Nerds Are the Worst


Alternate Title: Why Do We Always Hate What We Love? For years, I talked about how Star Wars nerds are the worst. They regularly shit on everything Star Wars related for nearly three decades. The prequels, the sequels, now the various Disney+ projects. It has been exhausting. I just stopped reading and listening so that I could enjoy them in peace.

I repeated the refrain, “Ever since nerd culture became pop culture, nerds feel emboldened to bully one another and the rest of society.” Sure enough, the sickness spread to comic fans who continually scream about “woke” this and “reboots” that. It took a while, but now the cinematic versions of the comics are also falling victim to the sickness. Look, I get that our perpetually online society thrives on division and “controversy”, but can we just have one aspect of our lives that gives us respite from that stupidity? Apparently not. Oh well, let’s start with some of the most recent examples and work backwards. See if we can find a common thread and a way to counteract it.


Warner Bros. hired James Gunn away from Marvel after Guardians of the Galaxy 3 to help them rescue their movies and TV shows and try to put them on the same level as Marvel. He announced a roadmap and that much of what happened before wasn’t a part of it. This irritated the so called “Snyderbots” who showed up to attack the first trailer for Superman. Sight unseen with no concrete evidence, they proclaimed that the film would flop and kill DC off forever from ever making movies or TV shows again. You might argue that’s just a small portion of the audience and that their influence isn’t all that great. If it was, Zack Snyder would have been hired back to patch everything together. Seems easier than rebooting everything again.

On the side of the MCU, things are more murky. They genuinely burned some good will by taking short cuts in movies and TV shows like Quantumania and Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Admittedly, some of that happened due to COVID and tight schedules, but nevertheless it happened. Hell, Deadpool himself asked them to cut their losses on the Multiverse, even as he multiverse hopped to save his own. More recently, I’ve seen the hate from the comic book fans infest the new Captain America movie.

I have some hope because on Rotten Tomatoes, the fans are giving it decent ratings. It’s mostly just the critics that don’t like the movie. And you know what we say about critics around here. Those that can, do. Those that cant, enjoy. And those that can’t even do that become critics. For my money, I intend to go and enjoy what I can with the movie. I already have it on good authority that I will like it.


I got an inkling of the nerd hate during the Marvel Now (I think?) era when they tried to reboot the universe with new characters in their iconic roles. Riri as Iron Heart, Jane Foster as Thor (oh boy, did the manosphere have a field day with that one), and Sam Wilson as Captain America. I joined the Sam Wilson reign during Secret Empire. I loved what they did with the character. Then again, I enjoyed the hell out of Secret Empire. You can find several articles around here about the story.

One of the main arguments nerds made at the time was, “Why redefine already defined characters? Why not come up with new characters?” They almost immediately showed their asses on that argument though, when they crapped on Riri’s character. Okay, fine, while technically a new character, you can make the argument that she shared many commonalities with Iron Man and they intended to replace him with her.

Then, along came Kahhori. Not only was she a completely new character, but they initially made her exclusive to the MCU. One of the episodes of the first season of “What If?”, Kahhori led her people to a successful revolt and overthrow of the colonizers in early America. I mean, hell, if you’re gonna go for it, go for it. Not surprisingly, the mayosapiens were not a fan of this particular origin story. So, yeah, I wonder why they have a problem with Sam Wilson as Cap.

Star Wars

Oh, wow! A new Star Wars movie! How cool is this? Plus, it’s the start of a trilogy that tells the fall and rise of Vader. That’s super cool, right? No, apparently not. As I tell my kids often when they watch the movies (they are Star Wars to them, so they like them best), when the movies first released, Star Wars nerds are the worst of all. They treated them and George Lucas so badly that he told them to fuck off and sold to Disney.

I loved The Phantom Menace. I liked Attack of the Clones fine. And, yes, I remember Revenge of the Sith mostly for the last ten minutes or so of nerdgasm in seeing the rise of Vader. But, watching them again with the kids brought a new appreciation for the movies. Then, when the new trilogy came out, I watched it with them and my father in law. So, nothing people can say will diminish my enjoyment of the movies or the television shows.

The Verdict

Hopefully I made the case that nerds are the worst. I wanted to include video games here. However, this reads like my old thousand word missives from a few years ago. Maybe I will write another article in a couple of months with video games and some of the other instances of nerd on nerd violence. YouTube video hopefully tomorrow.

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