Tag Archives: IDW Publishing

Spawniverse and TMNT February 2025


After recommitting to the page in December, we went radio silent again last month. I think going forward, I might use January as a month to rest and recharge after the busy holiday season. But, no need to make that decision for another year or so. And, let’s jump start this month with Spawniverse and TMNT February 2025.

King Spawn 40

Writer: Rory McConville with additional script from Uncle Todd, Artist: Yildiray Cinar

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Spawn’s war reaches a near conclusion. While on the cusp of that conclusion, however, he gets lured into a trap. A trap that may cost him dearly due to his current lack of powers. This story initially turned me off, but I like the current angle that McConville brought over the last few issues. Bringing back Sam and Twitch and putting Spawn in mortal danger gives the story some extra oomph. My verdict: Good.

The Scorched 36

Writer: Layman with Uncle Todd on Additional Script, Artist: Steven Segovia

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The Scorched and The Agency square off in the hunt for Medieval Spawn. Both teams pull out all of their tricks in an attempt to best the other. Their battles level part of The Vatican. My favorite Spawniverse book and one of my favorite writers. Two great tastes that taste great together. After lagging for a few months, this one gradually regained steam to get back to that former glory. My verdict: Great.

Spawn 360

Writer: Rory McConville with Uncle Todd on Additional Script. Artist: Brett Booth.

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: After some back story, partly to build suspense, Spawn goes to face off against Bludd. Jessica tries to talk sense into him by pointing out that it’s an obvious trap and that he needs to chill out. I mean, telling someone to calm down always works, right? Yeah, it doesn’t here, either, and Bludd absolutely demolishes a powerless Spawn. Putting McConville in charge of both main titles was a smart move. It brings a cohesiveness to the story that was missing for a while. Now, we see how Spawn survives this deadly attack. My verdict: Good.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 5

Writer: Jason Aaron, Artist: Darick Robertson

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Hale runs, unchecked, through New York. He lies, cheats, and steals with abandon and seemingly no repercussions. Casey Jones hopes to change that. He confronts Hale and his cronies. Hale arrests him. Casey tries to escape, but Hale shoots him and again declares himself the King of New York. No turtles this time stunts the story some. Props to Aaron for bringing Casey into the book so quickly, but is he gone just as quickly? Yikes! My verdict: Good.

Bonus: Ultimate Spider-Man 13

Writer: Jonathon HIckman, Artist: Marco Checchetto

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The hunt is on for Spider-Man and Green Goblin. Now, Kraven’s involved. That ups everything, in a nod to Spinal Tap, to 11. Our protagonists survive and Spidey ends up back in New York where he runs into Black Cat. As Chris says, DCBS doing DCBS things and I only received this one from my Ultimate pull list. Who the heck knows. Nevertheless, a fun story and I can’t wait to see what comes next. My verdict: Decent.

The Verdict

Overall, a good collection of books in Spawniverse and TMNT February 2025 (with an added bonus!). I didn’t care for the lack of turtles and missed some of the other Spawn books (mostly Rat City). Plus, Ultimate Spider-Man isn’t quite catching for me yet. But, there’s always time for things to improve.

A Trip to That’s E (December 2024)


As we drove home from the Lego Fan Fest in Worcester, I noticed we were close to That’s Entertainment. I asked the boys if they wanted to stop. They sure did. And this is about a trip That’s E (December 2024). Well, mostly. I picked up a couple of other books to fill in recent runs. I also left far too much on the shelves. Post Christmas budgeting and all. But, I haven’t posted in almost a week and I want to keep my momentum going. Enjoy my thoughts on these two books.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Nation 1 and 2

Writer: Tom Waltz, Artist: Vincenzo Frederici

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: This series features Raph’s journey in the fallout after issue 150. As to be expected, he hops on his motorcycle and just goes. However, something from his past detours him to Area 51. As usual, he’s faced with the possibility that he bit off more than he can chew in his life away from the turtles. They also check in with Casey Jones in another story.

A few months ago I wrote about a third TMNT comic after the reboot. While I couldn’t find it at the time, I found it during a trip to That’s E (December 2024). I’m glad that I did. I read recently that someone thinks the turtles can challenge some of the big boys for readers. I agree that, so far, they’ve done a good job with the new books. My verdict: Good.

