Marvel Legacy Issues September 2024


With my new commitment to making the page more reader friendly, I spread my comics reviews out over the month instead of trying to finish them all in one week. Even so, with all of the new X-Men titles, I need to read and review over a dozen Marvel books. So, I split them up this week into two categories. Lucky for me, one of those categories included Marvel Legacy Issues September 2024.

The Amazing Spider-Man 950 and The Immortal Thor 14 (Legacy 775. Okay, I guess we’re celebrating quarters now. Fine.) both arrived in my DCBS order this month. And, still, even if I review those both in this article and give Sensational She-Hulk the send off she deserves, that’s still twelve books to read and review. I should look at that as a good problem to have. So, I will.

The Amazing Spider-Man 950

Writer: Zeb Wells (Oi), Artist: JRJR.

Quick Synopsis: We open on a flashback where Kingpin and Tombstone are on a safari. Kingpin points out a lion who took over a pack and killed a baby because resources are scarce. Power and something something, you get the point. In the present, Spidey breaks up an arms deal and attempts to keep the illusion alive that he’s working with Tombstone. Something something, tenuous grip on power. Tombstone pulls up while Robby and Peter are talking and “invites” Peter into the limo. Something something and they’re now fighting. The fight gets interrupted by She-Hulk and Luke Cage (Peter’s lawyer and the mayor?) and they take Tombstone into custody. The issue ends with the opening of Tombstone’s trial. There are also two short stories that I only skimmed. One shows how Peter retained She-Hulk’s services. The other mentions Wayep, so yeah.

My Verdict: While not a great issues, this one is decent. It’s not as bad as the worst of Wells. So, I give him credit for a mostly fun story in this landmark issue. I still refuse to read any more of what’s he’s done. Chris told me that it’s been up and down, but I guess I only saw the down. Also, Spidey is my favorite super hero of all time, so you don’t do him dirty and expect me to forgive you any time soon. JRJR’s art has absolutely evolved in a good way over time. While still distinct and blocky and not quit on the level of dear old dad, I don’t mind it as much on this book right now. Decent and that’s saying something from me, a know drinker of “Zeb Wells Amazing Spider-Man” haterade.

The Immortal Thor 14 (Legacy 775)

Writer: Al Ewing, Artist: Jan Bazaldua

Quick Synopsis: This, too, opens with some background. Rhea seeks the wisdom of Gaea to help keep her child alive. Because of Gaea’s actions, the child is doomed to be devoured by Chronos. Chronos arrives, takes the child, but spares him. That child grows up to be Zeus, who fulfills the prophecy of Gaea. In the present, Thor and Hercules wander through the dark realm that they were banished to. The book is billed as Thor the All-Father vs. Zeus the Skyfather and it doesn’t disappoint. A fun story and battle steeped in Norse mythology. It ends with Thor defeating Zeus and taking his power. Hercules isn’t so sure he likes the new Thunder God, but Thor tells him not to worry.

My verdict: I admit to not getting the first couple of issues of this book when Al Ewing took over. The whole Roxxon thing turned me off a bit. I know that it has deep roots in Marvel Comics history. However, it just didn’t work for me. I knew that Ewing would figure it out. He always does. But, after his masterful run on The Incredible Hulk and great stories on Venom, I just found the whole thing weird. I’m not familiar with the artist on this one, but they bring the head (well, lightning) in the fight without going overboard. I mean, they could be forgiven as it is two gods fighting for supremacy, but they show restraint. And, the more introspective scenes are painted with a deft hand to bring some balance to the story. Great. I love the mythology piece and the fight really was awesome.

The Verdict

We knew going in that Marvel Comics Legacy Issues September 2024 might be a bit of a mixed bag. I hoped for a decent Spider-Man story and got that. I didn’t know what to expect from Thor both because it’s such a weird milestone to celebrate but also because the Roxxon story still lingers in the back of my mind. But, I loved this issue.

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