Fallout Episode 8 Plot Summary


We come to the last day of Fallout from the end of school 2024. I think it’s been a successful endeavor. Ever since refocusing my attention to the page, I’ve gotten better and better about keeping it updated. Now, if only I could get some readers. Oh well, ultimately this is for myself first, so as long as I’m happy, then who cares. Speaking of happy, this Fallout episode 8 plot summary might just make you the opposite. A lot going on here. Let’s get started. And, as always, if you’d rather watch yourself (and I recommend that), head on over to our favorite multinational conglomerate.

Max on Trial

Vertibird approaching

Max is in the bird. He stares at the soldiers holding him.

He flashes back to his good-bye with Lucy. Looks down at the “head”. The vertibird heads to Filly. They report back that the locals put up a fight, but so did they. The brotherhood has a base at Filly.

Two more soldiers lead Max to the leader. He looks down on the proceedings with contempt.

Quintus: You’re wearing the knight’s red. Where is your knight?

Max: He’s dead.

Q: This is not hte first time a Brother in your company has fallen into misfortune…looks at Dane…is it?

Dane hands the head to Quintus. They scan it.

Q: I fear you lied then. Just as you lie now. He throws the head at Max.

The soldiers force him to kneel. Monks chant last rights. Another soldier comes up behind him with a gun.

M: Wait, wait, wait. Please listen to me! I can get you the real head.

Q: Confess.

M: Don’t kill me and I can lead you to it!

gun cocks

Dane looks nervous or guilty: Please m’lord. My injury was my doing, not his.

M: Please! I can help you.

D: For the sake of the Brotherhood, please listen to him!

Q: Such a display of loyalty. Don’t see that much anymore. 

Quintus spares Max.

In Our Image

Somber music playing

Q: You think you’re the first squire who coveted his knight’s armor? How did Titus die?

M: He died running.

Q: THe Brotherhood has lost its way. We once ruled the Wasteland. And yet power is taken, not given. A lesson you seem to have learned. So, if what you say is true and you can lead us to the relic, then together, you and I. We will take power. ANd with it…we will start a new Brotherhood. WIth me as it’s head and the likes of you as its sword. he smiles Your entire life you’ve been looking for a home.

Max flashback to that knight

Build one with me.

Max looks intrigued.

Switch to Lucy at a gate. Her Pip Boy tells her she’s reached her destination. A corn field and a bombed out museum or something. She’s led by two soldiers to the building. People living and laughing next to a ghoul. The ghoul says, “It’s her.”

Cooper Makes His Choice

Another switch to The Ghoul. He walks with Dogmeat through a bombed out city.

Flashback to a Vault-Tec building.

Barb: Thanks for the ride.

Cooper: It’s the least I can do.

Barb: Someone with a ride this nice usually wouldn’t be willing to get their hands dirty. 

They kiss. Love yous. Have a great day.

He sighs and puts the bug in his ear. Bud pulls up.

Barb notices that her Pip Boy is acting strange. It’s always transmitting. Bud talks to Cooper about his new program to keep people alive for centuries. At the very least, he insinuates that. Cooper tunes the bug, then takes it out of his ear. He exits the car and walks up to the building.

Lucy Finds Her Dad

The soldiers lead Lucy through a door and into a bombed out office. Moldaver and a ghoul sit at a table. Her father is in a cage. Soldiers cut her off. 

Moldaver: Welcome. The ghoul snarls Join us. I’ts my turn to host, isn’t it.

Lucy smiles: I’ve had a lot of time to think about this moment. You wouldn’t believe the things that wenth through my head. One night I tried to stuff a grenade through the neck hole. Guess I was going to sneak in here and blow everyone up. But, that’s not how I was raised. So, if you don’t mind. I’m going to keep things civil. She puts the head on Moldaver’s food. Brough you your friend just like you asked. Now, please, give me my dad back. Ghoul snarls.

Moldaver: Very well. But, first, what if I tell you how I know your father. Who he really is?

Hank: NO, Lucy. Don’t listen. 

Moldaver: You think your father was born in a vault. Like you. Like your brother.

Meet the Brain Roomba

Cut to Vault 31: This is ridiculous. The future of humanity. The key to the future of humanity. This is ridiculous. All right right. This one’s it. I’ll get it this time. Buds voice from the roomba on a brain. 

