Category Archives: Snap *censored* Pop Culture

Fallout Episode 7: The Radio


I already wrote in the plot summary that I watched Fallout episode 7 on Sunday. But, I also spent the better part of those days recovering from a nasty “summer cold”. I put that in quotes because my son Liam, in response to my thought that it could be Covid, said, “Who gets a cold in summer?” I don’t know how accurate that statement is, but I always grew up with the concept of a “summer cold” and many other things that I grew up with have been proven plainly incorrect.

Plot Summary and Analysis

Click here for the plot summary.

Fallout episode 7 finally starts to weave together some of the stories in anticipation of the final episode. After killing a kid in front of his father to continue his reign of terror in the Wasteland, The Ghoul flashes back a couple of times to his pre-war life. This both provides comparison and contrast to his current attitude and missions that drive him. Scroll down to the character discussion for more.

In that past, Cooper reacts initially with horror and distrust of the philosophy espoused by Miss Williams. However, to his credit, he takes the bug and then later retrieves it after throwing it in the trash. He may trust his wife, but he has deep suspicions of the rest of the Vault-Tec “family”.

Likewise, Lucy learns more about the vaults that she ever hoped to know. As a result, she and Max end up leaving Vault 4. Thaddeus locks Dogmeat in a cooler before continuing to try to find a radio tower. Max and Lucy later meet up with Thaddeus at DJ Carl’s. After a tense stand off, Max comes up with a solution that gets Lucy the head. It also allows Thaddeus to escape certain torture at the hands of The Brotherhood.

Some 33ers become 32ers. Norm follows his suspicions into Vault 31 and finds that one empty, too. I nobody or nothing as it seems in this show? Hopefully, the final answers at least some of that question.

Character Profiles

The Ghoul: Morally complex is the best way I can describe him. He kills without mercy. He also saves Dogmeat from a certain death and lets the mutt tag along with him again. Then again, maybe I just can’t see his moral compass because it’s so at odds with my own. He clearly sees these events as both indicative of his “goodness”, but we are all the heroes in our own story, right?

Cooper: His former life gives some insight into the ghoul he became, as I wrote earlier. He despises Williams and the theory that she espouses. Nevertheless, he is open to bugging his wife partly in the name of dogs everywhere who are denied access to the vaults. The thing about his reticence to listen to Williams that I wonder is, is it how he truly feels or because he’s a good old boy brainwashed by his government controlled by corporate interests. More on that later.

Lucy: Ever the optimist, she continues to believe that people are good in the face of overwhelming evidence against it. Like The Ghoul, I have a tough time analyzing Lucy, but for different reasons. She’s very much like me. I continue to hold out hope that humanity will figure it out even as they hurtle us towards our own demise. Like, yeah, the initial people of Vault 4 might have been shitty, but the current residents only banished her from the vault, with supplies for two weeks. To paraphrase Men in Black, “A person is good. People are mean, vindictive demons and you know it.”

Max: I can’t tell if Max reacted to the comfort of the vault and that’s why he acted so weird or if they kept him drugged in some way. I suspect the latter because of the overall “theme” of Vault 4, but he very quickly snapped out of it when he noticed that Lucy was in trouble. His love for this woman overcame even the manipulation of drugs (?) and a comfortable lifestyle to save her.

Thaddeus: He pissed me off by locking the dog in the cooler. Now, I know that’s not a controversial take. But, I want put it out there. He almost made up for it by apologizing to Max and letting them take the head from him. Almost. Because, ultimately, that was just a selfish decision, too.

Minor characters: DJ Carl, played by Fred Armisen, is amazing. Mr. Armisen always makes me laugh no matter what he does. Moreover, he brings a humanity to his characters that makes them feel alive. The “Snake Oil Salesman” as he’s called, finally gets his hero turn. Sort of. He saves Thaddeus, but at what cost?

World Building and Setting

They dedicate most of this Fallout episode 7 to building the lore behind the vaults and some more about Vault-Tec, the company behind them. Initially, you might think that they’re earnest in their mission and built the vaults to help people survive the blasts and fallout. Then, maybe, they just got lucky. But, as more comes out, you learn that they are behind the nuclear “incidents” and that hides even more sinister objectives. Spoiler Alert: Some of these stories are awful.

Also, finally, on some level, they start to question the supposition that living in the vault is preferable to living on the surface. When they banish Lucy from the vault, she reacts with suspicion. “Really? That’s all?” Surely, she’s thinking, I just spent two weeks on the surface. And, while it might be “safer” here in the vault, one can get along just fine up there. Me? I choose the reckless life of a Wastelander any day.

