Cringe Worthy


To be honest, this will probably be the first entry that I genuinely have difficulty writing. Never mind the fact that of the top I despise the phrase “cringe worthy”. I don’t see the point to nor the benefit of answering the question posed today. Plus, it’s raining right now. Granted, that means little here in New England where the silly saying is, “If you don’t like the weather, wait a few minutes.” However, even if it stops raining, I’m not feeling terribly inspired nor motivated today.

Both the bigger boys started back to school this week. Our vacations don’t line up anymore because New Hampshire and Massachusetts stagger them. Quinn does remote school until about 1 and Christine stays at school until 5 o clock most nights now that she’s an assistant principal. Besides, I stayed up way too late/early in the morning (to yesterday’s post) watching 30 for 30 documentaries on Hulu. That always saps my motivation the next day. I can’t even find enough to work out and I look forward to that every day.

As a result, today’s entry may not be accompanied by any “outdoor adventure”, not even a walk around town with the Bups. I looked up the weather and it is supposed to break in the rain this afternoon into this evening, so maybe Christine and I will walk today. This page certainly hasn’t lived up to the adventure part just yet. I need to plan out some hikes, even if they are ones that I’ve done before. As I hold out hope that the rain clears and update my Strixhaven review on the main page, ponder today’s question with me.

Question: Do you feel uncomfortable when you see someone else being embarrassed? What’s most likely to make you squirm?


It never stopped raining. Unlike Liam, I decided not to brave the weather and stayed comfy and cozy in the house all day. And so, no outdoor adventure today, not even quick walk to the library like yesterday. Additionally, as mentioned, I have no interest in answering this question. And, so, I regret to inform that today’s entry will end with no conclusion.


I apologize for the half assed nature of this journal. Perhaps that, in and of itself is “cringe worthy”. I like to think that I’m not that meta, but perhaps I outsmarted even myself with this one. Probably not. It’s just one of those days. See you tomorrow.

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