All posts by Noob of All Trades

Shawn Lucas is the self identified "Noob of All Trades". He is married and the father of three boys, two of whom help with their own podcast every couple of months. Raised on Atari, Nintendo, and Sega, he enjoys all games and will play all of them to the best of his ability, which is often average at best. Currently, he is most interested in Magic, Heroclix, and other games that he can play with Chris and his sons.

Saved from the Cutting Room Floor: Magic’s Economics

I missed my deadline for my article about Breaking Madden yesterday. I won’t be able to post it again until next week, so in its place, I’m giving you all an excerpt from the podcast that didn’t make it into the final cut. This will both offer a different perspective and a sneak peek at the same time. Enjoy and there’s more to come soon!


A Broken Economy?

(Note: You want how much for that?)

I find myself doing something now that I never even considered previously. I’m not proud of it because it contributes to the problem instead of attempting to be a solution. It takes away from my enjoyment of Magic as a game and a hobby and it adds to my frustration over treating everything in society only in terms of money and profit. I don’t think that I will ever take the next logical step, but the forces driving that decision are strong. As I opened my new booster boxes of M15 and Khans of Tarkir, I would periodically type “(card name) price” into Google to assess the “value” of each card.

I became more aware of this topic after my student that plays Magic toldme a story of how he pulled a Sarkhan planeswalker card from one of his prize booster packs and someone offered him 25 dollars on the spot for it. I wrote Chris about it because we had only days before discussed that his Khans decks aren’t quite what they could be because the tri-lands and other cards are prohibitively expensive. He replied that he has known about the state of high priced cards ever since Ice Age. That stayed with me because as I’ve mentioned, Ice Age was when I stopped collecting before starting again recently. Economics wasn’t my main reason for stopping at the time. In fact, I had no idea that it even existed as a strategy in the hobby. I assumed that all collectibles, save the very rare ones, like steroid fueled home run baseballs, tanked in price because of oversaturation. That’s what happened to me as a kid when I tried to sell baseball cards at the local flea market. “Nope,” Chris replied before giving a very specific example from that former set.

The topic continued to ferment in my brain, catalyzed by discussions in the Magic Facebook group that I recently joined. everyone posted about how they “made back part (or all) of their money” from their booster boxes. Wow, I thought, a hundred bucks. After checking the posts, they were only selling a small fraction of the cards and that made the feat even more impressive. Someone else posted bragging about how they got such a good deal for their Rabblemaster at $6 because, even though nobody believed them, it was now worth $20. Hmm, I thought, I have one of those from the fat pack that I bought. Half of the purchase price of that fat pack could be recovered through the quick sale of one card.

I don’t understand economics as a subject in general. I can’t for the life of me, figure out how we can’t agree on anything as humans, but we all agree that a dollar is worth a dollar. Even when it isn’t worth a dollar anymore–like when people say, “In my day, you could get a gallon of milk, a loaf of bread, and a stick of butter for a quarter and get change”–we still agree that it is a dollar. That makes no sense to me. It isn’t like money is a finite resource. The government seemingly prints new money daily. It is only finite for your individual circumstance due to your job, bills, and living situation.

I understand individual markets even less. Some make more sense than others. Mark McGwire only hit one #62 home run ball. I don’t understand paying millions of dollars for it, but if that’s your thing, then it is the only one out there. Like money, cards are not finite. Sure, some cards are more rare by design, but for $100 I can get 540 of those cards and so can pretty much everyone else. If they want, Wizards can fire up the printers and go to town on a whole new batch of them. Each pack contains 3 uncommons, and 1 rare or mythic rare card. Some packs have a foil. I don’t know the exact probabilities because I don’t have exact print numbers, but if the economics are to be believed, then I made back my money for my booster box with two cards, Sarkhan the Dragonspeaker and a foil Wooded Foothillls. That seems absolutely absurd.

I said that I would not ever take the next logical step, but that might be a lie. The foil card is sold out at Star City Games at a price of $60. That is about 2/3 of what I paid for a box that contains 540 cards in just one card. No matter what my individual thoughts might be on this subject, that is a tough deal to ignore. The problem as a collector, is that is the only copy of that card that I currently have. Therein lies the dilemma. While there may be many, many of those cards in existence, I only have one. Others may not have any because they didn’t open 36 packs of cards in the last week. The perceived value of the card is at least partially proportional to the perceived rarity of the card. I guess I do understand economics on some level.

