What do I mean by “memories for sale”? We will get to that. Before we do, allow me a story. Chris texted me earlier to ask how my trip to the comic book store went. There’s a comic store in Jaffrey right down the street from the school. I visited once in the past to pick up some comics I missed and I like the place. Ever since, I said more than once that I want to visit again. Of course, that requires me to do an inventory of my books. As we all know, given the end of the school year, that is far easier said than done.

I never made it to the comic store. As I wrote on Facebook and reiterated to Chris, it was “effing emotionally draining as eff. I appreciate the advice to treat this like ‘just a job’. I wish I could. I really do.” It started with a potentially suicidal student period 1 and then a verbal altercation during homeroom. Second period saw some of the teachers and students get into trouble with the principal. The rest of the day calmed down for the most part, but some students are getting their vaccine and a few of them were out yesterday. I know severe side effects are rare, but it’s still something that weighs on you. As a result, I defaulted into coast home mode on Friday instead of vising the comic book store.
The Adventure
Today’s adventure comes courtesy of our middle son. He found a kitten online. Somehow (I’m a sucker who is easily persuaded), he got me to agree to drive him to Connecticut to pick up this cat today. I left in the middle of writing this in anticipation of telling you all about our new cat, sharing a picture of said kitten, and saying how she was worth the trip. So, about that. Christine said last night that we were making memories. Well, today, no good memories for sale.
The trip started fine. Unlike our previous trip, we didn’t discuss anything. I wondered if he might ask for some of the DC Comics audiobooks. Instead, he put in his headphones and listened to a Harry Potter audiobook. I hooked up the bluetooth and loaded some Marc Maron podcasts for the ride. We made it as far as an hour into Marc’s Steve Miller interview, halfway to the place, when he said, “She’s not going to sell to me because I’m 14.”
Unsure I heard him correctly, I repeated that back to him. He confirmed that she wasn’t going to sell him the kitten. I swore. He swore. I asked him where he made the deal. He responded, “Craigslist.” I told him that I suspected something like this might happen because Craigslist is infamous for this shit. So, even though we had a bit of an adventure, we have no kitten.
The Journal
Prompt: On a weekend road trip, far away from home, you stumble upon a garage sale in a neighborhood you’re passing through. Astonished, you find an object among the belongings for sale that you recognize. Tell us about it.
We’ve been planning this trip for almost two decades. It used to be a possible family summer trip. Rent an RV, drive across the country, buy plane tickets back home. Visit some national parks along the way. You can deduce that trip never happened. Instead, all three boys live on their own and maybe that’s for the best. It certainly made the plane trip home cheaper.
“Let’s find something to eat.” She says.
I shrug. “You’re driving. You make the stops.”
She pulls off the next exit that advertises a variety of restaurants, gas, and camping. As the sun is going down, and we most likely need gas for “The Beast”, we can kill three birds with one stone. Instead of driving right to a place to eat, she point at a garage sale on the side of the road. I shrug again. She’s driving and is, therefore, the boss. After pulling the car over, we both get out and wander through the garage sale individually. As usual, I don’t find anything of note. Until, I do. Buried in a box of books, I see the proof copy of my collection of short stories, “From Shadows.” These are my memories for sale. How did this get here?
Forgive me for what might be considered navel gazing. It’s just that someone is currently reading the book and giving me some feedback. That always inspires me. Besides, what other object brings with it as many memories as that? Maybe something to do with the kids being younger? Perhaps something from our wedding? Those stories have been a part of my life since before even Christine and the boys. So, while I do apologize for my self indulgence, I come by it honestly. What about you? Do you ever search for memories for sale?