Thank you, Betty. Wait. You’re not Betty. Or Hank. You only share 50 percent of Hank’s DNA. No, no, no. Execute protocol 53. Roomba brain threatens Norm with a needle. I won’t answer your questions unless you let me inject you with this. Wait, stand still. No, don’t you go in there!

Norm heads to the secret door.

Don’t read anything or turn on the lights. Or access the terminal.

In the Belly of the Beast

Cooper: Know any idea when she’ll be back?

Secretary: Sorry. She’s in a meeting. Something bout vertical integration.

Cooper: Above my pay grade.

S: Yeah, me too. By the way, there’s a new guy working with Barb. Big fan of yours.

C: Henry. He’s called the house a few times.

S: Mind if I give him a chance to meet you?

Puts the bug in.

Won’t Someone Think of the Children?

Bud says something about America being great because of the collection of all the heads of corporations.

Bud. Welcome.

SEedy looking fat cats looking seedy.

Big MT: Let’s call this what it is. Your sales aren’t up to snuff and you need money.

RobCo: You’re one to talk. YOu could lose money running a casino. Laughing

Bud: Our sales are fine. Sure, rumors of a peace negotiation set us back, but we’re here with an opportunity.

West Tec: I don’t get the vaults. WHen it’s time to get out, whoevers on the surface will probably be stone age creatures who eat whoever steps out of those vaults. 

Bud. That isn’t an issue. Our vaults have the resources to last centuries. Meanwhile, our competitors–everyone who isn’t us–will be dead on the surface. Because after all, what is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction?

COoper: Time

Bud: Time. Time is ultimate weapon. And in the end, time is how we will defeat our enemies. That is how we will win the great game of capitalism. Not by outfighting anyone, but outliving them.

RobCo: Even if you survive long enough, I’ve learned one thing. When you put a bunch of rats in a nest, eventually they start eating each other. How do you know your rats will be any better than the animals ont he surface?

Overlapping chatter.

A shadowy figure. Barb refocuses the conversation.

Cooper: Come on, Barb. Set em straight.

Barb: When I think about the future, I think about my daughter, Janey. How do I provide her with a better future. That’s what we invited you here to discuss.

Cooper: Yes.

B: And how do we design our vault societies so our children have that better future? I suggest we hedge our bets.

Bud’s Buds

Brain Roomba: Wait! I am the overseer here! My orders must be followed!

Norm keeps walking.

Why isn’t this working. This is conflict resolution 101.

N: Where is the rest of the vault?

BR: This is the rest of the vault. 

N: Is this where my dad’s from?

BR: You’ll never find out. Norm turns on lights. Oh, he’s gonna find out. A bunch of cryopods.

Norm looks shook.

BR: These are Bud’s Buds. My buds. America outsourced the survival of this country to the private sector. But it would have been insane to keep a failed nation alive. So, we kept Vault Tec alive instead. A well-trained staff of highly supervised junior executives from my own assistant training program. Because the future of humanity comes down to one word: Management.

May the Best Idea Win

Back to the room and Bud.

Barb: Bud here has an idea for three interconnected vaults. But we need more ideas. We need your ideas. Because it was the spirit of competition that make our companies great, and I propose that we bring that same spirit of competition to our solution. We have over a hundred vaults spread across America. Enough for each of you to claim several. Where you can come up with your own ideas of how to create the perfect conditions for humanity. Whatever you want to do. No one needs to know.

Bud looks pissed.

And may the best idea win.

The Epitome of HR R&D

Norm: What’s vault 32 and 33? Just people to be controlled?

BR: What? No! When you pit it like that, it sounds downright morally questionable. They’re our breeding pool, the ultimate expression of HR R&D. Genetically selected to breed with my Buds to create the ultimate managers. People with positivity. People who make lemonade. People who will inherit the earth after we wipe the surface clean.

N: We wiped the surface clean?

Cooper. Meet Your Wife. Cooper. Meet Henry.

All kinds of ideas come up with ideas.

Intentional overcrowding. A vault governed by robots. Develop super mutants. Drug into the air. Separate children and parents.

RobCo: It’s a fun idea. A lot of earning potential with the end of the world. But we’re talking bout making a significant investment based on a hypothetical How do you guarantee results?

