Tag Archives: Bittersweet Farewells

Pour One Out for She-Hulk


If you followed the page for any length of time, you know that I loved Rainbow Rowell’s run on She-Hulk. Actually, loved might even be an understatement. I adored it. I looked forward to every new issue and couldn’t wait to read them. More than once, I think I called it the perfect marriage of creator and character. And, now, with Sensational She-Hulk 10, that run comes to an end. So, let’s pour one out for She-Hulk.

What Makes the Book So Great?

It came at a time when Marvel peaked as far as putting together comic book writers who understood the characters inside and out. Avengers, Fantastic Four, Guardians of the Galaxy, and She-Hulk all brought the old school flavor of their characters with modern touches that enhanced the books in a way that I haven’t witnessed since the Civil War era of Marvel. Heck, not even Nick Spencer’s run on Spider-Man came close to what they assembled (pun intended) with these four books. Two of them now, ingloriously ended. However, we get Lanzing and Kelly on Nyx. And, McKay writes for both Avengers and X-Men now, so I look forward to an epic crossover there.

But, honestly, Rainbow Rowell on She-Hulk may never be topped. She brought a light and buoyant energy to a title that too often strayed into self pity before she came along. I laughed at her attempts to retain some level of normalcy as a giant green behemoth. I cried when her relationship always seemed to go sideways. In this issue, I cheered because everything finally came full circle and set the character up for the future.

Only 12 issues short of 200. That’s the other tragedy here. Whoever takes over, when they do, they’ll get a chance to celebrate that milestone. Hopefully, Marvel invites Rainbow Rowell back to write a story for the big two-oh-oh. Thankfully, in the meantime, we can still read her in DC Comics. But, I miss the hell out of a new She-Hulk book to look forward to every month. It just won’t be the same not being able to read about the super heroine who tries to have it all.

Bittersweet Farewell

I’m terrible at saying “Good bye”. If this article didn’t prove that to you, I wanted to reiterate it there. Granted, I have all of the issues of the run to look back on. But, as I said, it just won’t be the same as experiencing it all for the first time. And, so, we pour one out for She-Hulk. Marvel-616 won’t be the same without you.

Took the image from Marvel.com