Themes and Social Commentary

They pull back the curtain and put it all out there in Fallout episode 7. Part of this story is the ages old capitalism vs. communism. I’m sure some Yankee Doodle Dipshits have plenty to say about how “woke” the show is because of that. But, I appreciate Miss Williams coming out and saying, “Communism is a dirty word they use to describe people who aren’t completely insane.” And, the more you look into it, the more it makes sense.

As I’ve always said, I have no problem with someone trying to make a buck. Hell, try to make all the bucks you want. What I have a problem with is when you try to trade my or my children’s or my grandchildren’s future to make that buck. Maybe you can make a few less bucks and we can all live together on this planet? What do you think?

Yeah, I thought that’s what you’d say.

Additionally, I wrote earlier in my introduction of the plot summary, “Can anyone in this show be trusted?” You saw some of that in my character descriptions. Any time one of them seems to be “good” or “bad”, they inevitably do something to make you question that label. I get that humans are messy and we’re all a mixture of “good” and “bad”, but rarely do you get a show that so starkly and, honestly, naturally explores that dichotomy. It’s one of the reasons I watched it twice now and will again before Season 2 releases.

Narrative Pacing, Structure, and Soundtrack

The pacing still feels good. Every episode they release just a little more of the “truth” and what that truth means for our world and our characters. They’ve used flashbacks a good amount to that end, as well. The one thing that I noticed is that as the episodes advanced, the opening sequences became longer and longer. Surely that’s intentional, but I can’t figure out the intent behind it.

The soundtrack, as always, serves to enhance the mood and story. They deftly weave the oldies into the story to both cue events and also remind us of what happened previously. I also read online that they probably used the fiddle music to troll fans of one of the games because, as gamers do, they bitched about the music. If so, bravo to you all!

The Verdict

Fallout episode 7, the penultimate episode, sets things up nicely for a potentially explosive finale. Lucy has the head, Max is going to face the Brotherhood, The Ghoul has a reliable lead on Moldaver. And, back in the past, Cooper holds the potential key to blowing it all up. Yes, that pun was fully intended.

Fallout Episode 6: The Trap


We continue our Fallout from the end of the school year with the next episode of the Fallout TV show. I wrote my journal the other day to finish up, for now, my coverage of the original game. And, now, I get to talk about the fate of Shady Sands as revealed in Fallout episode 6.

Plot Summary and Analysis

Click here for the plot summary.

After an episode without The Ghoul, this one delivers more on his current adventure while adding much to his backstory. He and his wife don’t see eye to eye on the dealings of her employer, Vault-Tec. Cooper hates the extra baggage that comes with his starring roles in the ads for the vaults. He puts all of this aside because he loves and trusts his wife. In 200 years, she might be the only person he ever truly loved and trusted.

Speaking of the vaults. Through his and Barb’s conversations and Lucy’s and Max’s interactions in Vault 4, we get more information about the post apocalyptic living quarters. While on the surface, not much happens (Cooper and Barb argue and Lucy and Max spend the entire episode in the vault), the episode brings up new questions even as it starts to answer some of the old ones.

An episode that easily could have fallen into the trap of being “filler”, they avoid that trap quite nicely. Almost no action. Very few sets. An extended introduction centered around a vault ad and a Hollywood party. And, yet, probably the best episode of the show so far.

Character Profiles

The Ghoul: We see The Ghoul humbled by his captors several times. He never allows that to dampen his swagger. He simply bides his time and deals with the riff raff as he always does before turning his sights on the bigger fish.

Cooper Howard: Little of the man before remains in The Ghoul other than his memories. They serve to develop Cooper’s character as a former military man who values his freedom above all. I suppose that part also exists in The Ghoul. Even so, he’s willing to go to the Communist’s meeting when invited by Charlie. He also uses those memories to remind himself of his wife and daughter, the reasons for keeping himself alive and non-feral for over 200 years.

Lucy: She starts the episode convinced that they have nothing to fear in the vault. It’s a great place to rest and relax before setting off again to find the head and then her father. When her eyes open to the fact that not all is what it seems, she digs deeper and it ends up with her in deep trouble.

Max: On the other hand, Max starts off suspicious of the vault and its dwellers. Either because the pampering erodes away at his resolve or they drug him in some way, but he finds himself at home by the end of the episode and ready to settle down. The obvious juxtaposition between the two main characters goes a long way to adding to the unsettling realization that nothing is ever easy.

Cycloptic Overseer: As usual, Parnell plays a character that makes you laugh and makes you think with an underlying message. More on that later. I remember some people didn’t like the idea of a cyclops, especially one that looked so odd, but I love the character and what he brought to the episode.

Supporting Characters: Birdie has her hand in everything both inside and, seemingly, outside of Vault 4. Sorrel, likewise, stepped in to fill a power vacuum. However, it looks like his reign might soon be at an end either by the hand of The Ghoul or as a consequence of changing allegiance. We see Moldaver in the before times but only that she is involved in the Communist movement.

