Tag Archives: Gaming is a Gift 2024

X Books November 2024


I started this trend last month, I think. I missed almost all of the Krakoa era books other than a few random issues and the very end. I tried to make up for it by ordering as many books as possible this time around. Due to less free time and the usual down tick in motivation around this time of year brings the misnamed X Books November 2024. But, hey, you’re used to that kind of thing around here.

Exceptional X-Men 2

Writer: Eve Ewing, Artist: Carmen Carnero

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Last issue saw Kitty Pryde trying, in vain, to put recent events behind her and live a life as normal as possible given her situation. She ran into a young mutant and that complicated her plans. Further complications arrived in the form of Emma Frost. This issue continues that story with Kitty meeting up with other mutants and coming closer to a team. That is until Emma arrives at the end to ensure they’ll be in good hands with her.

The great thing about so many different books after the fall of Krakoa is that we get many different versions of how everyone deals with that fall and the aftermath. I especially like this story because it puts Kitty in the Charles role with Emma Frost as her Magneto. I expect stories similar to She-Hulk with Rowell and that makes me happy to have that vibe again monthly. My verdict: Good.

Phoenix 4

Writer: Stephanie Phillips, Artist: Alessandro Miracolo

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Jean and Carol take some time to celebrate after the events of the last issue. Jean remains ever vigilant, but Carol implores her to just enjoy herself. That vigilance proves prescient as the council plans some way to reign in the Phoenix before she destroys all. Gorr the God Butcher answers that call and kills Jean after a brief fight. Fear not, True Believers, as the Phoenix rises from that death more powerful.

I couldn’t get into the previous story. I think that might have been because I missed the set up. I often don’t like the universe spanning stories and prefer things to be more personal. This one takes the good from both of those storytelling methods to bring a personal touch to a godlike power that can destroy everything. My verdict: Decent.

The Uncanny X-Men 3 and 4 (Legacy 703 and 704)

Writer: Gail Simone, Artist: David Marquez

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Rogue takes the lead in this book. She and Logan bicker about their roles in the team as Logan threatens constantly to go back to “lone wolf” mode any minute. While he broods in the wild, Sarah Gaunt attacks the team, taking out Kurt. She then makes her way to Logan and leaves him bloodied. Rogue faces off against Gaunt while the rest of the team deals with the army she sent to kill them. Logan gets back on his feet, ready to fight, on the last panel.

You all know by now that Gail Simone is one of my favorite writers ever. She wasted no time in sending an existential threat to kill Rogue’s fledgling team. Remember when I said that the books allow for different types of storytelling? Well, this one goes straight for the jugular and leaves you breathless by the end of it all. This might be my favorite of the X Books November 2024. My verdict: Great.

X-Force 4 (Legacy 294)

Writer: Geoffrey Thorne, Artist: Marcus To.

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Forge’s team rises from their defeat at the end of the previous issue, dust themselves off, and go back at defeating Nuklo. They need to lead him away from civilization. That takes them into the realm of Man-Thing, who offers his assistance in the fight. Nuklo falls and the Avengers also arrive on the scene to help deal with the aftermath, shocking Forge with Storm’s presence.

They sold this issue as a Man-Thing story and then he only showed up in 4 or 5 pages towards the end. Then, the Avengers show up? Kind of random. I like this iteration of X-Force. It’s just that this story was all over the place. Maybe they’ll find their footing in the next one. My verdict: Decent.

X-Men 5 and 6 (Legacy 305 and 306)

Writer: Jed MacKay, Artist: Ryan Stegman

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Psylocke and Kid Omega go on a “psychic mission”. While there, they learn that someone is activating the x-gene in order to create new mutants. One of the mutants that has been reborn is Cassandra Nova. Then, as the team trains, Magik and Temper search for a mutant girl. There, they find out that the feral sentinel is hunting her down. Feels like both of these things are connected and will collide sooner rather than later.

The MacKay takeover of X-Men hasn’t quite lived up to the previous era so far. I like the stories that he’s telling and he’s making the group into something that I can enjoy. But, I just think that Gail Simone is dealing with things much better right now. MacKay’s irreverence works with the Avengers, but it doesn’t quite fit right now with the X-Men. Like X-Force, I hope the title finds it’s voice soon. My verdict: Decent.

The Verdict

In the wake of the end of such a massive story, X Books November 2024 are still finding their voice and footing. While the books overall are good, I just don’t think that things are coming together as well as maybe they could. I know in a few months, I will probably be eating these words once everything does finally work. For now, though, I stand by my assessment.

Images taken from Marvel.com