Fallout Episode 7 Plot Summary


I watched the episode on Sunday. But, the Fallout episode 7 plot summary came today because I felt quite under the weather the last few days. I still recorded Jurassic Park yesterday in spite of that, but I concentrated on other things (like teaching myself crocheting) rather than do the write ups for Fallout. But, now, enjoy!

Lead Farming

Atmospheric music playing

Flyover of the Wasteland to a stripped building and a man digging beside it. Also using a metal detector. He has a basket full of “treasures”. Picks up a bullet casing and waves to another man doing the same. They walk together to a settlement of two houses.Put the casings in the forge to melt them down.

Adam: Sandra, we’re home.

The Ghoul meets them sitting at a table eating. Ominous music plays

A: Sandra?

The Ghoul slowly takes another bite. The man looks scared shitless. Sandra comes in with a glass of water.

G: Thank you darling. Oh wait, you though… He laughs Come on now

A: Sandra, wait outside. 

G: Lead farming huh? Hell, I probably got some of the old lead in me somewhere. But today I’m just looking for information.

A: I’ll tell you anything. Just leave us in peace.

G: Say, am I out of date, or did I hear you had three kids?

A: I had an older son, but he’s gone. He took up with the madwoman in the hills two years ago. We haven’t heard from him since.

G: Hmm. There’s always some new faction isn’t there. A brand new team with their own dumbass ideas about how they gonna save the world. What did you say the name of your eldest was? Was it Roofus?

A: I didn’t say.

G: That must make you Tommy.

The Madwoman

A: What did you do? What’s in that envelope?

G: Well, you see daddy-o, Ol’ Roofus got Tommy here mixed up with that madwoman, too. Now, according to this, Roofus sent Tommy a stash of caps to pay a courier for the “safe transport of an Enclave defector” to that very same madwoman in the hills. Moldaver. But my problem is, by the time I got this letter off your brother, it was a bit hard to read holds up the letter with a bloody gunshot through it For some reason, I just can’t make our her location. Now, you give me that location and I’ll be on my way.

Moldaver Now…

Tommy: I’m sorry.

A: Tel him Tommy. Just tell him.

T: I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life digging through dirt. I wanted to build something and we have the chance 

A: Tell him what he wants to know or else he’s going to kill us all. Including your little sister.

G: Huh.

Tommy hesistates. She’s–she’s at the observatory. 

A: Now, please, leave us.

G: So what you think, Tommy. Am I really walking out of here today or are you gonna try to draw on me for what I did to your big brother? 

A: He won’t.

G: Maybe not today, but someday.

Tommy reaches for the gun. The ghoul shoots him in the shoulder.

A: Tommy! He reaches to catch his son. 

somber music playing

The Ghoul stands, grabs his things, and walks slowly out.

…And Then

MIss Williams (VO): What is it about California that we all came to this place? The Ghoul inhales.

Flashback to the meeting.

Williams: Maybe it’s the sunshine. Maybe it’s the friendly people. You think about the promise of the American dream, you think of California. But it is just a dream. It isn’t real. We were told teh atom bomb meant the end of war. That didn’t work out, did it. We were told America’s always getting better, it’s always moving towards a better future. But the future is geting closer, and we can see it.Their “better future” is a cliff’s edge. And it’s coming up fast, isn’t it. These soldiers that we’re fighting, well, we have more in common with them than we do with the people here in power, the real enemy. 

Cooper: That’s about all the horseshit I can take.

Dallas: Coop. Coop, come on.

W: Mr. Howard. I’m sorry. I didn’t hear what you said.

C: I said that, uh, this is about al lthe horseshit I can take.


W: I didn’t realize that America’s favorite gunslinger was so sensitive.


C: I have my principles, Ms. WIliams. That’s all.

W: Uh huh and those principles of yours. How much did Vault-Tec pay to take them off your hands?

C: Well, this is America. Everyone has a sponsor and I’m not ashamed to make a living.

W: Vault-Tec is the largest company in America. There’s a lot of money in selling the end of the world. 

C: Well, I’m sure there’s a lot of money in selling a political ideology that ends in breadlines.

Woman in crowd: Fascist.

D: Okay, uh, sorry, this was a mistake. We’ll be leaving. 

W: No, no, I’m quite glad you brought Mr. Howard today. You see, it happens that I know your wife. And perhaps a side of her you don’t.

Contemplative music.

Cold Fusion Realized

Cooper chuckles. Cut to the two of them walking down the hall.