World Building and Setting

As I wrote above, the Fallout episode 6 takes place mostly in a Vault, a bit on the surface, and the rest in a bar. Even so, they show that the vaults weren’t all developed to repopulate the planet after the radiation dissipated. Long time fans of the game know this, but it may have come as a shock to those who just joined us with the TV show.

Likewise, they give us a glimpse of the politics of the surface. It isn’t all just pockets of civilization with no connecting fabric. In addition, some figures rose from the ashes to build factions that work to protect their citizens and try to gain resources for themselves and their territories. Sometimes, with tragic consequences.

Themes and Social Commentary

They continue the theme of trust in the “official story”. Cooper starts to question the wisdom of Vault-Tec even as he fights to keep his reputation as a country loving favored son. The, Lucy must again question the validity of the vaults and their reputation as places of safety and understanding.

The conversation between Charlie and Cooper brings up the question of unregulated capitalism and the need for, maybe, just a little bit of communism to keep the ghouls (those who reduce everything to a dollar sign, not the radiated one) honest. You know my feelings on this and how they only get stronger as the days tick by. People starve. The planet burns. And, all we talk about is the Dow Jones and how to properly market the end of the world. Sound familiar?

While Lucy changes her mind and becomes more suspicious, Max eases into a life of comfort. It numbs him to his own skepticism and lures him into a (perhaps false) sense of security. If they keep you fat, dumb, and happy, maybe you won’t realize just how they’re screwing you.

Narrative Pacing, Structure, and Soundtrack

They step up the quick switches between scenes by adding in Fallout episode 6 Cooper’s flash backs to his former life at important parts in the story. This allows them to compare and contrast the before times to the current Wasteland. As they say, the more things change and all that. There will always be two types of people. Will they ever learn to live together? I’m not so sure anymore.

Likewise, the outsiders and their ritual in Vault 4 transposed with Cooper’s visit to the mausoleum for the Communist’s meeting serves a dual purpose. One, it makes you think that there are parallels between the cult like behavior and the Communists. I welcome such dialogue. If your ideas don’t stand up to scrutiny, then are they worth having? The second purpose establishes Moldaver as a force to be reckoned with. Even more so than as a dad kidnapper.

The soundtrack takes a bit of a back seat, especially when compared with the previous episode. It serves more as garnish, so to speak, in this episode. You’re aware of the music as adding something to the story. But, it didn’t have those exclamation point moments like the previous episode.

The Verdict

I called Fallout episode 6 possibly the best episode yet. I stand by that. As the series has gone on, the episodes have gotten stronger and stronger. That’s exactly what you want from a television show. Some may question the choice to introduce new stories and ask new questions so late in the season, but they must have known that people would love what they made and want more. I, for one. agree.

Marvel Comics June 2024


I took the Blood Hunt tie in issues out of the pile. Not really caring all that much about the main title, that gives me no reason to read the tie ins. Without them, Marvel Comics June 2024 is only 5 other titles. And, yet, I still fell behind and released this article two days late. Oh well, better late than never.

Amazing Spider-Man #50 (Legacy 944)

Note: I’m only going to review the main story. The additional stories are a fun diversion, so maybe I’ll put them in their own article.

Writer: Zeb Wells, Artist: Ed McGuinness. Well, we made it 50 issues with Wells as writer. About a month ago, I became so disgusted with this title that I stopped reading it. Then, I picked it up again last month. The current story still feels dumb. A living (now walking) brain? Okay, fine, whatever. But, he brought back the goblin in this issue and the fight between the two old enemies makes up for the other stuff for now. Plus, we get McGuinness on the title for an issue. That’s always welcome. My verdict: Decent

Captain America 9 (Legacy 759)

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski, Artist: Jesus Saiz. JMS drops Cap and us in a Chilean desert where he encounters a lost penguin. This leads to a substory about the nature of what normal is and how we react to those that are different from us. Yeah, he gets a bit philosophical on this one. In the course of bringing the penguin back to the shore, he rescues one of his allies. An interesting issue, if not terribly unique. My verdict: Decent.

Fantastic Four 20 (Legacy 713)

Writer: Ryan North, Artist: Carlos Gomez. Johnny and Ben get fired (pun fully intended) from their job at the brewery. They take another job at a grocery store. They also get let go from that one. Too much publicity for the store. Oh, and monsters are attacking outside, so they are needed by the FF. Sounds like a boring story, but North makes it fun as usual. Not as much fun as some during his run, but that’s okay. My verdict: Good.