Violator 1 – 4 (of 6)

Writer: Marc Andreyko, Artist: Various.

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The true (?) story of the Violator’s origins from the birth in hell through various historical tragedies on earth.

Overall, a fun take on the character that I normally don’t give a second chance in the main title. I like the unreliable narrator angle and that it ties into actual events in history. I hope we get more titles like this in the new year. My verdict: Good

The Verdict

Two decent comics that I’m glad I chose. I wasn’t expecting much from Violator, but it pleasantly surprised me. And, TMNT seems to be taking a page from Uncle Todd’s book. They expanded the “universe” so to speak, but they’re taking it piece by piece.

Violator covers taken from Image.

TMNT December 2024


I thought I signed up for three or four of the new TMNT titles. Perhaps wishful thinking. Last month, I only received the main title and this month, I got that main title plus Nightwatcher. So, while less than anticipated, I received two books for TMNT December 2024. And, now, for the good stuff.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4

Writer: Jason Aaron, Artist: Chris Brunham

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: On his way to New York, Donne gets distracted by some voices at a service station. This leads him to a truck full of mutants. He wakes up in a cell at the mutant zoo. They starve and beat him to the brink of insanity. When a rat comes into his cage, he recognizes it as the “reincarnated” Splinter. This allows him to overcome his oppressors and meet with the other turtles. They see him for the broken man that he is and vow to unite to fight the foot clan. A foot clan that is being led by a familiar face.

Leonardo was always my favorite turtle. Donatello came in a close second. I like how Aaron gave him a reuniting journey worthy of his character. He saves the mutants, but also suffers both physically and mentally. Obviously, I don’t like that he suffers, but that’s his lot in life. I know I keep saying it, but it bears repeating. I love the direction that Aaron is taking the turtles so far. My verdict: Great.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Nightwatcher 3

Writer: Juni Ba, Artist: Fero Pe

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: A favored daughter turns into a “monster”. She comes across the Nightwatcher. They fight and she continues on her “rampage” through the town. Eventually, the Nightwatcher meets up with her again. The second meeting goes much more smoothly. The Nightwatcher talks her down and convinces her that she might be better off if she finds others like her that can welcome her as a friend or family member.

I missed the first two issues of this book. So, I’m a little bit behind on who the Nightwatcher is and where he comes from. As I gather, that hasn’t been revealed yet. But, I may have missed some clues in those issues that would help. I need to head on down to That’s Entertainment to pick them up sometime over the Christmas break. Then, I might have a better idea of what is happening in this book. My verdict: Good.

The Verdict

When I ordered all the books (or did I?) for TMNT December 2024, I wondered if there would be enough material for multiple books in the universe. I needn’t have worried. They gave me two good books this time. If the others exist, I hope they give me much of the same.

Spawniverse and TMNT November 2024


After another gut punch last night, I figured nothing to do but get back on the horse and ride again. Plus, I needed an escape from everything. So, here comes Spawniverse and TMNT November 2024. I only received the main TMNT title and everything but Rat City and the main Spawn title. Nevertheless, that gives me 4 comics to review. Perfect number to keep things rolling and get back into the habit of writing on the page.

In spite of everything, I kept this page going. To let it go at this point feels wrong. Hell, just a couple of months ago, I got some responses about the podcast and then abruptly stopped recording that. Also, got a few hits on the Instagram. I can make this what I want, but I need to commit to making it happen. Let’s get back to it.

Gunslinger 36

Writer: Uncle Todd, Artist: Carlo Barberi

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Someone tries to negotiate with the White House to get Javi’s charges overturned. At first, they say no, until someone realizes just what an important bargaining chip he is. The story shifts to Javi in the hospital and it, turns out, he’s a miracle of healing, too. After knocking out a cop who tries to give him crap for shooting the other cops, he goes back to rest. The rest of the issue deals with the various people who are hunting Javi and ends with Monolith finding one of the others and casually threatening him.

The book is building to something big and I’m here for it, but he buildup is starting to feel a bit too long and familiar. I hope that Javi stops playing dead soon and starts kicking ass again. As always, Barberi’s art remains probably the most true to the original Uncle Todd version. My verdict: Good.

King Spawn 38

Writer: Uncle Todd, Artist: Yildiray Cinar.

