting about X-Men ’97. Remind me next time!

A New Beginning

As I’ve told you many times, I missed most of the Krakoa era of the X-Men comics. When I heard that they rebooted the series with new writers and artists, I wanted to get in on the ground floor. I promptly forgot and DCBS never reminded me. So, when I saw these two books on the shelf from some of my favorite writers, I grabbed them. Now I need to grab X-Men #1 so that I can see the new direction better.

Blood Hunt (Wait? What?!)

I said numerous times that I cared nothing about Blood Hunt. I even refused to read the tie in issues from my regular shipments. Then, faced with the first three issues, I caved. Hey, I’m a complex person with layers. Like an onion! Also, when I see comics, I buy comics. That’s not complex at all. I just like comics.

The Verdict

I consider my trip to Newbury Comics a success. I got two comics I missed. I caught up on Blood Hunt (so far, I was right to ignore it, not great), and picked up some Liefeld and Gambit. I still hope that other comic publishers (Uncle Todd, please!) reprint some of their classic issues. But, I’ll take what I can get.