Barb: By dropping the bomb ourselves.

Cooper is fucked.

Betty: Mr Howard? Mr Howard? Everything all right, Mr Howard?

C: I’m fine. I’m-I’m fine, Betty.  

B: He is so excited to meet you.

Barb: A nuclear event would be a tragedy. But, also an opportunity. Perhaps the greatest opportunity in history. Because when we are the only ones left, there will be no one to fight. A true monopoly

Henry: Mr. Cooper. I’m a huge fan. I’m Henry, but everyone calls me Hank. (Yeah, that Hank) Wow.

Lucy Meets Her Mom

VO (Moldaver): Your father has been around a very long time. Part of an organization that thought they had the answers to all the world’s problems. 

Lucy is shook

Young Hank repeats the famous scene. Feo, fuerte, y formal.

Barb: This is our chance to make war obsolete. Because in our current societal formation, which took shape without intentional guidance, we have friction. We have conflict, and we have war. And war, well, war never changes. 

Cooper is double fucked. Hank asks for an autograph.

Moldaver: He never told you where he’s really from. When he’s from. He never told your mother, either.

Lucy: What do you know about my mother?

Moldaver: She was like you. Kind, loving, curious. Isn’t that why you came to the surface, really? To know why I took your father?

The Brotherhood Preps to FSU

Brotherhood getting ready for a fight. Looks like a big one. 

Dane approaches Max. 

Max; Thank you.

Dane doesn’t respond.

Wait. Dane, they’re sending you.

D: Punishment for what I did to myaelf. Hey, I was just scared of going in the Wilds. I had no idea they’d blame you for it. I…I’m sorry.

M: Don’t be. I was meant to go on that mission. I met someone. But right now, she’s walking into danger.

D: That’s why you came back. To save her.

M: I’m leaving with her and going back where she came from. A vault. It’s a place that’s peaceful..safe. A place that never goes to war. 

D: What?

Maggots, clear out! Yes, sir!

D: There’s nowhere safe, Max. And there’s no leaving. I wish there was

Max is shook.

Vertibirds take off.

Cold Fusion

Back at Moldaver’s camp. M: Rose was so clever. Like you. Lucy, your mother discovered that something was siphoning away the vaults water. From that one clue, she deduced that maybe civilization returned to the surface. When she told her husband, he said it was ridiculous. Hank tries to interrupt. That’s when she discovered that her husband, the Overseer, was hiding things. Hank tries to interrupt again. She ran away. Like you did, Lucy. And took her children. And she found this wonderful city that was everything the vaults promised. Then her husband came and when she vowed not to return, he took the children back. And he burned that city to the ground.

Shady Sands.

Hank: She’s lying, Lucy.

Moldaver: That’s how Vault Tec deals with the competition. Just like they did 200 years ago. 

Lucy is trying to reconcile all of this. She sees Moldaver in her memory at Shady Sands.

Moldaver: Lucy. What you brought me. It’s cold fusion. Limitless Energy. And we can build our own world. A better world. Clean water and power. When Vault Tec bought my technology, they made it proprietary so that only a Vault Tec minion can activate cold fusion. Hank’s trying to derail. All I need is for him to give me the code. Hank loses his shit.

Lucy: My mother. What happened to her?

Moldaver: I think you know.

Lucy looks at Dad, then the ghoul. The ghoul is wearing Mom’s medallion.

Hank tries again. Lucy cries. Just give her the code. Give her the code.Give her the code, Dad.

Moldaver offers a keyboard. Hank types in the code. The cold fusion fires up. The energy level rises. Hank is forlorn. Lucy is broken.

Can You Wait Here? Just a Few Centuries.

Back in Vault 32. BR wanders. Norm looks at the list. Everyone he knows. It was great meeting you. I have to go back home.

BR: You can’t go home, Son of Hank. Doors close. Not with what you’ve learned.

N: So you’re just going to keep me here.

BR: Just until we’re all ready to go back to the surface. 

N” That couldn be hundreds of years. 

BR; That’s why I suggest you wait it out in your dad’s pod. Unless you want to starve to death. Not much food in here except for the occasional large bug. I’d certainly put myself to sleep if I could.

Norm approaches the pods.

When the Shit Goes Down

Lucy and Hank just look at one another.

