Thanks to the number of X-Books I ordered, The Incredible Hulk reaching a milestone issue, and writing a separate article for the two Ultimate titles that arrived, I only have 4 titles to review for Marvel Comics December 2024. Two of them have two issues each, though, so a total of six books in the queue. A far cry from a few months ago, but much more manageable as a group.
Amazing Spider-Man 61 and 62 (Legacy 955 and 956)
Writer: Joe Kelly, Artist: Ed McGuinness.
Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Strange surrendered the power of the Sorcerer Supreme to Doom in an attempt to save the world. He uses that power to pick Spidey as his champion in a fight against supernatural enemies. This results in a new magical suit and powers plus eight lives with which to accomplish the task. As the title of the arc suggests, he’s two for two on using up those lives in the battles. Pretty gruesome deaths, too.
You all know that I took a long hiatus from ASM. I just couldn’t do it anymore. I hated everything that Zeb Wells did with the character. They made up for it by bringing Kelly on to right the ship with classic Spidey artist, Ed McGuinness. So far, the pace and tone of the title is much better and I think I’m going to be okay with Spidey going forward. My verdict: Good
The Avengers 20 (Legacy 786)
Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: This issue follows up on the story of Black Panther in the alternate dimension. He fights to free the prisoners from that prison as the rest of the team works on the outside to keep Doom at bay. This issue focuses completely on his story and ends with a question from T’Challa about his potential future.
I enjoyed this issue quite a bit. I think it’s my favorite Avengers issue since the first story line. What’s funny is that it’s essentially a Black Panther solo story. But, it’s the kind of Panther story that I prefer. On the ground (admittedly in an alternate dimension) fighting for the liberation of others. My verdict: Good
Captain America 14 and 15 (Legacy 764 and 765)
Writer: JMS, Artists: Carlos Magno and Jesus Sais
Quick Thoughts and Synopsis: In the shadow of the madness of his previous adventure, Cap teams up with two other former Avengers for this next one. They embark on the mission that, as others have promised (or threatened) will bring them together or tear them apart. The first stop is a small town in Oklahoma where they learn of Thor’s shame experienced there. They fight against Dark Asgard to save the soul of the town and it may prove to be too much after all.
I wrote that the previous adventure felt too supernatural for a Captain America story. This one continues that trend, so I guess JMS is just bringing that corner of the Marvel Comics into Captain America. It makes more sense with Thor on his side, but still feels a little weird. Normally I like weird. I just think the imbalance of real life tempers my enjoyment some. My verdict: Decent.
The Immortal Thor 17 (Legacy 778)
Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The past again catches up with the Thunder God. Four gods, called into being by his enemies, stalk Thor. While he could defeat them individually, their mutual hatred and ability to work together might finally do him in and end his reign already. However, he defeats them. Enchantress comes to him and they go back to meet his son, Magni.
I normally love everything Ewing does. His Hulk remains my favorite version of the character ever. Then, he brought Venom some semblance of sanity before the whole Knull nonsense. His Thor, though, confuses me. I never entirely understood the Roxxon beginning of the story, then things started to come together and now he throws us another curveball with Magni. I hold out hope that he’ll bring all these threads together. Right now, though, I’m confused. My verdict: Decent.
The Verdict
Marvel Comics December 2024 is a mixed bag. I’m glad Spidey’s back. The Avengers Black Panther story was great. Cap and Thor feel like both writers are taking too many liberties right now with the characters and stories. But, they’re still mostly enjoyable, so I’ll forgive them for now.
Pictures taken from Marvel.