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Tyrone finds himself in quite the pickle, chained by his wrists and ankles with Simmons, Cy-Gor, and the Tinkerer standing before him. Al asks for some alone time and uses that to threaten Tyrone. With no powers, all of the agents of heaven and hell find themselves on the run. With Al, it’s the vampires and other creatures of the night. When some vamps think they get the jump on Al, Cy-Gor comes to his rescue and they realize that it’s gotten real.

So, the various factions work together to forge an alliance (uneasy as they often are between warring factions who use the “enemy of my enemy”) in order to take down Al. The issue ends with a standoff between Al and a ninja. On the final page, they pounce at one another.

More action in this one that Gunslinger right now. I appreciate that. Because the two stories mirror one another, I think that’s the reason for the familiarity and slight boredom with Gunslinger. The last page gives me hope that next one brings some beat em up for us. Cinar started last issue, I think, and his art isn’t quite at Barberi’s level, but it’s still very good. My verdict: Good, looking to be great maybe, next couple of issues.

Scorched 34

Writer: Layman, Artist: Stephen Segovia.

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Our girl Jessica is back and in disguise to meet Marc Rosen. They talk about her plan to infiltrate Wynn and the success of that plan. As they part, Jessica tells Rosen to relay a message to the team to watch out for retribution. Also, he needs to take better care of himself. Unfortunately, without Medieval, that’s going to be difficult.

Of course, during her trip back to the agency, she finds herself in a dark alley. And where there are dark alleys, there’s potential allies. Spawn “ambushes” her as a test and then they discuss her plans to help Rosen before getting out of the game. He says “that’s not how this works”. Before she can give a proper response, the alley reveals that enemies are around, too. Two thugs jump them. They dispatch of them quickly. Back at headquarters, Rosen looks at himself in a mirror before smashing his face in anger that Medieval is gone.

Layman’s voice is starting to come out in this title. I’m glad. I enjoy his writing and think the Spawniverse can only grow with new voices in it. Like, look at Gunslinger and King. They’re looking far too alike right now with Uncle Todd at the helm. Jessica, too, is on the run, but her story involves more intrigue and subversion. Plus, the band getting back together is going to feel so much sweeter after all this time. Segovia’s art and the colorful team members make this my favorite book in the Spawniverse. My verdict: Great.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3

Writer: Jason Aaron, Artist: Cliff Chiang

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Somehow I missed the second issue telling the story of Michaelangelo. Hence this month’s Spawniverse and TMNT November 2024 title. Luckily, this one caught me up at the end. I’m glad this one came, though. My favorite, Leonardo, meditates along the banks of the Ganges river. Trying to find some level of completeness in his life, instead the Foot Clan finds him. He takes care of them easily and commandeers a helicopter.

Cut to Raph and Mikey also dealing with the Foot Clan. They bicker amongst themselves and they fight the enemy. Raph gets ready to peace out because that’s just what Raph does. Leonardo cuts him off and tells them both that Donatello is in deep and they need to go to his aid.

I will say this until it sinks in. Like Chris, I wondered how Jason Aaron might handle the TMNT. After the heart and affection of the previous writer, Sophie Campbell, I didn’t think I was ready for Aaron’s harsher version. But, he’s pulling it off so far. Dealing with the alienation of the turtles by starting them off cut off from one another is a nice touch and a chance to give them time to grow as a team again. The art in this issue makes me think of the old TMNT books and that’s a good thing. My verdict: Great.

The Verdict

While I missed a couple of titles from Spawniverse and TMNT November 2024, the ones that came impressed me. Yes, Gunslinger and King felt a little too much alike, but I can live with that because both books were unique in their own way. Hopefully some of the other books come next month or I can fill by heading down to That’s E over Thanksgiving break.

Images taken from, well, Image.



As I wrote somewhere else, I always forget how hard the beginning of school hits. As a result, some comic reviews got pushed into this week. It works out for the weekly theme, though. The new Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection game releases on Thursday. So, I don’t feel bad pushing TMNT #1, the Spawniverse, and Marvel Comics to this week. It also gave me a chance to rethink some aspects of the page to make them more reader friendly. I hope. I want you all to be the judges.