C: How do you know my wife.

W: My research company was acquired by her division. We were developing this kind of technology that’s…difficult to monetize. Cold fusion. Infinite energy. That’s what I was on the verge of achieving when Vault-Tec swept in an bough up every company I’d ever worked for. 

C: Every one of them. So, what are you, some kind of millionaire communist?

W: Democracy is like the violence in your movies. If you only let bad guys use it, the bad guys win. 

C: Yeah? I got a show biz secret for you. A good bad guy doesn’t see themselves as the bad guy. 

W: America has been locked in a resource war for decades. Vault-Tec bought the means to end that war, the same war you fought, to put it on the shelf. All because it didn’t fit into their business model. I want your help in getting it back.

C: What is is?

W: It’s a listening device.

C: A listening device? You want me to spy on my wife. Chuckles.

Stare off.

C: Good luck with the revolution.

W: You can keep it. As a token. I’m not a communist Mr. Howard. That’s just a dirty word they use to describe people who aren’t insane.

She walks off. He stares and then looks down at the bug. Keeps it and looks back to her.

Meanwhile, in Vault 4

Eerie music playing. Outside shot of vault 4. Inside shot. The lab.

Birdie (to a handcuffed Lucy): We let you into our homes. Tended to your wounds, gave you food and water. 

Overseer: But you had to go to level 12.

Lucy: I saw what you were doing to those poor women. You’re experimenting on them. It’s..it’s sick.

B: She needs to see the holo deck.

O: Okay, play the tape.

Birdie starts the tape. On the screen a man comes into view. A woman screams in the background.

L: What is this?

Fallout Episode 7 Plot Summary (Your History)

B: Your history.

On the screen: Lloyd: Overseer Hawthorne, final log entry. At this point it would be irrational for me not to say that these may be my last words. CRASH. But despite our results here, I want to say that a society governed by scientists — woman in the background: honey, hey! –really the ideal social structure. pounding on door What happened here should not be a case study for what happens when scientists are given unregulated control. Woman again: Lloy, gimme a little help! Back to lloyd: And-and-and-and hybridizing humans with radioactive-resistant species still has potential. Thudding Our test subjects were less compliant than we expected. creature roars and the camera falls. Screaming Cassandra, no! creature growls Screaming, No! A gulper comes into the frame and eats the camera. 

Lucy looks shook.

O: sniffles Sorry, I haven’t–haven’t seen that footage in a long time. Birdie consoles him. But it’s a stirring reminder of what this place is all about.

L: I-I don’t understand, I..In the lab I saw the doctors. Trying to ease the pain of the poor souls your people lured into this place. His ancestors were used as lab rats by the original residents of vault 4. Until the lab rats rebelled.

O: The creature in the video was actually my Great-Uncle Peter on my mom’s side. 

L: I’m so sorry. I.I had no idea the original vault dwellers here were so weird. I mean, my vault’s not like this. weak smile

O: What was the experiment in 33?

L: Well, there is no experiment.

Lucy, Cruel?

tense music playing

B: Your ignorance cannot excuse your cruelty. You have infected our home with violence and now, you must pay the price. 

Two men come in and put a bag over her head. L: Stop! Please. Please, I’m a good person. They lead her down the residence hall. 

Max, still in the chair, eating popcorn and watching TV. Lucy and guards go by. Lucy: Please let me go. Let me go.  Max looks stunned? Concerned? He looks at his popcorn then back out the window. He puts the popcorn down.

Max stands.

Thaddeus is a Son of a Bitch

Cut to Thaddeus and Dogmeat making their way to a Red Rocket gas station. Dogmeat barks and tries to take the bag from Thaddeus. Thaddeus takes a break in the trunk of a car and takes off his boot. His sock is all bloodied. He groans and takes off his sock. His foot is shredded. I’m gonna fucking die, he says. 

Dogmeat takes a few licks. 

Ow, hey, that’s my foot, it’s not food, okay? If you were a person, you wouldn’t have any friends, you realize that? Okay, I gotta reevaluate here. What do I need, what do I need? This stupid fucking thing? You want this, too, huh? Everybody wants this. Guess what? It’s mine. He puts the ehad in a bag. You think everythings for you. It’s pretty selfish, actually, you know that? Bit what you wanna bite. Go where you wanna go. It’s always something. Okay.Oh hell yea. You can’t eat this. Looks like a grenade.

He looks over to the Nuka Cola dispenser. You know what/?

