From my last article, you know that I bought myself two gifts this year, a Nintendo Switch and a Retroid Pocket 4 Pro. Truly, mobile gaming is a gift 2024. Both brought me much joy. I always held a soft spot for mobile gaming ever since my parents bought us Game Boys for Christmas one year. I never owned a Game Gear, but I bought myself a Game Boy Color.
Then, Nintendo released the Game Boy Advance. I bought several consoles over the years, including the SP NES version shown in the picture below. That thing got me through 3 years of working overnights in a halfway house for errant teens. Before that, I learned how to solder to put a backlight in my original GBA. And, much of the reason that I played it so much is that I owned a ROM card that allowed me to try many different games on the system. Plus, the games were almost always good.
In keeping with that tradition, the Retroid Pocket became my chosen mobile gaming experience this year. It replaced my daily phone habit of playing Hearthstone and Magic the Gathering. As I discovered new uses for the console, I became more excited about the possibilities.
What is this Thing?
What are those possibilities? Yes, I just practiced the worst type of journalism with a question for a title and a question for the opening of this section. But, I promise that I come by this honestly. Maybe you had those questions? If not, I would have. I’m a naturally curious person.
So, the Retroid pocket family of handhelds, the version 4 pro shown above, are a line of Android powered gaming devices. This provides you with the full suite of Android apps in addition to the various emulators that people developed for the system. Without going into too much detail, I found out that it gives me the ability to relive games up to the “sixth” generation of consoles.
While it looks like any other number of mobile gaming devices (most notably the Switch), that’s part of it’s charm. I’ve seen other mobile PCs that might be more powerful, but they also don’t look very portable or have the best battery life. That was the biggest draw for me when researching the possibilities.
It’s Actually Mobile
I took the Retroid Pocket on our Cape “camping” vacation. We used to tent. Recently, though, we’ve reserved a yurt for these trips, so we have access to a roof, running water, and electricity. So, at the lower end of “glamping”. One of the main reasons that mobile gaming is a gift 2024 in the form of the console is that I can fit it in my back pocket. Also, as Liam said the other day, the battery life on this thing is great.
When I opened the box and started working with the device, I only expected it to be able to allow me to relive my childhood. Play some old Atari and Game Boy advance games wherever I wanted. True enough, initially. However, as I worked more with the system, I found it to be much more powerful that expected. I showed Liam the new additions to the library, and he’s played the thing almost exclusively for the last week or so. I might have to buy another one.
As others succumbed to the iCult, I continued to stubbornly cling to my roots as an Android faithful. What can I say? I know they only give the illusion of control (unless you root, and who has the time for that?) but that illusion proves quite powerful. Because one of the reasons that I stick with Android is the customization offered. The Retroid Pocket is no different. In addition to the normal customizing, the addition of the controllers offer even more ability to make the device your own.
My Experience with the Retroid Pocket
Even with the large amount of customization, the system more or less comes out of the box ready to play. They include a powerful front end that finds and installs emulator cores for you for nearly any system you can imagine. Then, you just need to rip and upload some roms from your games and you’re good to go. Some of the newer and homebrew games include a rom with the cartridge purchase, making that easier.
As mentioned, the Pocket gave me the ability to relive memories from my childhood to early adulthood. I was talking with my brothers in the wake of my mother’s death and we talked about the year we received an NES for Christmas. That led to a discussion of games that I had forgotten and the ability to go back to play those games. I also told a story a few months ago about how my cousins had an NES and Legend of Zelda. That, in a lot of ways, inspired me to ask our parents for one.
Owning the system helped me to advance the web page, too. One of my most viewed recent videos of modern Atari games came from directly recorded gameplay on the console. I’ve used clips and screenshots from the games on our Instagram page. It is quite possibly the perfect mobile gaming console on the market today.
Why Mobile is Still Important in 2024
Gamers have always wanted access to their games on the go. I, especially, love to bring my games with me. From the old magnetic board games we played in the car to my first Game Boy and then the Game Boy Advance, I always brought games with me wherever I go. I first learned about “mobile PCs” when Steam announced the Steam Deck. I preordered one, but then couldn’t justify the expense.
Especially when I learned that the battery life is abysmal and I repaired my old gaming laptop, I had no reason for another, even smaller PC that I’d have to keep plugged in more or less. Fool me once and all that. Well, while reading about other mobile PCs, I learned about the Retroid Pocket. I did some more reading and realized that’s exactly what I want from a mobile gaming console right now. I also bought a Switch for a similar reason.
So, in the sea of smart phones, mobile PCs, and hybrid consoles, I chose the my Retroid Pocket 4 Pro for my mobile gaming is a gift 2024. It gives me (and my son Liam and probably Quinn when he discovers it) exactly what I need from a mobile gaming experience.
The Verdict
I highly recommend you purchase one of these consoles. I have yet to find a reason to regret my own purchase. If you want something portable that lets you experience the glory days of retro gaming, there is no other choice, as far as I’m concerned. Let us know what you think in the comments or on social media.
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