As far as the comic goes, so begins the Jason Aaron era of the turtles. He actually wrote a introduction story in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Alpha that I read and thought I wrote about on the page. But, I can’t find it, so maybe I just wrote the article in my sleep and never actually sat down to write it when awake. In any case, this gives me a chance to try a new format.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 Synopsis

Writer: Jason Aaron, Artist: Joelle Jones

The Synopsis: The story in TMNT #1 follows Raphael in San Quentin State Prison. Nobody else knows why he’s there. He relishes the anonymity and uses it to his advantage to stay out of harm’s way as much as possible. However, on the first night after we join him there, he realizes that some prisoners dug and escape tunnel. He follows them into the tunnel and leaves them all unconscious. The warden joins Raphael the next day and gives us some clues as to why he’s there.

They want him to root out the corruption in the prison from the inside. Ah, if only it were that easy. The foot clan breaks into the prison (by posing as new inmates) and foils those plans by killing a guard and the warden. Raph uses the tunnel to escape and search for the other turtles. Meanwhile, one of the candidates for attorney general gets thrown off a bridge by some crooked cops. This leaves Hale as the only candidate and presumptive attorney general.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 Review

The Story: When I told Chris the news about Jason Aaron taking over Turtles, he wondered if the tone would be right. Granted, Aaron gives us a different take on the heroes in the half shell than what I became used to over the last year or so. However, I like the shift in tone. I think that the brothers are versatile enough that they can handle the new darker tone that this version brings.

I also know that this won’t be the entire book, either. Even in the sillier versions of TMNT, Raph is always the most intense one. Next we get Michaelangelo who, while cerebral, also tends to bring a lighter attitude than Raph. It remains to be seen if Aaron writes him that way, but I have faith in Eastman and his love for the characters.

The Art: Long time readers know that I’m a huge Joelle Jones fan boy. She brought Catwoman back in a big way. Then others struggled to reach those heights again until recently with Tini Howard’s Nine Lives story. Given the opportunity to just do the art in this book, she brings it in a big way. The slow reveal of Raph at the beginning of the book. Perfect. Two fight scenes with little in the way of dialogue? She gives us multiple panels of motion that practically fly off of the page. (See below for an example). I enjoyed Fero Pe’s art in the previous iteration of the book. Also, I know that she isn’t doing the next two issues. But, I’m glad we got at least this from her for now.

The Verdict

TMNT #1 wastes no time in redefining this era of the heroes in a half shell. Jason Aaron brings an edge to the book that was smart to show off with Raphael first. I loved The Turtles from when I picked them up during the Armageddon Game. And, I think that this story, even if very different, will continue to bring me joy over the next few months and, hopefully, years.

TMNT #150


I admit that I may not be the best ambassador for this particular message. I only joined The Turtles on this journey back when Armaggedon Game released. But, I must say that I enjoyed that journey the most out of any comic book in the last five years. So, I take a break this month from the Spawniverse to say good-bye to this era with an article just about TMNT #150.

The End Via The Beginning

Nice round numbers always mean something big for comic books. However, as books rise into the thousands or Spawn becomes the longest running non DC or Marvel book, those numbers start to mean even more. Because we can’t do anything in this country without some sort of promotion, the more that it means is often simply monetary. How much can we squeeze out of our readers in the name of nostalgia?

The Turtle’s “Road to TMNT #150” never felt like that. It never felt like anything more than a genuine celebration of the end of a very good storyline. And, the book proved it. No collection of “featured writers and artists” telling quick hit stories. Just a single double issue to wrap it all up in a nice little bow.

The book contains nods to several of the important developments in The Turtles’ history, including their mutation. One of the Batman titles did something similar with one of their celebration issues. I actually loved that issue. What can I say? As much crap as I talk, I’m a sucker for nostalgia just like anyone else.

A Word About Opinions and A-Holes

When I went to figure out which issues of the main book tied in with the Armaggedon Game timeline, I came across a couple of Reddit posts where people claimed not to like the story. No, everyone has a right to their opinion and I won’t judge anyone here for what they think about the story. I, for one, liked it and it put me onto my journey with The Turtles. For that, I’m eternally grateful.

All I will say is this. Many of the responses said that they stopped reading after issue 100. Sophie Campbell took over the writing duties then. Again, I make no implications or accusations here. I drew my own conclusions from this and I welcome you to do the same.

Okay, Back to the Review

In addition to the nostalgia of the story, I liked how they dealt with the story of future Donatello. One of the other criticisms I read about Armageddon Game is that the ending felt rushed. That’s at least actually a valid criticism. A lazy one, but valid. I have a feeling some might say the same about this one.

