Tag Archives: MTGMOM

MTGMOM Miscellany Edition: Cards I Love


In between an insane schedule mentioned several times before, I finished two set reviews. I even built some terrible decks for each of the Hearthstone classes a couple of weeks ago. Now, with MTGMOM Miscellany Edition, I finish the latest set and we put to rest the dreaded Phyrexians once and for all. Or, do we?

At least in the short term, WotC seems done with the Phyrexians. As recent television and movie projects show us, though, nobody ever truly dies in fantasy and science fiction. So, five to ten years down the road, new Praetors rise to take the mantle and spread the infection. But, for now, let’s lead the resistance.

MTGMOM Multicolored Honorable Mention (Dinos, Vampires, Giant Frogs and other Miscellany)

Borborygmos and Fblthp

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One of the first spoilers I saw was Thalia and the Gitrog Monster. I made the connection then that this last stand against the Phyrexians brought strange alliances between classic characters. That hooked me immediately and increased my interest in the set. What a fun lore and plot device. Then came Mavren and Ghalta. I just now saw Borgy and Fblthp when I went to look at the spoilers, but that just looks like a fun card. Hopefully I get a chance to play some of these at some point.

MTGMOM Multicolored Card I Love (Omnath Compleat)

As the story went along, Omnath became more powerful and mastered more colors of mana. After gaining white, I wondered how they might incorporate black mana. It makes perfect sense to have Sheoldred come in and corrupt the lifeforce and give it access to not only black, but Phyrexian mana, too. I definitely want to build an Omnath deck now.

MTGMOM Colorless Card I Love (New Sword!)

With surprisingly few colorless cards in the block, I picked the only decent one. If you play eternal formats or cubes, then you know the swords of from Magic history. They blessed us with another in this set and finally completed the cycle. I know people are down on current MTG sets, but I love that the designers continue to expand the lore and bring us new ways to enjoy the past while looking to the future.

The Verdict

Too many multicolored cards and too few colorless make this an imbalanced article. But, I consider it a success that, in spite of how busy I am I completed the latest set of Hearthstone and Magic the Gathering. I need to figure things out after recording the next episode of Ready Player One, but I promise an update over the weekend. Thanks for reading my MTGMOM Miscellany edition and I’ll see you again next week.

Spoilers courtesy of Mythic Spoiler. They’ve been my go to for spoilers for as long as I can remember.

MTGMOM Gruul Edition: Cards I Love


I wrote a couple of days ago in the Esper edition that I enjoyed playing those colors the most by far out of the color wheel. Not only can I find few reasons that I enjoy playing red, I actually hate playing against red even more. Mono red provides a quick way to either win or lose a game, so I see that deck more than any other on Magic the Gathering Arena. Therefore, at least half of MTGMOM Gruul edition might end up not being very much fun to ready.

I promise to try to keep my bias out of the article, though, and give you a good selection of red cards. Also, while red tilts me every time I see a basic mountain, I enjoy many green cards. So, even if I fail in delivering on the red cards, rest assured that the green cards will live up to our standards here at the page.

MTGMOM Red Honorable Mention (Dinos, Dragons, and Praetor in a Storm)

Etali, Primal Conqueror

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Look at that. I gave you five cards for the price of three in this section to make up for my admitted bias against red. Since red offends me so much, I decided to pick cards dedicated to people I love. I included Etali as a nod to Quinn, who said the other day, “I want to build a dinosaur deck again.” Every time I write one of these things, I need to include the latest dragon as a shout out to Chris. This one looks like an overcosted Goldspan, but it comes with convoke, so a tokens deck brings that down. I included Urabrask simply for the third chapter of the back. That is straight fire in a storm deck.

MTGMOM Red Card I Love (Chandra fixed my mana, gives me options, and goes pew pew)

Even though I gravitated to being a blue mage and worshiping Jace as my lord and savior, my “shameful” nerd admission for this article is that I always had a soft spot for Chandra. Her cards almost always sucked, but I found her character compelling. I like this card, though.

MTGMOM Green Honorable Mention (Atraxa Falls, Kavu Chomps, and Planeswalker Three Manas)

Atraxa's Fall

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I picked Atraxa’s Fall because it removes basically anything you can name. Yes, at sorcery speed (Spikes right now are angrily composing emails to our editor to complain about that), but I found it funny that it lists every card type in the explanation. Goes with our recent trend of including word creep in articles. The Kavu shows off one of the new keywords from the new set. When I saw the new Wrenn, I texted Chris, “They haven’t learned the lesson of three mana ‘Walkers?”

MTGMOM Green Card I Love (Wurmcoil Hydra)

I think I chose the original Polukranos in one of the articles I wrote way back when. I’m far too tired right now to look and verify. Maybe I take a look and update you in the miscellaneous article in a couple of days. Until then, glory in the face of what I texted to Chris as “Wurmcoil Hydra”. Norn went crazy with this one.