Opening the lid. Oh yeah, this is great Lot of space. You’re a loose cannon, all right? You’re a loose cannon and I can’t have you jeapordizing it. It’s bigger than you. It’s bigger than all of us. He locks Dogmeat in the fridge. Oh see, you got a little window and everything. You’ll be fine. Dogmeat tries to scratch his way out. You can breathe in there, right? He opens and closes the lid. All right, got a radio tower to find. Got to contact the Brotherhood, giet them this head, and get me some glory. He walks off with the radio

Max to the Rescue?

Back in vault 4. 

Birdie leads an angry crowd. We are all survivors here. Lucky enough to have found lucy is locked in a stocks of sorts this sanctum of peace. Of tolerance. It doesn’t matter where you come from or what you believe. YOu deserve safety. she puts up two fingers and they go silent. Unless, you threaten that peace. The overseer walks onto the stage. He grabs a sword. 

O: For causing harm to a fellow survivor, you are hereby sentenced to death holds the sword aloft by banishment to the surface. he cuts her binds gently It’s almost there. Need to get that sharpened please. Everyone cheers, happy with the result.

Birdie silences them again.

L: You’re just letting me go?

O: Well, that’s certainly an optimistic perspective. You’ll be killed almost immediately on the surface by lord knows what. That’s why we’re giving you two weeks of supplies to take with you. Thank you Cathy. After that, you are on your own, Goosey! 

L: Uh..that’s uh..that…really nice of you guys.

O: Okay and now it is time to be moving along. 

L: Can I just ask you one thing?

O: Obviously someone will carry the supplies to the surface for you. 

L: My friend really likes it here and he’s a good person. He deserves to be somewhere nice and safe like this. I know I’m not in the position to be asking favors chuckles. Cut to Max stealing the core But. can he stay? lights go out

Back up power initiated. Max is back in the armor. triumphant music

Max: Let…her…go!

The Platters: Only You

A dweller falls into the frame. Max enters. Dwellers scatter. Lucy tries to get his attention as he effs ess up. Tossing people, trees, soda dispensers. 

L: TItus, stop. They’re letting me go.

M: Really?

L: Yeah

M: Oops…Sorry. Somebody maybe check on him.

Max and Lucy Back Together Again

Cut to them in the elevator, then walking from the vault.

M: What? 

L: You stole their fusion core.

M: Well, yeah, but You know, I needed it for the armor.

L: Without their fusion core, their auxiliary power will only last for a few days and..and then what?

M” No..no.

L: Yes.

M: No

L: The right thing is giving it back.

M: Without the fusion core, the armor is worthless. I can’t be a knight.

L: Well, you can’t be a knight by stealing from people either.

M: But I can help people with this armor.  All right? You for example. I want to help you. You really want to give the fusion core back if it means you don’t get your dad? 

L: If my dad found out that I destroyed an entire community to save him, that’s break his heart. I can’t.

Max removes the core. He hands it to Lucy. She returns it. He looks wistfully back at the armor and they walk off. He tosses the core back at a janitor cleaning the floor.

L: Thinking about those oysters?

M: Mmmhmm.

He smiles. They leave the building.

L: we don’t have oysters in my vault. We have canned tuna. BUt if you like oysters, I’m pretty sure you’ll like canned tuna. I was supposed to marry a stranger from another vault. It didn’t work out too good. I don’t have the best luck when it comes to strangers. Hey, Titus, I can’ honestly say you are the best stranger I ever met. You are a good person. And you could, if you wanted to, when this is all over, come live in vault 33. With me. 

M: There’s something I should tell you. My name isn’t Titus. It’s Maximus. Titus is the name of the knight who owned the suit before me. He was threatening me, so instead of helping him, I watched him die. And I took his armor and I lied to you. So all that stuff you were just saying about me being a good person…

L: I just threw acid in an innocent man’s face. And, I’ve only been up here two weeks. The Wasteland sucks.

M: Yeah, sometimes.

L: Do you want to come live with me in my vault?

M: Yeah. Yeah, of course.

Lucy smiles and chuckles. Max smiles. Awwww.

L: Let’s go find that head.

Thaddeus Saves a Life

OVerhead shot of the Wasteland.

DJ Carl: Hey, yo, this is DJ Carl of KPSS, broadcasting from the base of the one-beautiful Hollywood Hills. Like most weeks ehre at KPSS, this week is fiddle week, when all of my airtime will be spent luxuriating in my small but mighty collection of fiddle tunes. So, I’d encourage you to sit back and enjoy the fiddling. And, if you don’t like what you hear, just a reminder that I don’t take visitors at the station. A simple post card will suffice. WIth that, enjoy the fiddling.