Nevertheless, I liked the story and the conclusion. Rushed or not, it put a nice bow on the saga of future Leonardo. Not only that, but the final scene tugged at my heart strings. I’m also a sucker for all’s well that ends well and love triumphing over all. Yeah, I’m a big ole teddy bear.

The Verdict

While some on Reddit might argue that the recent stories in the book are uneven, I think we all can agree that TMNT #150 serves as a fitting send off for this run of The Turtles. I saw that Jason Aaron is taking over. Of course, I texted Chris about it. He said, “I don’t see Aaron as a TMNT writer.” I tend to agree, but I will see what he offers before making a decison.

April 2024 Independent Comics I Love


A few month ago, you might question the title of this series. And, honestly, you’d be right to do so. Before last month, the Spawniverse languished in mediocrity (at best) and I wondered how, or even if, Uncle Todd could pull it together. They just felt too crunched by all of the books. Honestly, it started to feel like the early days of Image with the missed deadlines and misprints. But, hopefully the upturn in quality from last month continues into April 2024 Independent comics.

Gunslinger Spawn 30

Plot/Script: Uncle Todd, Art: Carlo Barberi. in my opinion, Gunslinger suffered the most from the drop off in quality. Chris told me how much he liked the title, maybe even more than the main title. I listened to his advice and, honestly, it’s why I filled in the back issues of the other titles. Then, things started to slip and I started to lose faith. Last month brought back much of what made the title fun. Now, before I give away what I thought of this month’s issue, let me just say how much I love that cover. It brings back old school vibes in a good way. So does the story and art of this issue. A bit of a filler issue, but well done overall. My verdict: Great

King Spawn 32

Script/Plot: Uncle Todd, Art: Javi Fernandez. This book only registered with me because they revisited one of my favorite Spawn stories of the last decade, Dark Horror. So, it barely made that much of a difference to me when the quality started to decline. It always just felt like the main title’s little brother. But, I appreciate their commitment to making all of the titles better and I really enjoy the current story revolving around Al and reckoning with being mortal again. My verdict: Good.

Scorched 27

Script/Plot: John Layman with Uncle Todd on additional script, Art: Stephen Segovia. I questioned the change in tone from single hero titles to a team for this book. Eventually, it won me over and became my favorit book in the Spawniverse. Like the others, it lost some of that edge and, frankly, it bummed me out. But, with this new attempt at bringing the titles back to a higher standard, they hired John Layman to write this one. ‘Nuff said. My verdict: Good, but Layman’s still in the early phases. I expect this one to hit great sooner rather than later.

Spawn 351

Script/Plot: Rory McConville with Uncle Todd on additional script, Art: Brett Booth. I stayed with this title in spite of the fact that I wanted nothing to do with the Heaven/Hell war storyline. Then, at some point, that shifted and I started to like the story a lot. They delivered with the big finish last issue and now start to rebuild in that aftermath. I like where they’re headed and give them the benefit of the doubt. My verdict: Good.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 149

Story: Sophie Campbell with Kevin Eastman on consulting, Art: Vincenzo Federici. I make no secret that this is my favorite book since starting to collect it during The Armageddon Game. I feared a drop off (also no secret) after that story wrapped. Granted, there was a lull, but they needed to take a few episodes off before ramping back up to the big 1-5-0. Rarely does a writer click on a title like this. But, Kevin Eastman clearly cares about his heroes in a half shell so much to put them in the capable hands of Sophie Campbell. I can’t wait to see what they have in store next. My verdict: Great

The Verdict

April 2024 independent comics continues the upward trend set last month. Granted, they fell quite a bit, so an upswing was imminent. But, I’m glad to see that Uncle Todd continues the “new direction” of his titles and they’re not just a one off. Sometimes, you just need to shake things up. Unless you’re TMNT. Don’t change a damn thing.

Spawniverse on Image. TMNT with IDW.

March 2024 Independent Comics I Love


I committed to Mario in March early last week. Then, as often happens in March, for some reason, I lost motivation to update the page. Well, in a lucky break, my comics arrived late last week. That gives me a week to review them and reset my brain to give Mario the respect he deserves. Last time, I never received a TMNT. However, March 2024 independent comics returns with my favorite heroes in a half shell.

