The Poppy War Episode 4: Noob’s Book Club

War erupts across Nikan and Rin calls the Phoenix god. When that goes horribly awry, they assign her to work with the Cike. How will she fit in with that rag tag group of misfits and outcasts? I discuss that and more in The Poppy War Episode 4. Another slightly longer episode because of the breakdown of chapters. But, I think, a good one.

After a brief introduction and summary provided by Super Summary, I talk about how my history with theology, my opposition to war, and thoughts on why mastery is overrated. Then, I talk about what I got right (not much), give more terrible predictions, and then what I liked least and best. I try to make up for my negativity with a positive finish, but I’m not sure how I succeeded.

Give it a listen and let me know what you think. What did I do right? What can be improved? I want to make this work and take constructive criticism well. With no additional delay, download and listen to The Poppy War Episode 4. I can’t wait to hear what you think.

Previous Series

Upcoming Schedule (pending changes if necessary):

  • “The Poppy War” – July/August
  • “Dragons of Destiny” – August/September
  • “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein” – Halloween Season
  • “The Dragon Republic” – November
  • “Dragonfall” – December
  • “The Burning God” – January 2025
  • “Dune” – February 2025
  • “Emberclaw” – March 2025
  • “Rhythm of War” – April/May 2025

Note: If you want to read along, find a copy at your local (or multinational conglomerate) book store to purchase and add to the conversation.

2 Guys Gaming
2 Guys Gaming
The Poppy War Episode 4: Noob's Book Club

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