I still think that it is absurd that somebody would consider paying $60 for a piece of cardboard just like I found it silly that someone paid $3 million for a baseball. Sixty dollars is hard to ignore, though. Back and forth. Sell or don’t. Ultimately, I don’t think that I will sell for two reasons. One, I don’t value money as much as I value the unique. If somewhere later, I can get someone to say, “Wow, you still have one of those?” that’s priceless. Second, the foil version of this card from an older set is currently worth $150. If I can get someone to both say, “Wow, you have one of those” and follow it up with, “I’ll give you $150 for it” then that is an unquestionable win for me.

Care to explain the changing/constant worth of a dollar paradox to me? Want to commiserate over coffee about the ridiculous pricing of certain cards as we play with paper and pen proxies because the hobby is too damn expensive? Looking to buy a foil Wooded Foothills for 60 bucks? In any case, let me know in the comments, by email, or on Facebook/Twitter. As always, thanks for reading and I will be back on Thursday with a new discovery (for me), Breaking Madden.

Zombies Ate Your Library

(Note: I consider playing this deck so cheap that I have only played it once, but it remains one of my favorite decks 2 years later.)

I returned to Magic a few years ago after a long absence. My return was marked by a purchase of a deck builder tool kit for the 2013 core set. As I opened the set and marveled at the treasures inside, I noticed that they included a helpful deck building guide with some tips. One of those tips that stays with me to this day is, “Build your deck with a theme and try to stick to that theme. Tell a story with the cards.” Being a natural storyteller, I took that advice to such a level that I searched for lands that matched the overall theme of the deck. The cards in the kit seemed to be pushing me to build a blue/white spirit deck, so I tried to find islands and plains cards that looked spooky or darker, like places where spirits might reside.

While I am not quite at that level of lore in my decks anymore, I still like to have an overarching theme to the decks. Most times, that theme isn’t necessarily even a strategy to playing the deck. Rather, I prefer to have tribal decks and there’s a potential story behind every card. This particular deck was built as a response to a life gain deck that Chris built. I actually read up on the various strategies behind various decks and learned aboutmill decks. I figured that would work nicely since I didn’t think that I would ever be able to put together enough damage to overcome his constant gain. Unsure if I would be able to win with a creatureless deck, I thought about it for some time before the obvious answer hit me.

Your library in the game is a metaphor forbrains and knowledge. Zombies like to eat brains. The deck came together as a match made in heaven. I can’t promise you that the deck will win very often and it definitely will not win friends, but it is fun to play and watch the opponent’s cards disappear into the graveyard.

Land – 20

Island – 4
Swamp – 4
Dimir Aqueduct – 4
Dimir Guildgate – 4
Dreadship Reef – 2
Nephalia Drownyard – 2
Haunted Fengraf – 2

Spells – 28

Crypt Incursion – 2
Curse of the Bloody Tome – 2
Dream Twist – 2
Essence Scatter – 2
Ghoulcaller’s Chant – 2
Jace’s Erasure – 2
Mind Sculpt – 4
Murder – 2
Paranoid Delusions -2
Pilfered Plans – 2
Thought Scour – 2
Unsummon – 2
Vile Rebirth – 2

Creatures – 12

Butcher Ghoul – 2
Crypt Keeper – 2
Diregraf Captain – 1
Ghoulraiser – 2
Hunted Ghoul – 2
Rotcrown Ghoul – 1
Walking Corpse – 2

The mana situation is tenuous and the deck might be made better by going completely creatureless and either splashing in some red burn or white control or even some more blue/black control spells, but it doesn’t quite match the overall story of the deck and that’s ultimately what I want to accomplish here. Still, I encourage you to give the deck a try. Maybe don’t try it against your friends unless you have a strong friendship that can withstand the trauma of watching a library consumed by the zombie horde.

How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb

(Note: Someone get me some Nuka Cola. I’m finally gonna finish this game.)

Relax, even though I’m going to beat the game, I don’t run any risk of losing my noob cred. Even though the game is over 6 years old, I still am going to need to use a walkthrough in order to beat it. You’ve no doubt already guessed that the game in question is Fallout 3. If you didn’t guess that, then not much about this article will apply to you other than the following sentences. Go, now, and buy this game. Seriously, do yourself a favor, click the link (Fallout 3 eBay), find the game for your system, and push that “Buy Now” button. I still contend that Portal 2 is the best game in terms of game play, story, innovation, and fun. While Fallout 3 isn’t the most innovative and the game play is somewhat less in my opinion, it is only slightly behind in terms of story and fun.