Gunslinger 28 and 29

Script/Plot: Uncle Todd, Art: Dexter Soy and Carlo Barberi. It seems that my complaints made it back to the creative team in the Spawniverse. Actually, probably not. It looks like they decided to make Spawn 350 a big turning point in the various series. For what it’s worth, I’m glad they made that choice. At best, the last few months have been uneven. At worst, I saw more than one typo that never should have made it to the printer. Alas, if they continue this “new direction” as advertised, this title could rise again to be one of the best. My verdict: Good.

King Spawn 31

Script/Plot: Uncle Todd, Art: Jeremy Haun. Okay. Yes. This is more like it. I never liked King Spawn as much as the other Spawniverse titles. But, every now and then, they gave us a great issue. This one, again, promises a “new direction” and it feels more like the main title. But, the focus is on the human side of Spawn. And, the balance, at least in this issue, worked out perfectly. Also, I didn’t mention the art, but both titles very closely resemble the Uncle Todd vibe of the beginning of the book. My verdict: Good. Almost Great.

The Scorched 26

Story/Plot: John Layman with Uncle Todd on additional script, Art: Stephen Segovia. Wait a minute…John Layman. I know that name, don’t I? Yes, indeed I do. I don’t remember what introduced me to Layman, but he wrote one of my favorite comics of the last decade, Eleanor and the Egret. When I started in on the Spawniverse, too, this was my favorite of the titles. It fluctuated like the others, but I took that fluctuation harder because I enjoyed the book so much. It looks like they scheduled Layman for at least the next 3 or 4 books, too, so I have no doubts this one will rise back to the top. My verdict: Good. Bring it on, Layman.

Spawn 350

Story/Plot: Rory McConville with Uncle Todd as additional script, Art: Brett Booth and Carlo Barberi. 350 gets a big image. I mean, look at that cover. Well, we’re finally here. They’ve been building to this one for a while and I read about it in the pages of the other books. Overall, it doesn’t disappoint. They actually threw me for a loop at the one who ascended to Hell’s throne. Even with the flashback within a flashback, I still thought that one of the mains won. So, I say, “Bravo.” I wasn’t terribly keen on this story, but the end made it worth the trip. My verdict: Good.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 148

Story: Sophie Campbell with Kevin Eastman on consulting, Art: Vincenzo Federici. For some reason, I never received TMNT last month. I must say, “I missed them.” Ever since Armageddon Game, this title oscillates from Great to Really Great. I mean, I have no reference above great for these articles, but if I did, this one and She Hulk repeatedly deserve that accolades. The stories are well written and everything comes together so nicely over time. This one references 4 other issues of the book. Even so, I don’t feel lost at the self reference. It just works. My verdict: Great, as always.

The Verdict

Thank goodness for March 2024 independent comics. They bring some of the best of these books in a few months. I hope that the Spawniverse continues this trend for the future. At least from what I see, I think the new creative teams will work well and shake things up. I’ve stopped thinking that TMNT will fall off and just know that it continues to be one of the best written books out there.

Spawn images from the mothership. TMNT from their own.

December 2023 Independent Comics I Love


The comics arrived in the mail as they always do. I wrote the plans in my book for this week. Independent on Monday. DC on Wednesday. Marvel on Friday. Then, this week came and went with no comic reviews posted to the page. Recognizing my oversight, I gave you a bonus article yesterday about the Marvel SNAP new season. Then, I reworked the plan to post all of the reviews this weekend starting with today and December 2023 Independent Comics.

In addition to the Spawniverse and TMNT that usually populate this article, DCBS sent me two copies of a new book entitled Unnatural Order. So, I tossed it into the pile and you get another bonus of an additional book reviewed in this article. With no further delay, let’s get into the books.

Unnatural Order #1

Writer: Christopher Yost, Artist: Val Rodrigues. From the back cover: After the fall of the Britons and the Roman invasion of Hibernia, the captive known only as the druid is released, sending a darkness across the world. An age of horrors, of fire and entrails, as the innocdnt burn in the wicker fields, those who would resist learn of the existence of a man who even the druid fears. for it is this prisoner, a soldier from a different time, who alone knows that druid’s secret. This is not how the world is supposed to be. They deliver on that and more in this first issue. I’ll give them that. Wild story that caught my attention. But, I’m not sure if I’ll read it or not. Might have to give it another shot to see if it’s my style of book. My verdict: Decent.

