Marvel Comics September 2024 Part 3


At long last, we arrive at the final article for our comic reviews. In fact, we celebrate two milestones. I also gave up on making any interactive elements for this year’s Spooktober and went with a boring old banner instead. Maybe next year. Additionally, Marvel Comics September 2024 Part 3 represents the final article for last month’s selection of books. Hopefully things run more smoothly in the coming months. But, no promises.

This article brings Venom and 2 X-Books for our enjoyment. If you want a TLDR; Venom has been inconsistent for a while, I’m not sure how I feel about X-Force’s just yet, and Jed McKay’s X-Men got off to a decent start last time. If you, instead, want more depth, keep reading.

Venom 36 (Legacy 236)

Writer: Torunn Gronbekk, Artist: Cafu

Quick Synopsis: Someone who looks and acts very much like Cable fights against some alien or cybernetic monster. H realizes that to finish his mission he needs to die, but that time is not yet. Speaking of time, he jumps through time to “Now” and assesses the situation in the Venom War. I actually know nothing about Venom War, but the issue ends with Spider-Man confronting who we now know is Old Man Venom.

My verdict: Too many crossovers and events for Venom lately. I said the book was uneven, but it’s more that there’s just too much homework right now to completely understand what’s going on. I hope that Venom War leads to some sort of soft reboot and a jumping on point for people. Otherwise, it’s just going to get more convoluted from this point forward and who has the time to read all that backstory? Decent.

X-Force 2 (Legacy 292)

Writer: Geoffrey Thorne, Artist: Marcus To

Quick Synopsis: Forge’s team moves on from the events of the previous issue right into Wakanda. The run afoul of the Wakandans and surrender to Black Panther. He threatens to wipe all mutants off the planet again, but Forge intervenes. Through the battle, they seal the fracture int he planet. No time to celebrate. The shit is hitting the fan on Cambodia.

My verdict: A group of Forge’s hand picked mutants from the bench that act as mercenaries to clean up the fallout from the Krakoa messy ending. Seems like my kind of book, right? Well, yes and no. Still having trouble wrapping my head around the whole team and caring all that much what happens to them. This might be the first to go when I start trimming the pull list again. Decent.

X-Men 2 and 3 (Legacy 302 and 303)

Writer: Jed McKay
Artist: Ryan Stegman

Quick Synopsis: A mutant named Ben rambles about alien abduction. A social worker tries to calm him. As it turns out, Ben had something to be worried about. Scott’s new team of X-Men fights off the aliens and takes in a badly injured Ben to try to figure out what happened to him. In the next issue, Scott debriefs with a contact from the US government, the rest of the team fights to keep themselves and their new headquarters safe. The issue ends with Scott and the team standing off against the government, insinuating that a war might be imminent. Scott retires to a bathroom to get his shit together.

My verdict: Unlike X-Force, which Marvel promoted as “finding its stride”, this book is already in stride and off and running. Granted much of that comes from the fact that we know and love almost all of the characters in this book. Also, Jed McKay has proven himself a prolific and good comic book writer. I will continue to give X-Force a shot, but only because I feel like this all leads to another X-Men/Avengers mega event at some point and I want to be up to date when it happens. Stegman’s art isn’t as clean as the other two X-Books I read, but I still like his style and it brings a fun to the book that counters the seeming constant trauma and tragedy right now. Good.

Final Verdict

Marvel Comics September 2024 Part 3 ends the month on a bit of a downturn. The books aren’t bad. It’s just that one of them requires too much homework right now and I haven’t quite fully bought into the other. X-Men is great and I can’t wait to read more of that one. As a final thought, you may have noticed I didn’t mention the art in Venom or X-Force. While good, I don’t necessarily collect for the art. I didn’t want it gone unsaid that I liked it, though.

Images taken from the mothership.

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