Mind you, I am not a Fallout fan boy. I never played the first 2 main games before picking up the third and I honestly don’t remember why I got the third. I did, though, and found myself playing it one night that turned into two nights and then three or four. I made it as far as Megaton, did some research, and found out that you could blow up the little town if you wanted. I’m a sucker for sandbox games, especially ones with really good story or acting. I will tolerate Grand Theft Auto because it is so open world and non-linear, but I haven’t played number 4 yet. Maybe that will be my next project after finally putting Fallout 3 to rest. The story to F3 (my lazy and not so original attempt at abbreviation) reeled me in hook, line, and sinker from the opening title screen and transistor radio playing old timey music. See the introduction here. As an aside, Bioshock got me the same way. There’s just something about altered history with the accurate little touches that really bring it home. I’ve also been a fan of post apocalyptic entertainment since Night of the Living dead scared 10 year old me so badly that I still won’t pass a cemetery when it is dark to this day.

As I said earlier, the game play takes some getting used to, but I enjoyed the story so much that I spent the next week searching for the “history” of this alternate United States. That history led me to Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics on Steam and played through the first half of Fallout 1. Since I have such bad luck with computers lately and can’t really play any of the powerful games, I may go back and play those games, too, in order to get the full effect of immersing myself in the story of a United States ravaged by a nuclear war.

After all, I’ve written recently about being in a gaming rut and lamented the fact that I have these games that I’ve bought and haven’t finished. I have done a few things to help break that rut. I downloaded the Magic online client and a new block hit in Magic that has me wanting to play that again. I also got Gauntlet (but my computer isn’t good enough to play it), so I have had to find other diversions to reduce my time in Hearthstone and Marvel Puzzle Quest. I find myself going back to Hearthstone entirely too much. I often say that if you’re not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Well, time to find that solution while I get lost in the mythos of Fallout.

What the hell am I going to do with all these cards?

(Note: The title may or may not be a paraphrased quote from my wife.)

Scene: I am seated with several people in steel chairs that have been set up in a circle in a church basement. They obviously come from different walks of life, but a common thread binds them. They take turns introducing themselves and telling horror stories of how they spiraled into addiction. Each story is more terrible than the last. All I can think as they speak is, Wow, these people have a problem. The thought contains no self awareness. Eventually, they cycle to me.

“Hello,” I say, “My name is Shawn.”

“Hi, Shawn.” They all reply, anxiously awaiting the next sentence.

The sentence is supposed to contain admission of a problem and bring hope that through admission will come healing. The admission never comes. They start to shift uncomfortably or angrily in their seats. They believe that I’m being either stubborn or in denial, but I’m neither. I simply don’t have a problem.

Okay, perhaps it is time to back up for a moment. I used to play Magic when I was younger. I played a few hands with friends using their decks during my short career at the University of Pittsburgh. When I moved out and to Massachusetts, I kept a passing interest in the game to the point that I purchased a box of Ice Age boosters, picked up a couple of Portal decks, and tried to convince my wife to play with me. When she didn’t seem all that interested, I put my time, money, and energy into other pursuits.

As Liam has gotten older, I’ve tried to introduce him to some of the better parts of being a nerd. He’s a unique kid, which is awesome, and I wanted him to enjoy this time as a kid. Sometimes, he seemed like he was getting too serious and intense, so I showed him Pokemon as a way to connect with being young. He took to it immediately, found out about the cards, and I found myself hanging around that part of the local Wal*mart store. Huh, Magic is still a thing.

I picked up a deck builder kit, mentioned to Chris that I had gotten some cards, and we’ve incorporated it into our monthly nerd night routines whenever possible. We play by the loosest interpretation of the rules except when another player joins, but for the most part I think we get the spirit of the game. We are very different styles of players. He’s inspired me to build more strategically solid decks and hopefully I’ve inspired him to try some different things with his decks. I will explain this aspect of our games in another article at the end of the week.

For now, I quickly accelerated to buying packs and then, as we often do, determined that buying entire boxes of boosters (even though they are almost double what I remember them from Ice Age) is a better deal. You get almost 10 free packs depending on the price of the box. The math that I neglected to do as I bought booster box after booster box was that I was buying 36 * 15 = 540 cards each time. Some of them went into a binder as a collector’s set, but I still found the single boxes that held 1000 cards got full really quickly.

I went through the collection and took a page from Hearthstone’s playbook. I removed all duplicates that I had for each card over 4 (the legal play limit in any deck, of course) and put the rest off to the side. Christine (my wife) asked, “What are you doing with all of those cards?” I mumbled a response about maybe selling them on eBay or something, but I had to figure out what they are worth. She’s not dumb (it’s one of the reasons I married her) and she said, “Can’t you just sell them in bulk or do you have to know exactly what each one is worth?”