The Immortal Thor #11 (Legacy 772)

Writer: Al Ewing, Artist: Valentina Pinti. Ewing takes some swings with this title since taking over. Some miss, but most hit. And, honestly, the missed become hits eventually because he makes them pay off. Honestly, I’m just glad that we’re out of the Jason Aaron Thor days. I like Aaron, but I didn’t like his Thor. This issue is more standard Thor and it mostly works for what it is. Just the usual team up with his siblings to solve a problem. My verdict: Good.

Sensational She-Hulk 8 (Legacy 186)

Writer: Rainbow Rowell, Artist: Andres Genolet. I can’t say enough good things about this title. It’s got everything. Action. Humor. Love. Betrayal. Cake. I’ve said it before, but I will say it again. Rainbow Rowell gets this character on a deep level and writes the title with love and respect. If you aren’t reading She-Hulk right now, can you even call yourself a comic book fan? My verdict: Great.

The Verdict

None of the titles from Marvel Comics June 2024 outright annoy or offend me, so that’s a step in the right direction. I may come back to Blood Hunt eventually, but I seriously doubt it. Vampires aren’t my thing. Zombies are my thing. But, even I can admit that they’ve been overdone over the last decade or so. Give the vamps their day in the sun. Not literally, of course.

Head on over to the mothership for all your Marvel comic needs.

Fallout Episode 5: The Past


This hiatus is not inexplicable. In fact, I easily explained our absence last weekend in the plot summary. For those who TLDR that, let me repeat myself here. Christine and I celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary in Boston. We went to see Come From Away and watched the Free Jacks beat Dallas in a Major League Rugby match. But, this weekend, I return with a discussion of Fallout episode 5.

Plot Summary and Analysis

Click here for the plot summary.

Fallout episode 5 continues one great story and gives a heck of an introduction to another. The ghoul takes this episode off. Instead, they concentrate on Max and Lucy meeting one another and attempting to track down the head and Norm and Chet’s big adventures through Vault 32 and, nearly, Vault 31.

Alas, they made us wait for the reveal of what secrets Vault 31 contain. But, they reveal one massive bread crumb along that trail. Every overseer from both Vault 32 and Vault 33 came from Vault 31. Not content with the surface explanations, Norm looks to uncover another secret that he’s convinced exists. Hey, it’s not paranoia if they really are lying to you.

Meanwhile, Max and Lucy form an alliance through her skills of negotiation. Those later fail when faced with a couple of cannibals, but Max negotiates much more successfully with her pistol. During their trek, they stumble on Shady Sands and we get more of Max’s backstory. All that time, Thaddeus has the head and makes his way back to the Brotherhood to deliver the goods.

Character Profiles

Max: Max again tries to do good and gets screwed for it. Thaddeus immediately turns on him when he discovers that he took the armor from a dead Titus. When faced with the option to tell the truth to Lucy, he lies to her about his name. But, he works together with her and protects her from herself a couple of times.

Lucy: As a result, Lucy grows to trust him more and more as they travel together. She even lets her guard down again when faced with the fiends on the bridge. This comes back to bite her, almost literally, but Max’s experience makes up for her naivete. It looks like she gets to repay the favors in the next episode as they find themselves in her domain at the end of this one.

Norm: While he lays off of the badassery in this episode, Norm still pushes to find the truth behind the 3 vaults. He makes a huge discovery about each of the overseers in the vaults but he gets stonewalled again and must wait to learn more.

Betty: Works as Norm’s main foil. Always seems to pop up when he’s just about to find something big or put some clues together. Then, she becomes a huge stick in his craw by cleaning Vault 32 and burying much of the evidence.

Supporting Characters: Chet again accompanies Norm on his adventures, but mostly tries to tell him that there’s ultimately no reason for his suspicion. Stephanie, also from Vault 31, only has a couple of lines, but they give Norm an idea. Thaddeus, too, only has a couple minutes of screen time, but opens a major plot by taking the head.

World Building and Setting

Fallout episode 5 went a long way to building the world for us. We see the fate of Shady Sands (controversial for some fans). They show us the inside of another inhabited vault and, we have to assume, will learn more about it.

On the way to that Vault, we see the Vault Tec insignia outside of the medical center as foreshadowing. Lucy learns that the stories of Vault 33 returning civilization to the surface are a lie. This lends credence to Norm’s suspicion and the possibility that Vault Tec is completely corrupt.

Themes and Social Commentary

They play all the hits in this one. Max’s comment about everyone wanting to save the world but disagreeing on how cuts right through the bullshit and lays it all out for us. Granted, it assumes good intentions for people that, perhaps, I assume are inherently evil. That, most likely, is my issue that I need to work out. And, there you have it. Is there such a thing as “good” and “evil” or do we simply disagree on how? Pretty deep for a game that sometimes seems to pride itself in its ability to shock its players. Certainly too deep for me to discuss right here, right now. But, maybe with the extra time I have over the summer, I can release a companion YouTube or podcast series exploring these issues. Stay tuned for that.

