My commitment to the page can not be questioned. My ability to live up to that commitment, however, remains very much in question. Last month, I posted 7 articles and I posted 5 so far this month. Hopefully, with Thanksgiving break, I make it to double digits this month. It remains to be seen. This week, I plan to post this Marvel Comics October 2024 article, then Marvel from November, then the X-Books from both months.
I also want to finish my Thankful articles with Sega/Nintendo and Steam. That gets me 6 more articles and up to 11 for the month. While not the best number for momentum building, at least I can point to something for this month. I promise, folks, I will get this page and the supporting content back to our semi-regular updates soon. How soon? Well, I’m done making promises.
The Avengers 18 (Legacy 784)
Quick Synopsis and Review: Hyperion hurtles through space on a collision course with Earth. The Avengers realize and recognize the threat and try to neutralize it before it destroys the planet. The X-Men also make a cameo, as do the gods of Asgard. In the end, they come up with a plan to dimension shift him into another Earth that needs his assistance. Problem solved. Also, Thor formally asks Storm to become part of the team.
A bit anticlimactic on this one. I realize that not everything can be a 6 issue arc with the fate of the universe on the line, but I expected more from this story. However, those who saw McKay taking over for X-Men and predicting another AvX story just got a pretty big hint that may happen sooner rather than later. Schiti’s art is absolutely gorgeous and gives us the Avengers level team we need on this title. My verdict: Decent.
Captain America 13 (Legacy 763)
Quick Synopsis and Review: Tell JMS that not everything needs to be a six issue arc with the literal fate of the human race on the line. Cap and his crew fight through the army sent by death. Cap realizes that he, alone, must face death and does so in an epic clash that goes on for about a dozen pages and includes a “final form” that doesn’t quite work out as intended. Cap defeats Death but, in doing so, isolates him and “ensures the downfall of humans” according to Death. So, where do we go from here?
The last two issues finally paid this story off. I think JMS wanted to write Dr. Strange, because this story reminded me very much of a Dr. Strange story instead of Cap. But, he pulled it together and gave it the Cap treatment. The fight between Cap and Death and the uncertain ending give me hope that this book is in good hands. While the art takes some shortcuts here and there, Magno knows when to bring the full monty and give us what we want. My verdict: Great.
Fantastic Four 25 (Legacy 718)
Quick Synopsis and Review: Meanwhile, Ryan North continues to show why he’s the best pick for this book. Nearly all of his stories harken back to the early days of comics and Fantastic Four where everything can be contained within a single issue. They start in Latveria where they find a mysterious dome. When they touch it, they are instantly transported to an alien planet! They teach and learn from the denizens of the world. Johnny finds himself love. The FF also find a terrible secret on the planet that threatens the lives of many. Because they’re heroes, they solve the problem and jet off of the planet for the next adventure.
Now that Rainbow Rowell is no longer writing She-Hulk and they killed the GotG again, this might be my new favorite book. It always jostled for the top with the other two books, but now there’s no denying it. I love, LOVE how North writes the Fantastic Four. And Gomez’s art never lets me down. He has a good grasp on the characters and what makes them unique. My verdict: Great.
The Incredible Hulk 16/17 (Legacy 797/798)
Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Artists: Daniel Earls and Nic Klein
Quick Synopsis and Review: Issue 16 deals with some of the history of the Eldest. The normal ultraviolence that comes with such a being. The end sets up (again) the confrontation between Hulk and the Eldest. In issue 17, Hulk arrives at Vegas and accepts the invitation from the Eldest. Meanwhile, Banner is trapped in the Hulkscape and trying to find a way to free himself. Betty (not real) torments him. Later, after confronting the Eldest, this Betty subdues Hulk in order to allow for the true ascension of the Eldest.
Both issues accomplish what they want. I think Marvel realized that 800 was on the horizon and dragged things out a little bit. That’s all well and good, but it makes for some repetition in the story, like issue 16. I loved 17, though, and PKJ writes Hulk on par with Ewing. I’m glad they brought him on after some subpar runs in between. The art still bothers me, but it’s starting to grow on me some, too. My verdict: Overall, good.
The Verdict (Marvel Comics October 2024)
I lost She-Hulk, Dr. Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy over the last six months or so. That leaves only the books above in my regular rotation. I picked up some of the new Ultimate Marvel stuff, but I have to say, I don’t really like it all that much. And, so Marvel Comics October 2024 is a small but mighty bunch.
Not Reviewed: Any Amazing Spider-Man with Zeb Wells writing. Also, Venom 37 (still Venom War? another Venom War? I’m tired, Boss.)
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