Instead of selling them, though, I got to keep them in the house by giving them to Aiden because he’s really gotten into playing Magic since we went to the prerelease. The rest of the cards that I’ve kept as part of my collection now reside in the four column 3200 card boxes in my closet. Christine mentioned that she is worried that it will turn into a hoarder type situation, but I’m confident that I can keep it under control. Then again, I did just order a box each of M15 and Khans of Tarkir.

Hello, my name is Shawn…and I’m addicted to collecting Magic cards. I haven’t graduated to buying booster cases (yet) so I can confidently say that I’m not one of those people (yet) and hopefully I can hold out until the kids are grown (or at least until Aiden and Liam decide that they want to share a room again and I can use Aiden’s old room to store all of my stuff in the name of calling it a game room) and maybe, just maybe, by admitting it I can be on the road to recovery.

Nah, where’s the fun in that?

In a Rut…

I was listening to the Pop Culture Happy Hour podcast last week on my commute to work. ‘ One of their topics was about being in a pop culture rut and how to get out of it. ‘ As the topic rumbled through my brain and searched for a connection, it finally dawned on me. ‘ I am absolutely in a rut when it comes to my digital gaming life. ‘ It isn’t the first time that I’ve been in a rut in my life, but it is the longest and I’m not sure how to break the cycle. ‘ Maybe through the act of admission, I will be able to come up with some ideas.

I was in the same thing with Magic for a few months. ‘ The summer, a less than inspiring block in Theros, and other things to keep me busy had me wondering if maybe the game had run its course and maybe it was time to move on to other things. ‘ I even went to a nerd night and forgot my bag of cards at home. ‘ Thankfully, Khans is being released and I’m really excited about the prospects. ‘ Even though I did horribly at the prerelease, it was still fun to see new cards and strategies and it has absolutely energized me to play again.

Here’s the dilemma. ‘ I come home from work, open my laptop, check Facebook (and do the daily spin reward thing for Bejeweled Blitz), then open Hearthstone. ‘ Actually, the ritual starts in the morning when I open Hearthstone to check on daily quests. ‘ Less often than I used to, but it still happens. ‘ If the quest is win 2 with a certain class then I will start the quest in the hopes of finishing it to get gold for packs. ‘ I will play Hearthstone, even if I don’t really want to play the game, and it will often frustrate me. ‘ If it frustrates me to the point of tilt, then I will open Marvel Puzzle Quest to see if there is anything there to keep me occupied until I calm down. ‘ In between cooking dinner, administering baths and showers, and giving kisses before going to bed, the routine follows more or less the same pattern.

How do I know that I’m in a rut? ‘ Well, to begin, I don’t even really like Hearthstone all that much. ‘ After playing the World of Warcraft trading card game and realizing how much more Hearthstone could have been, I just don’t have much fun playing the game. ‘ When I lose, it causes me frustration and when I win, it isn’t joy. I just feel relief that the game is over and yet I keep going back to it over and over again. ‘ While I do enjoy Marvel Puzzle Quest, there’s no reason that the game should dominate my gaming as much as it does. ‘ Like Hearthstone, it is meant to be an interlude while you’re on the toilet or taking your lunch break at work.

It’s not like I don’t have other things that I’d like to do. ‘ I posted last week that as a cheap gamer, I’ve built up quite the library of games that I haven’t finished. ‘ Heck, my library of games that haven’t even been opened is very impressive. ‘ Yet, these two mobile games suck me in and suck up all of my free time. ‘ I think that is part of the danger. ‘ Because they are able to just be picked up and played for a few minutes, they become the go to in between all of the night time activities. ‘ It is much harder to just pick up Skyrim or Fallout 3 for ten minutes at a time and they aren’t exactly kid friendly, either. ‘ Granted, some of the things that I’m grumbling at the screen during Hearthstone aren’t kid friendly, but those are out of ear shot of the kids and I’m not as concerned about swearing because we often have the conversation about right place and time.

I’ve identified the trigger. ‘ Now, I just have to figure out how to break the cycle. ‘ The obvious solution is to just not log into the games anymore, but that’s one of the symptoms of being in the rut. ‘ If it was so easy, I’d have already done that. ‘ I have tried (not with Marvel Puzzle Quest, because I enjoy that game and the conversation and imagination that it sparks in the boys) to uninstall the game and I just keep coming back to it time and time again. ‘ Usually, it is my brain saying, “Go ahead, see if it has gotten any better”, which it never does and, at this point, I’ve just resigned myself to playing the game the way that it is and complaining about it at every turn. ‘ I really am turning into one of those old guy gamers.