The Norm, and to some extent Lucy and even Max, story lines cause us (well, me at least) to question the wisdom and trustworthiness of those in charge. Even if they have difference of opinion from us, often their opinions involve who, exactly, is worthy of being called human and who, in a term I actually heard used out loud, is human capital. I’m sorry, you have a tough time convincing me that someone who views people only in terms of their monetary value is not evil. Save it for the show, Lucas.

Lucy’s, and Max’s, main contribution is the question of how to stay “good” (if you believe that sort of thing) in the face of overwhelming “evil” (if you believe that sort of thing). She won’t initially let her guard down around Max, but then does on the bridge and pays for it. Likewise, Max gets punished for telling Thaddeus the truth but finds a companion in Lucy after lying to her about his name. I’ve been rewatching “My Name is Earl” and I got to the season where he starts to question Karma and her influence on events. That feels very in line with this sort of thing.

Narrative Pacing, Structure, and Soundtrack

I still like the alternating between story lines. It moves the episodes along and I never feel bored while watching. I also appreciate that they take a break from some characters to focus on others. Absence, as they say, makes the heart grow fonder. I recently saw a rumor that they might run the show for 5 seasons. If so, that gives them plenty of time to explore these characters and more.

One of the highlights of the soundtrack this time is the Battle Hymn of the Republic. It plays a few times, different versions, to a different effect each time. Once, it marches Max and Lucy into the Wasteland. Another time, it bolsters Betty’s message. The final time, it highlights the sometimes crooked democratic process. A good way to change the mood with music.

Another good example of that is the “What A Difference A Day Makes” when they show the scenes from the old and new Vault 32. When the line “and that difference is you” plays, Betty arrives to either goal or put Norm’s mind at ease. Perhaps both. Either way, the song emphasizes the importance of the scene perfectly.

The Verdict

I’ve seen (and heard) some reviews that claim that the only good character in the show is The Ghoul. Fallout episode 5 disproves that. With no screen time for either The Ghoul or Cooper, I still enjoyed this episode immensely. Lucy and Max work well together. And, Norm is a chip off the old block in his search for the truth.

DC Comics June 2024


After reviewing only two books in the Spawniverse, I received only 5 books for DC Comics June 2024. Not sure the reason for the lull in production, but we work with what we have around here. One more thing before the reviews. I know you all came here for the “Fallout from the End of School”. That’s next week. I plan to put together the new theme this weekend and play some of the games to write those articles.


Writer: Tini Howard, Artist: Ivan Shavarin. This arc continues it’s uneven pace. While I like the vibe of the story in this issue. But, it feel misplaced right now. Then again, she may have just pumped the brakes a bit to bring us a big finale over the next couple of issues. Plus, the art in this issue is a bit too cartoony for me.


Writer: Chip Zdarsky, Artist: Jorge Jimenez
Writer: Tom King, Artist: Daniel Sampere

While I hate the Zur-En-Arrh persona and this issue revolves heavily around that, I like the version of Bruce Wayne on the run. Forced to rely on his wits alone, he ends up in hiding. Plus, two of the Robins come to his rescue in their own special way. Fun issue. The existential theme of Wonder Woman in this issue makes sense, but I hope that we get some sort of resolution soon. The slow play of this story just doesn’t work for me. I thought we might get something after last issue. But, no.


Writer: Joshua Williamson, Artist: Rafa Sandoval
Writer: Joshua Williamson, Artist: Rafa Sandova

This mini event got off to a great start last month. Williamson hits the ground running and keeps it going this month. In Action, he shrunk the Super Family, but they still work to help Braniac’s hostages try to get free. Then, at the end, we get the heel turn from Lobo and a battle between him and Superman. By the end of the main title, Braniac succeeded in raising his queen and leaves us with a hell of a cliffhanger. Can’t wait for next month.

The Verdict

Overall, I enjoyed DC Comics June 2024. Even with the misstep in Catwoman, IMO, and the slow play of Wonder Woman, Action Comics and Superman more than make up for it. I also hope that more books come next month since I’ll have more time to read and review them.

Check out the mothership for more.

Spawniverse June 2024


Last month, we eschewed all other comics to celebrate the end of an era with TMNT #150. Well, the universe paid me back this month by sending only two comics from outside of the major publishers. Therefore, Spawniverse June 2024 may feel slightly underwhelming. From the looks of it, we’ll be back next month with more books. If I knew how to market better, I might say something like, “twice as many books!” which sounds impressive until you realize that two times two is four.