Gunslinger Spawn #26

Writer: Uncle Todd. Artist: Dexter Soy. The book got away from what makes it fun/interesting. Okay, that’s not entirely true. They just got sloppy. Rushed story and art. Repeated typos. The last two issues have been much cleaner. My verdict: Not as good a follow up to the great last issue, but still very good.

King Spawn #27

Writer: Uncle Todd. Artist: Javi Fernandez. Goes on a deep dive into Al’s past and explores how that past set him on his path to become Spawn. My verdict: It wants to be great. But, it feels either too cliche or hits too close to home for me. Almost great.

Scorched #23

Writer: John Layman. Artist: Stephen Segovia. Spawn faces off against Gaia for the soul of She-Spawn. He wins, but at what cost? Another one where I like the idea and execution, but minor flaws. My verdict: My favorite of the three and just a hair from being great.

Spawn #347

Writer: Rory McConville with additional plot from Uncle Todd. Artist: Carlo Barberi. Continues the story of the previous issues. Solid issue that advances the story and keeps things moving. Also starts to tie in the supporting issues. Solid book, but lags behind the supporting titles right now. My verdict: Good.

TMNT #147

Writer: Sophie Campbell. Artist: Vincenzo Federici. My favorite book not named She-Hulk right now. This issue is fun and funny and it fills some of the blanks at the end. Plus, a shout out to prehistoric Northampton, Massachusetts. My verdict: Great

The Verdict

Independent comics December 2023 brings some great stories. The Spawniverse is rounding into shape again. The Turtles are great as they always have been since I started reading the title during Armageddon Game. The jury remains out on Unnatural Order, but I have faith that it will be a good story if I keep reading it.

Spawn images taken from the mothership. TMNT book snapped from IDW. Unnatural Order courtesy of Vault.

October 2023 Independent Comics I Love


I neglected my articles last week. Grades were due for the first quarter at school. I stayed home on Wednesday with a migraine. So, I focused on keeping the podcasts and videos going instead of the articles. But, I’m back this week with the comics reviews as promised. I start with October 2023 independent comics. Last month brought some uneven quality with the Spawn titles, but Ninja Turtles redeemed the month.

Gunslinger 25

Writer: Uncle Todd, Artist: Brett Booth. They dial up the ultraviolence and the naughty words in this one. As far as I can tell, this is a one shot (or maybe part of another ongoing) because only Gunslinger stars in this one. Typical revenge family. My verdict: Decent.

King Spawn 26

Writer: Sean Lewis, Artist: Javi Fernandez. Also a trail of bodies left in his wake. But, we are spared most of the gore in this one. He searches after an entity known as “The Visage”. Asks her for help in preventing Cog from ascending to the throne. I like this approach much more than the Gunslinger in your face. My verdict: Good.

Scorched 22

Writer: Sean Lewis, Artist: Stephen Segovia. She-Spawn is back and she’s different. Or, is she just all that she was ever meant to be? In any case, she’s pissed at just about everyone, especially her team that she blames for her death. This isn’t over. My verdict: Great

Spawn 346

Writer: Rory McConville (with Uncle Todd on additional script), Artist: Carlo Barberi. They keep building this story. I just noticed that it’s the big 350 in 4 months. So, that makes sense. While a bit of a slower issue this time around which mostly focuses on the machinations of each faction, it does give Spawn a reason to care with a slaughter of several of his allies. My verdict: Good.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 144

Writer: Sophie Campbell (with Kevin Eastman as story consultant), Artist: Gavin Smith. I wrote several times during this story that I worried about a drop off in quality from the Armageddon Game. Obviously, that happened (you can’t keep up that pace forever), but not as much as I feared. Campbell built this story with a compelling narrative and sympathetic characters. She finishes it off with a thrilling conclusion. She also expertly sets up the next story. I, for one, hope she writes this book forever. My verdict: Great

The Verdict

October 2023 independent comics brings us a more consistent Spawniverse (good thing because I heard they want to add books to the line up?!) and the consistent awesomeness of the turtles. I need to expand this section and I’ll take some of Chris’s suggestions from the Spooktober discussion in 2 Guys Gaming. See you next month!

Spawn images taken from the mothership. TMNT from IDW.