Minutemen Radio, Heather Macarthur playing in the background. All this time, Thaddeus limps along.

A small building with a man outside trying to kill himself with a rifle. He puts down the rifle and runs after Thaddeus when he sees him.

Stranger: Don’t shoot me. I’m a doctor. I can help you. I don’t see many people traveling with a human head.

T: Oh, it’s nothing, really. It’s more of a..I have ot–it’s a souvenir.

S: Oh yeah. WElcome to my pharmacy. Have a seat, boy. Let’s have a look at that tattered foot of yours. Thaddeus takes off his sock. Ah, yes, I’ve seen this condition before. 

T: SOmeone stepped on my foot.

S: Yes. Sometimes fatal. But you’re in luck, because I have the cure. I have, in my possession, serums and potions for every malady and misfortune that could possibly beset a wandering traveler such as yourself.

While the doctor searches, Thaddeus pulls a gun. What’s stopping me from killing you and taking your whole thing of drugs? 

S: When it comes to serums, not many people know the difference between the noxious and the benign. A murky hue of green could aid the humors. A brackish hint of shamrock and farting noise that’s the sound of your lower intestine falling right hte fuck out. But which is which? 

T: Fine. Just give me the right one.

S: Okay. Before we start, there’s the small matter of my fee. 

T: I don’t have caps. But–

S: Oh my, is that–

T: Fusion core? 

S: You don’t see those around much anymore do you? But if you do want to survive, not a bad trade.

T: Okay, here

S: Okay, let’s get started. Doc puts together medication. This elixir I’ve concocted heals all. But, I must admit, the taste. Not great.

T: Just give it. He gags and coughs.

S: I’m sorry. He laughs. But the results. Yes? The results.

His mangled foot heals. Holy shit. Holy shit. Thank you.

T: Thank you.

S: Sure thing, buddy boy.

T: Do you know where I can find a radio tower? I need to make contact with my base. 

S: Yes, I believe there’s one over yonder. Past the big crater in the middle of the shithole. It’s in a town that used to be called Shady Sands. 

T: Shady Sands? Must be radioactive as hell.

S: BUt you don’t have to worry about that anymore, do you buddy boy? Toodles and anon.

The doc leaves.

Repopulating Vault 32

Hands reaching through a feeding slot. Norm handing out food. 

PA: Hello vault 33. In preparation for repopulating vault 32, Betty will be sending out vault assignments later today. Remember, wherever you end up, that’s where you belong.

All of the raiders are dead.

N: What happened?

Reggie: We don’t know.

Betty: THe medic says it looks like rat poison. We’ll find out who was behind it. Guards lead someone off, protesting, in the background. Ugh. More death. I wish it woudl end. What did I tell you, Norman? WOrds have meaning.

R: People are gonna be upset about this.

B: People like to have something to fuss about. 

Cost Fan Tutti Overture, Beethoven.

Betty sends out the repopulation assignments. People react.to their assignments.

Norm visits Stephanie and Chet. THey both got moved to 32. 

Steph: Oh, it’s just terible about the raiders, isn’t it? Don’t be too long. I’m holding the baby, so you have to pack everything. WE’ll miss you Norm.

N: You’re going, too?

C: Yeah, they gave us a starter home. Everything we need for the 3 of us.

N: So, you just forget about Lucy?

C: I think this is for the best. A fresh start.

N: Do you? You’re a coward, you know that?

C: We all are. That’s why we live in a vault.

Chet closes the door.

A Ghoul and His Dog

ack at the Red ROcket. ominous music plays

The Ghoul looks at the station.He investigates.Sees some blood on th ground. Takes a taste. Spits. Hears Dogmeat whimpering in the background. Opens the lid and pets the dog.

G: ALl right. Let’s go find your daddy. Lifts Dogmeat out of the cooler.

Cooper Makes a Choice

Cooper in his house pre war.

Cool Papa Jarvis, Yeah Yeah Baby on the radio

He’s smoking a pipe and reading the paper. Sees his wife’s Pip Boy. PUlls the bug out of his pocket and looks at it. Reading Tesla magazine. He connects the bug to the Pip Boy

Barb: I got three hot cocoas on deck with marshmallows.

Cooper: You have three? One for me?

B: Yeah.

C: I’ll be out in a minute.

