Tag Archives: Echoes of Wisdom

A Noob’s Guide to Echoes of Wisdom


My history with Legend of Zelda goes back a long time. I remember going to my mother’s family’s house for Christmas one year. Surprisingly, even though , or perhaps because, they made me feel awkward and out of place, I remember a lot from those visits. They formed several core memories, to borrow a phrase from the Inside Out movies. In any case, whenever a new Zelda game comes out, I pay attention. While a bit late, I’m finally bringing you A Noob’s Guide to Echoes of Wisdom.

In this particular memory, I attempted to assuage some of the weirdness by walking through the house to find someplace that jibbed more with my vibe at the time. Like now, that generally means on the darker side, with few people, and hopefully a cat or dog or two. As I searched, I stumbled on a room with a Nintendo Entertainment System. The game? The original Legend of Zelda. Remember when I said that my parents eventually caved and bought us an NES? The seed for that planted on this day as I watched the person play the game and thought it the most beautiful game I’d ever seen.

Look at the colors. The sprites. The dungeons.

The Announcement Trailer

I will start with the TLDR.

Even though Noob’s Guide to Echoes of Wisdom comes three months too late, true to our style, we release within a week or so of the game coming out.

0:00 – We open on a dungeon with a blue cloaked figure and three guards wearing bat eared helmets. The figure approaches, draws his sword, and strikes at one of them. The guard deflects that blow, but the figure spins with his sword and defeats them all.

0:11 – A princess (Zelda) is trapped in a pink crystal, held captive my some monstrosity. Our hero enters and throws off his cloak. Link! To the rescue! The monster charges. Link leaps and counter attacks. The monster casts fireball! Link returns the flame for a second hit. Link closes, spins, and defeats the monster.

0:33 – The monster vanishes, leaving behind a magical staff. As Link approaches to save Zelda, a darkness spreads out from the staff. It quickly overtakes him and sucks him down into the ground. As a last resort, he pulls out a crossbow and strikes the crystal.

0:42: Link disappears into the floor completely and the crystal shatters. Zelda falls to the ground where the darkness hasn’t yet spread. After considering her freedom, she must run from the spreading darkness. It chases her out of the fortress.

0:50: Zelda falls. The darkness creeps closer. What now of our princess?! The darkness stops and we can breathe a sigh of relief. Away from the darkness, a wondrous land unfolds before Zelda. The title appears in the upper right hand corner at 1:10.

Introduction and Initial Gameplay Thoughts

1:15 – Fade to black and back in on Eiji Aonuma, producer of the series. He explains the concept of the game. Link has vanished and now Zelda is the protagonist of the series! Will she fight with a sword?

2:00 – Long story short. Let’s see what this video tells us about the game. Rifts appeared across the land. So, this is not an isolated event. Zelda meets a fairy named Tri, who gives her the “mysterious” Tri Rod. One of the powers of the Tri Rod gives Zelda the ability to create an imitation of objects. In this example, she learns the echo of a table. Big deal, right? Well, now she can place tables anywhere on the map. This allows her to build stairs to reach otherwise unreachable heights! Other echos include boxes, beds, and water blocks. Interesting one, that.

What About Battles?

3:14 – Well, they’ll look different. By creating an echo of a rock, you can throw it at the monsters.

3:25 – Wait, what?! You can also create echos of monsters that will fight by your side? Okay, that sounds and looks awesome. Each monster grants a different ability that helps depending on the situation.

3:44 – A series of short and quick videos showing other aspects of the game. Jumping, winding up some kind of bomb thing (?), throwing acorns (?), using a monster to fly across a river of lava, meeting (and defeating) friends (and enemies), and dungeon crawling.

4:00 – Back to Mr. Aonuma asking, “How was that?” followed by more vignettes of game play. He assures you that there will be plenty of puzzles that need to be solved in a variety of ways when the game launches September 26.

4:40: There’s a special edition Switch Lite for the game. Guess I should have waited to pick mine up. Oh well, that’s always the way for me.

The Verdict

Having not played the game yet, and watched no other game play videos, that’s all I have for Noob’s Guide to Echoes of Wisdom. From what I’ve seen there, I need to play this game as soon as possible. I love the graphic style. The addition of the echo system feels very much like Minecraft but with more of a purpose to how you use everything. As I saw some write recently, “it will be fun to finally play as Zelda, even in a chibi style.” I say, bring on the chibi. I loved Wind Waker and I’m sure to love this one, too.

Get the game and a few others while you’re at it. Not an official partnership. Just love the games.