Tag Archives: Ernest Cline

Ready Player One Episode 6: Noob’s Book Club

Ready Player One Episode 6 breaks with recent tradition and covers 4 chapters of the book. The reason for this is that chapter 16 is short and it leads into a natural stopping point with the beginning of “Level 2”. No therapy for me in this episode, but I finally put together that every episode includes an over arching theme that I discuss. You just have to listen to find out what the theme is this time.

Give it a listen and let me know what you think. What did I do right? What can be improved? I want to make this work and take constructive criticism well. With no additional delay, download and listen to Ready Player One Episode 6. I can’t wait to hear what you think.

Note: If you want to read along, find a copy at your local (or multinational conglomerate) book store to purchase and add to the conversation. I hope you enjoy my return to the podcasting arena and I look forward to bringing more content as time allows over the next few months. When I finish Ready Player One, I’m taking a break to visit Germany for my oldest son’s graduation gift. Then, I plan to read the next book in the new Dragonlance series.

2 Guys Gaming
2 Guys Gaming
Ready Player One Episode 6: Noob's Book Club

Ready Player One Episode 5: Noob’s Book Club

I told you. Now that things are slowing down, I can keep a schedule. I wrote both comics articles and released both podcast episodes on time this week. I need to take some time this weekend and update the banner for the page since that’s now a month and a half old. But, content is what matter. Speaking of content, I recorded two weeks worth of the calendar. I need to edit and upload those. For now, enjoy Ready Player One Episode 5. I told you I’d warn you, so here it is. If you want to skip the “therapy session” part of the show, skip from 9:17 until 11:50. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy!

Give it a listen and let me know what you think. What did I do right? What can be improved? I want to make this work and take constructive criticism well. With no additional delay, download and listen to Ready Player One Episode 5. I can’t wait to hear what you think.

Note: If you want to read along, find a copy at your local (or multinational conglomerate) book store to purchase and add to the conversation. I hope you enjoy my return to the podcasting arena and I look forward to bringing more content as time allows over the next few months. When I finish Ready Player One, I’m taking a break to visit Germany for my oldest son’s graduation gift. Then, I plan to read the next book in the new Dragonlance series.

2 Guys Gaming
2 Guys Gaming
Ready Player One Episode 5: Noob's Book Club

Ready Player One Episode 4: Noob’s Book Club

Well, I disappeared for a little over a week. I explain my disappearance in Ready Player One Episode 4, but I think an explanation is necessary here, too. I took kids to play, soccer, and now baseball. Suddenly, I got from no free time to much free time again. Play is over this week (rehearsal ended last week), soccer ends in a few weeks, and only baseball remains. So, the schedule for this week follows. Today, Thursday, and Sunday. 3 chapters per episode and I finish right around the same time right before we leave for Germany.

Give it a listen and let me know what you think. What did I do right? What can be improved? I want to make this work and take constructive criticism well. With no additional delay, download and listen to Ready Player One Episode 4. I can’t wait to hear what you think.

Note: If you want to read along, find a copy at your local (or multinational conglomerate) book store to purchase and add to the conversation. I hope you enjoy my return to the podcasting arena and I look forward to bringing more content as time allows over the next few months. When I finish Ready Player One, I’m taking a break to visit Germany for my oldest son’s graduation gift. Then, I plan to read the next book in the new Dragonlance series.

2 Guys Gaming
2 Guys Gaming
Ready Player One Episode 4: Noob's Book Club

Ready Player One Episode 3: Noob’s Book Club

Very late, but here’s Ready Player One Episode 3. I spent much of this week sick on the couch, so that’s the main reason. But, I found some time in between baseball and soccer to record, edit, and release the episode. One thing. This is the last week of play rehearsal, so hopefully that means more time to record. After Wednesday and Sunday of this week, I have a possible schedule for three days a week again. Then again, reading 3 chapters per episode might work out, too.

Give it a listen and let me know what you think. What did I do right? What can be improved? I want to make this work and take constructive criticism well. With no additional delay, download and listen to Ready Player One Episode 3. I can’t wait to hear what you think.

Note: If you want to read along, find a copy at your local (or multinational conglomerate) book store to purchase and add to the conversation. I hope you enjoy my return to the podcasting arena and I look forward to bringing more content as time allows over the next few months. When I finish Ready Player One, I’m taking a break to visit Germany for my oldest son’s graduation gift. Then, I plan to read the next book in the new Dragonlance series.

2 Guys Gaming
2 Guys Gaming
Ready Player One Episode 3: Noob's Book Club

Ready Player One Episode 2: Noob’s Book Club

Best laid plans and all that. I wanted to release two episodes this week and maybe even get ahead on my reading schedule because it was April break from school. But, we had too much fun in the Berkshires with friends, so Ready Player One Episode 2 comes now. I already read and wrote my summary for the next episode, though, for chapters 4, 5, and 6. So, with that and three chapters the following episode, that puts me back on schedule.

Give it a listen and let me know what you think. What did I do right? What can be improved? I want to make this work and take constructive criticism well. With no additional delay, download and listen to Ready Player One Episode 2. I can’t wait to hear what you think.

Note: If you want to read along, find a copy at your local (or multinational conglomerate) book store to purchase and add to the conversation. I hope you enjoy my return to the podcasting arena and I look forward to bringing more content as time allows over the next few months. When I finish Ready Player One, I’m taking a break to visit Germany for my oldest son’s graduation gift. Then, I plan to read the next book in the new Dragonlance series.

2 Guys Gaming
2 Guys Gaming
Ready Player One Episode 2: Noob's Book Club

Ready Player One Episode 1: Noob’s Book Club

After wrapping up Dragons of Deceit, we move on to the next book in Noob’s Book Club. Ready Player One Episode 1 covers the prologue and chapter 1 in the book. It also wrestles with some baggage that the book picked up in the past decade plus of its existence. But, I think we can all be adults and discuss both the book and the baggage.

Give it a listen and let me know what you think. What did I do right? What can be improved? I want to make this work and take constructive criticism well. With no additional delay, download and listen to Ready Player One Episode 1. I can’t wait to hear what you think.

Note: If you want to read along, find a copy at your local (or multinational conglomerate) book store to purchase and add to the conversation. I hope you enjoy my return to the podcasting arena and I look forward to bringing more content as time allows over the next few months. When I finish Ready Player One, I’m taking a break to visit Germany for my oldest son’s graduation gift. Then, I plan to read the next book in the new Dragonlance series.

2 Guys Gaming
2 Guys Gaming
Ready Player One Episode 1: Noob's Book Club