He stands and listens to see if the bug works. It does. He hears the conversation about cocoa. The dog whimpers.

C: You’re right, Roosevelt. What am I thinking. He goes to throw the bug away and does. Barb sleeps. Cooper watches the video of his advertisement for vault 4 and smokes a cigarette. He turns off the television. Then, looks off in the distance and rummages through the trash. No dogs in the vault, huh? He finds the bug. Roosevelt snuggles up against him.

You Ain’t Him

Nother cut, back to the present and the dog snuggling the ghoul. He’s sitting and staring into the fire.

G: I’m sorry, Dogmeat, but you ain’t him. Dog whines. He still pets the dog.

DJ Carl

Shot of Lucy and Max walking the Wasteland.

THey come up to NPSS. Thaddeus sits there with the head.

T: Yeah, my ride should be getting here any minute. THanks for letting me use your radio. That was really nice. 

DJ Carl: Nah, no problem.

T: So, you were saying earlier that some people don’t like the sound of this music? 

DJ: People get fully mad.

T: Oh

DJ: Thing no one appreciates is, these are the original recordings. You can’t get that wram sound. THe bass. The treble. The mids. RIght here.

T: That’s the mids, huh? Some people are just so ignorant to music. It’s kind of sad, really. Great job on these booby traps by the way, really good.

Dead people in the yard with a sign that says, “NO REQUESTS.”

T: That ones really crazy.

DJ: Critics.

T: Yeah. People just, uh, can’t be nice.

DJ: Hey, is this your ride? Lucy and Max.

T: Oh shit.

DJ: Guess not.

Thaddeus shoots at them and misses every time. God I suck without a scope.

THey put their hands up.

Lucy: WE just want the head.

T: Who are you?

L: I’m the one who got it off. They take steps forward. A trap springs and shoots an arrow through Thaddeus’s throat. Doesn’t affect him other than his breathing. 

T: Why am I not dead? He pulls the arrow out.

L: I wouldn’t do that.

T: Well, I’m not just gonna leave it there. The wound heals quickly

M: Thaddeus. I think you might be a ghoul. 

T: OH, no. Aw. I’m so stupid. I never should have trusted a doctor that smelled like that.

The Brotherhood choppers in the distance.

M: THe Brotherhood

T: Fuck. Shit. THey’ll kill me if they find out. 

L: The Brotherhood. That’s good, right/?

T: It’s a complicated organization.

M: Thaddeus give me the head.

T: Huh?

M: I’ll slow them down. You can run.

T: You’d do that for me? I’m sorry…for a lot of things I didn’t mean. Nice meeting you. Bye.

He runs of.

Max grabs another head.

Lucy: WHat are you doing? 

M: They want a head? I’m giving them a head. Go find your dad.

L: You’re supposed to come with me. 

M: They’re never gonna stop looking for the artifact.

L: I’m not leaving you.

M: trust me. THey kiss. DJ Carl smiles. 

The Danleers: You’re Everything.

They kiss again. DJ Carl is impressed.

L: I’ll wait for you. I’ll be in vault 33. Find me.

M: I will. I will.

The choppers get closer. Max goes to meet them.

Off to Vault 32

Exterior shot of vault 33.

Betty: And now we say goodbye to all of those leaving us for vault 32. Each of them has fortitude stick to it tiveness and all the other qualities.

Woody tries to run. Guards cut him off. He apologizes.

B: And of course, every vault needs an overseer which is why I’ve conferred with the council and we introduce as interim overseer, Stephanie. With that, our friends become neighbors. Good luck 32ers. Hit it.

They open the vault door and people enter.

Jane Morgan: From the First Hello to the Last Goodbye.

Reggie and Woody hug. Norm looks on but leaves before everyone makes it into the vault. The door closes. Chet notices Norm walking away.

Norm goes into the overseer’s office. He turns on the computer and logs in. He needs to hack the computer. Just like in the game. ANd makes it in. Tries to send a message to vault 31.


31: Betty? How are ya?

I need to return to 31.

31: Are you compromised?

Mission not going as planned.

31: a pause. I see. Come to 31 immediately.

Norm makes his way to 31. Hello? Then, louder. Hello? The vault door opens. Norm hesitates and then enters. The door closes behind him.

Hello? In the dark. Hello?

Norm walks through the empty corridors of vault 31. Music playing in the distance. Hello? He repeats a few times. He sees a malfunctioning robot on the ground.


Adventure Awaits in February 2025!