Today (Yesterday) was the first day of summer. It rained. So, first day of summer in the pool? No, thank you. Instead, I took a trip to Wal*Mart (yipee!) for some last minute essentials for the trip. Then, we discovered that our “fridge decided not to fridge” anymore, as I explained to a friend. I thought it might be something simple like the coils, but I tried everything I could do and a few YouTube suggestions, but none of them worked. So, now I have to call a repairman tomorrow (today).
So, not the most stellar of first days of summer. However, I more or less finished my PD work developing the new class for next year. Granted, a colleague helped, but I won’t have to worry about that during the trip. I can just “have my existential crisis on a Florida beach” as I’ve been telling people.
The Prompt
No, Thank You: If you could permanently ban a word from general usage, which one would it be? Why?
Like yesterday’s joke prompt, this is a tough one. I suppose that they are supposed to be difficult and make you think. However, having just completed one of the longest and most emotionally taxing school years ever, I have little capacity to think right now. And, so, for these last few entries, you get minimal effort.

One of the reasons this is difficult is that I’m not one of those people who gets angry over language. Okay, that’s not entirely true. I realize that words have meaning and that we need to say what we mean to say. But, it only bothered me for a bit that literally became a contranym. Honestly, once I learned the word contranym, it no longer angered me.
So, I can’t think of one specific word that bothers me enough to ban it. As I’ve told my students and own kids more than once, it’s the intent of words that bother me. They can swear all they want around me (it bothers Christine, so different rules, which also teaches a time and place, hopefully) as long as their intent is not to hurt someone’s feelings. That’s where I draw the line.
The Adventure
I think I already regaled you of my lack of adventure today (yesterday). So, I won’t reiterate any of that here. Today (tomorrow) is already looking like a day to finish up some last minute things before we travel tomorrow (Thursday). As I write this, in about 24 hours, we will touch down at our destination in Florida. I got confirmation texts from both the airport and the hotel this morning. It’s real.
So, no, I can’t think of one specific word that makes me say no, thank you. I want to ban that word. Maybe at certain times in my life. I know it really bothered Christine when Aiden started saying “Yeet” all the time. I mostly just laughed and tried to kill it by using it in my lame Dad manner. Eventually, it either worked, or he got sick of the word himself. Either way, the problem solved itself. Usually, that’s what happens. If you give the word power, it abuses that power. If not, well, eventually it solves itself.