Gunslinger #31

Writer: Uncle Todd, Artist: Carlo Barberi. A few issues ago, Uncle Todd and company blew up the Spawniverse. Not literally, that took place in issue 300 and 301. But, they took away all of the powers of any demon, angel, and hellspawn. And, since then, at least in Gunslinger, he took the opportunity to reintroduce the character. Kind of strange only 30 issues in, but when you commit to only soft reboots, you find yourself in strange situations sometimes. Javi tells the story of his sister to a woman and then finds himself at the mercy of a medicine man who gives him a piece of his mind. As always, Barberi’s work is impeccable. I, for one, am glad that Uncle Todd spawned (pun totally intended) many artists with his style. The book doesn’t feel the same without that Uncle Todd touch. My verdict: Good.

Spawn #353

Writer: Rory McConnville (with Uncle Todd on additional script, Artist: Brett Booth. This title, similarly, spent some time in this issue reviewing the after effects of the war on hell. It also brings to light a new character and implies that character might have a deeper connection to the overall story. Perhaps I’m reading too much into it, but I feel like we’ve seen this person before in some capacity. Brett Booth, too, gives the Spawn look with his own subtle touches. Both of these books are in good hands right now. My verdict: Good.

The Verdict

It surprised me that only two books from Spawniverse June 2024 came in the shipment. But, you take the good with the bad when it comes to these titles. Decent to good stories and, usually, great artwork. But, with that comes delays. Like I say, next month looks to be back to normal.

Images taken from the mothership.

Fallout Episode 4: The Ghouls


You know what you’re getting from us. Decent content and inexplicable two week hiatuses from that content. The end of the school year always kicks my ass and this year is no different. But, I’m back with Fallout Episode 4 and a plan to finish the series by the end of June and our celebration of all things Fallout. No sign of Max or Thaddeus in this episode because it concentrates on The Ghoul, Lucy, and Norm.

Plot Summary and Analysis

Click here for the plot summary.

As mentioned above, this Fallout episode 4 concentrates on a smaller list of characters. This allows them to advance two main narratives; what happened in Vault 32 and Lucy’s trek to find her father. Thought, if I’m being honest, this part of that trek feels more like a side quest than a main quest. That’s not bad, mind you. Because, it serves to develop Lucy’s character a little bit. But, more on that in the next section.

Norm and Chet stumble upon the remnants of Vault 32. Surprisingly, this is where most of the plot of the series develops. They learn that the residents of the vault, driven mad by something, most likely either killed themselves or each other. In some cases, maybe both. When Chet theorizes that the madness drove them to let in the raiders, Norm corrects him. They opened the door from the outside.

Then, the biggest bomb of the episode. They used Rose McLean’s (Norm’s and Lucy’s mom) Pip Boy to open the door. Does that mean that she’s still alive? That she’s worked with the raiders? I mean, she could still be dead and they stole her Pip Boy. But, they seem to be setting us up for the fact that she’s still alive.

Character Profiles

The Ghoul: He continues to show himself to be a completely selfish individual who sees everything and everyone around him as tools to be used to advance his own goals. I was wrong. He didn’t want to kill Lucy. Instead, he wanted to use her as a bargaining chip to get more vials. I know I should hate the world for what they made him, but I just find myself hating him. Maybe they can redeem him eventually.

Lucy: She fights against the monster that the Wasteland wants her to become. A couple of times, back against the wall, she succumbs to the darkness. She never intentionally hurts anyone, even purposefully missing when shooting at the Super Duper Mart burn outs. She bites The Ghoul’s finger off, but I feel nothing but contempt for that shit bird. Additionally, she often atones for her acts or the reasons for them are egalitarian. Unlike The Ghoul, who is just a cartoon villain at this point, Lucy’s character has layers.

Norm: Betty says the quiet part out loud. Norm is one bad mamajamma (hush yo mouth) and he proves it by staking out Vault 32 and coming out with the reveal of the episode. He reminds me of myself when I play the games. Always searching. Always questioning. Never satisfied with the surface explanation of everything. I can’t wait to see what else he uncovers in the vaults.

Snip Snip: Voiced by Matthew Berry and with many of the laughs in this episode, Snip Snip nearly meets a tragic end before being resurrected for Lucy’s escape plan and then discarded like so much trash by the end of the episode. I hope to see more of them in the future.

Supporting Characters: The stoner warlords in the Super Duper Mart made me chuckle a couple of times. I laughed out loud at the air conditioner comment. Chet gets a starring role with Norm, but serves mostly as a foil to keep him from learning the truth.