The Verdict

MTGMOM Gruul edition brought a surprising amount of cards I enjoyed. I still refuse to admit that either red or green (okay, maybe green) cards bring me any amount of joy. But, when forced to play these colors at the eternal MTG table in Hell, at least I can make some good choices.

Images courtesy of Mythic Spoiler. They’ve been my go to page for spoilers for as long as I can remember.

MTGMOM Esper Edition: Cards I Love


Mario in March went less spectacularly that I anticipated this year. I suppose that’s par for the course for us here at 2 Generations Gaming. We get a decent idea, some time to implement that idea, and then life gets busy again. I mean, I never intended for this page to be income, but I see other people doing it and sometimes wonder why it was never us. But, no time to feel sorry for ourselves. I keep this page alive for me and me alone. If someone else finds something they enjoy, great. Besides, a new Magic the Gathering set released. So, time to review MTGMOM Esper cards.

Those who follow the page know that white, blue, and black represent the part of the MTG color wheel where I almost exclusively reside. In all honesty (and why lie?), I prefer blue, play blue and black for utility and for fun (*cough* police *cough), and splash white for maximum fun (*cough* again police *cough*). So, every set, I start truly with cards I love.

White Honorable Mention (Eggs, Like Actual Eggs Not the Deck, Planeswalker Hate and a Wrath)

Attentive Skywarden

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This set introduces some cool new mechanics. Battles (more on those later in the week), backup (might make an appearance tomorrow), and incubate. Incubate mimics the Phyrexian invasion by putting tokens on the field that transform into Phyrexians on certain conditions. Playing MTGA gave me an irrational fear and hatred of Planeswalkers. Cut short helps me deal with that. And, you all know my love for a good wrath.

White Card I Love (Elesh Norn)

The Praetors get one last stand (spoiler alert) in this set and WotC took care of their Phyrexian momma. I texted Chris when I saw the card, “You think they’ll ever make an Elesh Norn that isn’t overpowered?” He replied, simply, “Nope.” It might take a while to get back into the part of the story where they can make another Norn card (again, spoiler alert), but I remain convinced that he’s right.

MTGMOM Blue Honorable Mention (Blue Doing Blue Things and a Knight?)

Transcendent Message

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I mentioned earlier that I mainly enjoy playing blue. I just get an unnatural enjoyment out of frustrating my opponents. I try to curb that impulse when playing against friends. But, on MTGA, all bets are off. So, I’m bringing a card that lets me counter spells and draw cards. Plus, a card that lets me draw my whole deck. Oh, and a knight for some reason. I can’t explain it. I just like the card. Maybe if I ever find myself drafting the set, I will try to bully everyone off knights.

MTGMOM Blue Card I Love (Going to Segovia)

I just learned of Segovia with this set. I needed to go back to the card to check the spelling. Naturally, when I learn something new in one of the games I enjoy, I end up doing some research on that subject. I learned that Segovia is a plane where everything is super small. That made sense, then, why the tyrant is the size of a grizzly bear. Also, you get to see Siege Battle cards in action. Very cool and fun.

MTGMOM Black Cards Honorable Mention (Card Draw, Mr. Take Yo Planeswalker, and Bring Me the Head of Elesh Norn!)

Breach the Multiverse

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Honestly, I just chose Mirrodin Avenged because (a) I liked that plane and hate the Phyrexians. Seeing Karn finally avenge his loss after all this time is awesome. Breach the Multiverse feels like a fun (police) card to play in a 4 player commander game. And, I don’t have enough creatures in my UB MTGA deck to take advantage of that card draw, but I’ve been meaning to put together a token sac deck.

MTGMOM Card I Hate (Glistening Deluge)

I went with a different strategy when picking this card. Hey, when they expect you to zig, you gotta zag! Anyway, when reading the text on these cards (and I think I talked about card text creep last time), I saw this card and it made me pause as a mathematician and minor league logic troll. The phrase “…green and/or white…” includes one too many words. Logically, if a card is green and white, then it is green or white. I remember reading once that Magic the Gathering partially works because the cards logically make sense. This card does, but that extra word just bothers me.

The Verdict

MTGMOM Esper cards in this article feel a little underwhelming when compared with the last set. That’s not to say there aren’t good or powerful cards. I just chose to eschew them in favor of my pet projects and trolling. Hey, when you start your own web page, you can do the same. Heck, you can share the MTGMOM Esper cards you love in the comments.

Card images taken from Mythic Spoiler. Go there for all your spoiler needs. I’m not looking for a deal with them or anything, I just like their set up the best of all the pages.