Tag Archives: Historical Based Fiction

The Poppy War Episode 2: Noob’s Book Club

Only two episodes this week. I tried to do three, but the notes part of it just takes so long. I think what I might do going forward is just read more chapters. That way, even thought I’m only doing two episodes, I’m covering more of the book in each episode. So, The Poppy War episode 2 might be the last one that contains only two chapters. I’m thinking about bumping it up to 4 for the next one. Stay tuned.

Give it a listen and let me know what you think. What did I do right? What can be improved? I want to make this work and take constructive criticism well. With no additional delay, download and listen to The Poppy War Episode 2. I can’t wait to hear what you think.

The Schedule (for the rest of the year, pending changes if necessary):

  • “Jurassic Park” – Finished
  • “The Poppy War” – July
  • “Dragons of Destiny” – August
  • “The Dragon Republic” – September
  • “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein” – Halloween Season
  • “The Burning God” – November
  • “Dune” – December

Note: The schedule may change due to only being able to update twice a week until the end of the school year.

Note: If you want to read along, find a copy at your local (or multinational conglomerate) book store to purchase and add to the conversation. Summary provided by Super Summary.

2 Guys Gaming
2 Guys Gaming
The Poppy War Episode 2: Noob's Book Club