World Building and Setting

We get a Super Duper Mart. When they walked up to it, I thought of the first time I went into the Mart in Fallout 3. I got killed by some raiders because, for some reason my dumb ass never considered that they’d use it as a hideout. The show never fails to impress with their attention to detail when dealing with important places from the games. They also showed some of the horrors that befell some residents of the vaults. We all knew that it wasn’t all rainbows and unicorn farts down there, but it gets real dark real fast as Chet and Norm explore.

They also live up to the title of the episode. Ghouls get some love in the episode. We see several in the moments right before they go feral. The Ghoul tells us that he’s been around “a long time”. 219 years? When Roger mentions that he’s turning after only 27, that makes me respect The Ghoul a bit more. But, just a bit.

Themes and Social Commentary

The main theme of Fallout episode 4 explores the idea introduced in earlier episodes about how quickly things go wrong. Vault 32 fell after over 200 years. We can only guess what happened right now, but it looked quick. The two dudes in the Super Duper Mart get their faces eaten off in less than a minute. The Ghoul drops in a heartbeat and that allows Lucy the upper hand and escape.

They push the narrative of it’s not the action that counts, but your reaction to it. The Ghoul chooses to be completely selfish and survive that way. Lucy, on the other hand, mostly keeps her innocence and kind nature in spite of the horrors that she’s endured. I mean, give her 219 years of wasting away in a debilitating fashion and who knows.

Narrative Pacing, Structure, and Soundtrack

Music serves a slightly different purpose in this episode. Instead of matching the music with the scene (it happens once or twice), the music works to enhance the mood of the scene. Because they still use period pieces for the music, it fits in just as well. To prove my point, at least one person put together a YouTube playlist of the music. While I could just use that for my videos in the plot summaries, I like the thrill of the hunt.

I wrote in the last article that I liked when they switch rapidly between the different stories. That happens in this episode as well. and it keeps everything moving. It also allows them to put breadcrumbs into the story and make us think that maybe the stories ultimately connect somehow.

The Verdict

Fallout episode 4 advances the story, develops the characters, and gives us some great music along the way. Even without Max this time around, I still enjoyed the episode. Halfway through the season and things are still looking good for the show. I can’t wait to see how they wrap things up.

Marvel Comics May 2024


A week late, but I finally finished my comics articles for this month with Marvel Comics May 2024. But, I still consider that a win. With how nuts things at school went over the last two weeks and summer coming in about a month, I just need to hold the line until then. Hopefully you all understand. I promise to make the summer far more productive. Until then, enjoy what I content I can provide.

Amazing Spider-Man #47 and #48 (Legacy #941 and #942)

Writer: Zeb Wells, Artist: JRJR. I promised to avoid ASM until Zeb Wells no longer wrote the book. However, if I skipped this one and Incredible Hulk (because the art is just not great, that left me with only 3 comics for Marvel May 2024. While not as offensive as some of the recent stories, these issues don’t give me the good Spidey vibes that I enjoy. Still, I hold onto hope that the worst is behind us. My verdict: Decent.

The Avengers #13 (Legacy #779)

Writer: Jed McKay, Artist: Francesco Mortarino. I saw that Marvel put McKay on X-Men starting with the new series. When I looked it up, Redditers seem to think that means that an Avengers vs. X-Men crossover is imminent. I don’t know about that, but this issues is probably one of the weakest ones of McKay’s tenure so far. Not bad, by any stretch, but not as great as most of the issues in this run. Now, the Blood Hunt tie in that I have no interest in reading. My verdict: Good.

Fantastic Four #19 (Legacy #712)

Writer: Ryan North, Artist: Carlos Gomez. Marvel took Guardians away from me again. And no She-Hulk this time around means that the most consistently great book in the lot is Fantastic Four. This one reads like an old noir crime novel that eventually reveals as a bungled attempt by Trapster to use a cosmic cube. An absolute blast from cover to cover. My verdict: Great.

The Immortal Thor #10 (Legacy #771)

Writer: Al Ewing, Artist: Carlos Magno. As you know, I loved Ewing’s Hulk. He wrote the book so masterfully and told a story for the ages. It took me some time to warm up to this version of Thor, but I enjoyed the last two issues and think I finally understand what he’s trying to accomplish here. And, I’m fully on board with it. My verdict: Great.

The Incredible Hulk #11 and #12 (Legacy #792 and #793)

Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Artist: Danny Earls and Nic Klein. I mentioned Hulk earlier. The story of this title is amazing. I never thought it possible, but PKJ not only continues the horror vibe of Ewing’s Hulk, he actually amps it up a few levels. But, the art is so bad that it detracts from my enjoyment of the book. Spidey’s starting to come around with the story. Maybe they’ll finally find another artist for this one. My verdict: Story, great. Art, let’s move on.