Hank: I did what was necessary to save our people. And that woman over there. She’s no different than me. Energy tops out. Ready. She goes to hit the test. 

Air ride sirens. Incoming!

Moldaver: The Brotherhood? Nods. Barricade the doors. Don’t let anyone in here! Let’s move!

Hank: Lucy? I loved your mother. But she stopped being your mother when she left home. When she took you into danger.

Vertibirds on the way. Anti aircraft missiles meet them.

Hank: YOu’ve seen what it’s like up here.Everyone equally afraid, equally miserable. Forced to do horrible things to survive. Lucy. I had to make a choice. Between their violent world and our peaceful one. And I believe, Lucy, I know I made the right choice.

Shit goes down, proving him right?

Max makes his way to the observatory

Shit still going down. Just an absolute massacre.

Hank: If the problem with the world is factions, endlessly at war, then what is the solution but to get rid of the factions. To make the world us, only ours to shape.

They make it into the observatory, just mowing MFers down.


The Ghoul: I bet that outfit makes you feel like a big man. Well, I know it does because I used to wear one back in the day. There was only one problem with it. There was a flaw in the welding just below the chestplate. I wonder if they fixed it with this model. I guess not. kills a knight 

The lights get shot out and a firefight ensues. The Ghoul ends up on top

Hank:Open the door Lucy and let’s go home. Please, open the door Lucy.

Okey Dokey

A headless armor walks in. Then Max.

Max: Lucy! Lucy!

Hank: Hey, I’m her father. Can you get me out of here? Max shoots the lock.

We’ve got to get out of here.

Lucy: No. Ntrot with him.

M: Why not with him?

L: It was him. 

M: What was him. Lucy, what?

L: Shady Sands.

Little Max in the fridge.

L: It was him. I’m sorry.

Hank grabs the armor. Lucy, you’re coming with me. Max tries to charge. Hank clocks him. Lucy tries to get him to wake up. She pulls a gun on dear old dad. 

H: You see what this place does to people. I’m your father, Lucy. You came all this way for me. You’re not gonna hurt me. THe Ghoul shoots.

G: You want another autograph, young Henry. Feo, fuerte, y formal. WHen your daughter says her last name was McLean, I couldn’t believe it was the McLean. This guy used to pick up my wife’s dry cleaning. I’ve waited over 200 years to ask somebody one question. Where’s my fucking family? 

Hand turns tail and runs.

Lucy again tries to revive Max. He’s out. The aftermath of the battle and still gunfire in the distance.

G: War never changes. You look out at this Wasteland. It looks like chaos. But there’s always somebody behind the wheel. And that’s who I want to talk to. That’s where your daddy is headed. Easier to track a stuck pig than ask where he’s going. YOu want to know how I know your Daddy. Let’s just say that everything about your whole little world was decided over 200 years ago. Now, you can stay here with him. But when his tin can soldier friends take the place–and they will take the place–they will kill you and everybody here.Or you could come meet your makers.

Lucy eyes the gun. She draws, aims, and shoots Mama Ghoul.

G: You coming? He walks off. Lucy stays with Max. Another attempt to rouse him.

Lucy: I’ll find you. She kisses him. Okey dokey.

Limitless Power

The cold fusion still stands READY. 

Max’s eyes open. Gunfire in the distance. Lucy.Lucy. He tries to stand and stumbles. Lucy.

Moldaver: Rose.She limps into the room and presses the button to activate. Cold fusion ignites. Moldaver sits in the chair next to Rose. We did it, Rose. Lights flicker on into the distance. Max walks to stand next to Moldaver. She smiles.

Moldaver: What do you suppose your Brotherhood would do with infinite power. Maybe you can stop them. Maybe you can’t. Maybe all you can do is try. She reveals a would on her abdomen and falls unconscious. Dane shows up. Is that their leader. Max nods. You killed her.

M: No, Dane.

D: All hail, Maximum. That shalt be Knight hereafter. 

All hail Knight Maximus. Repeats.

Max is not okay.

To Be Continued…

The Ghoul comes up out of a mausoleum door and walks to the Hollywood sign. Dogmeat joins him. Lucy, too. Hollywood is sponsored by Nuka=Cola.

Hank walks in the armor through the wasteland. A Deathclaw skull.

He overlooks New Vegas.

Adventure Awaits in February 2025!