The Verdict

I actually enjoyed all of the books this month on their own for different reasons. Spider-Man is crawling back to respectability. Avengers, Fantastic Four, and Thor all continue their good runs. And, the Hulk’s storyline is fabulous. Now, if only Marvel can iron out the slight wrinkles.

Cover images taken from the Mothership, mostly.

DC Comics May 2024


I started comics last week with the TMNT #150 celebration. Then, the wheels fell off and I shifted my focus. But, I knew I wanted to return to comics this week. I also remembered that I never covered the Marvel SNAP season for this month. So, in true 2 Generations Gaming fashion, I rebranded my blunder as all part of the plan. Practically, we waited a couple of days for DC Comics May 2024.

Since I only received six DC comics this time, I plan to dedicate a single section to each title similar to how I write the Independent articles. Fear not. This looks like a blip in the road, not “the end of comics” as I fear will happen sooner rather than later. But, as I also say, as long as they continue to churn out good stories, I’m here.

Action Comics #1064

Writer: Joshua Williamson, Artist: Rafa Sandoval. When I saw the preview for this mini event, I wanted to see what Williamson planned. The first issue exceeded even my lofty expectations. A standard “day in the life” of Lois Lane beginning quickly gives way to an invasion of Czarnians. While everyone thinks Luthor has a hand in the chaos, it soon becomes evident that Brainiac is involved. My verdict: Very good.

Catwoman 64

Writer: Tini Howard, Artist: Carmine di Giandomenico. I enjoyed the Nine Lives story so far. Sure, it’s cheesy and cliche. But, it’s also fun. That’s all that I ask of a story. I don’t care about the actual content or tone of the story necessarily as long as it’s fun. And, this one fits that bill. This issue feels more like a filler, but Howard still tells an engaging and fun filler issue that makes me want more. My verdict: Decent.

Detective Comics 1084

Writer: Ram V, Artist: Javier Fernandez. Ram V tries to bring back some of the noir vibe from early Batman and Detective Comics. He mostly succeeds, but it feels like something is missing. It just doesn’t work all the way for me for some reason. I can’t quite put my finger on it. Ram V writing Batman should work. My verdict: Decent.

The Flash 8

Writer: Simon Spurrier, Artist: Ramon Perez and Vasco Gorgiev. I liked Spurrier’s introduction to Flash. Not as much as Joshua Williamson’s run, but I thought good things might happen. Unfortunately, I just can’t get into the book right now. I’m not sure what it is. Like Detective Comics right now, it just feels like something is missing. Maybe it’s me. My verdict: Decent.

Superman 13

Writer: Joshua Williamson, Artist: Rafa Sandoval. Okay, this is what I’m talking about. Lobo and Supes teaming up to track down Braniac, who is harvesting powers, or souls, or something. I missed that part, I think. In any case, this story is fun. I said earlier, I like fun. And, Williamson brings fun to spare. My verdict: Great

Wonder Woman 8

Writer: Tom King, Artist: Daniel Sampere. Yes! Yes! A thousand times! Yes! This is the Tom King that I know and love. I think I mentioned last month that his story looked like it might finally be starting to pay off. And, it did in this issue. He taps into the history of the character while starting to carve out a place for himself in the mythos. I think he finally figured out the character and we can expect great things going forward. My verdict: Great

The Verdict

DC Comics May 2024 brings some surprises. Not all good. But, I still think that the books, overall, are in good hand. While I’m unabashedly a Marvel zombie, I still keep a flame alive for DC and want them to do well. So, they’re not in the same shape as Marvel (or, honestly, even the Spawniverse) right now, but they’ll get it figured out.

Check out the mothership for these and other books.

Second Mario Movie: What We Know


What do we know about the second Mario movie? Well, we know there’s going to be one. That’s about it. They announced the news a couple of months ago on Mar10 day and followed up with little else.

What Do You Think About the Trailer

There is no trailer currently

Will It Be A Direct Sequel?

We don’t know that.

Will the Stars from the Original Return?

If it is a direct sequel. If not, maybe. But, we don’t know that.

What Will the Plot Be?

We don’t know that.

Will there Be Another Attempt at an EGOT?

“Peaches” nearly broke into the Billboard top 50. By charting, it made the song eligible for a Grammy. Jack Black’s performance of the song, along with his role as Bowser in the movie (which he easily can reprise in a TV show and Broadway musical adaptation) should have garnered him an Oscar nomination. So, in closing, we don’t know. But, we can hope.

When Will the Move be Released?

We do know that. April 2026. Wait, what? Not on Mar10 day? WTF.

The Verdict

The second Mario movie exists. Well, it will. The rest of it? Well, we don’t know that yet.

All of this information comes from nowhere. If you don’t believe me, follow the link.