One of the things that I’ve heard are to go outside of your comfort zone. ‘ I have done that in the past and it has shaken me out of my funk. ‘ I picked up 3 really interesting and cheap games on Steam last summer and they showed me again what can be good about gaming. ‘ Another thing that I’ve heard is to go deep into my comfort zone, i.e take out Portal 2 and just immerse myself in the wonder and beauty that is that game. ‘ I was able to break back into Magic with the release of a new block, but there’s nothing that exciting I know of that on the horizon when it comes to games. ‘ I just don’t know which way to go to shake things up. ‘ What about you? ‘ What do you all do out there to get rid of the gaming blahs?

Mono Green Ramp (World Eater Edition)

I can’t take full credit for this deck. I’m not very good at deck tech, but I really like to play with cards to see how they can work together and make life frustrating for my opponents. The original idea for the deck is based on the green ramp Eldrazi deck “Chant of the Mul Daya” from Duel of the Planeswalkers 2014. I thought that the same idea could be used with Polukranos, World Eater as a board wipe and to set up for the win.


Forest – 22


Mending Touch – 2

Green Sun’s Zenith – 2

Explore – 4

Rampant Growth – 4


Khalni Heart Expedition – 4

Bow of Nylea – 1


Elvish Mystic – 4

Grazing Gladheart – 2

Farhaven Elf – 2

Oracle of Mul Daya – 2

Polukranos, World Eater – 1

Sporemound – 2

Primeval Titan – 2

Pelakka Wurm – 2

Vastwood Hydra – 2

As you can see, the deck is all about the ramp. All of the typical cards are there; Elvish Mystic in case you somehow end up with mana screw in the beginning, Rampant Growth and Explore to both find and play multiple lands in the early game, Landfall creatures and Khalni Expedition to benefit from all of the lands flying, life gain in case you need to turtle for one, or two, or ten turns, and some fatties at the end to crush any remaining hope from the soul of your opponent. I’ve said to Chris that this is my “I’m done losing deck”. Even without the Eldrazi over killing the board, the deck is still very strong and an absolute blast to play and basically a “Choose your own adventure” range of win conditions.

Give the deck a try and let me know what ways you’ve destroyed that last glimmer of hope in your friends.


Note: Read the title in your best/worst Shatner voice for the full effect.

Friday (September 19, 2014)

1:25 pm: The student that revealed himself earlier in the week at a Magic player says, “Have fun and good luck” on his way out. I doubt that he told his other professors his reasons for wanting the homework early. It’s almost like Magic players have a sort of “gaydar” like ability to sense another player without a word being said between them.

5:48 pm: Chris sends me a message saying that he’s going to try to show up to watch us play. I joke that I will have them save a spot for him in the “Player Wives” section. I probably feel a little too proud of the comment, but it works on more than one level.

Saturday (September 20, 2014)

7:44 am: Today is the day. I don’t feel as excited as I should. I remember being more excited when we went to the Theros prerelease. I couldn’t sleep last night, but that was more a function of my addiction to technology than excitement. Am I growing up? Getting too old and grumpy for Magic? I wasn’t the oldest guy at the last event, but I am pushing forty. Damn. Maybe I just haven’t had enough time to focus on what makes today special. I’m going to be there with the two big boys and Chris said that he might be able to show up for an hour or two.

11:38 am: While we drive to the store, I tell the boys about the clan structure and we talk about which clan we’re going to pick. Initially, I thought Mardu (because goblins!), and then maybe Sultai (because control!) to give Aiden a chance to play with the less strategic aggro deck. However, as we’re driving, Liam decides that he wants to play Sultai. Aiden goes back and forth until he settles on the patriotic Jeskai. I’m starting to get excited about the event and understand why I wasn’t excited about it in the first place. I’m nervous…about a friendly Magic event. I went 2-2 in the last event and want to do at least that well this time, but why the heck am I so nervous?

12:03 pm: We pull into a parking space in Greenfield. I hope we aren’t too late for the event. As we walk into the store, people are sitting at tables and the counter is already going. I was half joking about being late, but this is ridiculous. They started the event at exactly noon? I walk up to the counter and the guy (who looks baked out of his mind) asks if he can help me. Mind you, he’s the same guy who signed me up on Tuesday. Okay, no problem. Not everyone has a memory for faces and names.

I explain the situation to him. He gives me some run around about the times not officially being posted early enough and the event actually started at 11 am. It was too late, but they could get me into another event at 5 tonight or tomorrow. I’m seeing red, so I don’t hear the whole issue. Instead, I’m trying to contact Christine with a phone that refuses to dial for some reason and that is frustrating me more.

I finally just leave the store and get in touch with Christine, but I’m not thinking straight and bounce between asking for my money back, wanting to spend the time with the boys who still want to do the event, and wanting to throw a phone that continues to act up. I finally settle on the long shot of grabbing the boxes and never doing business with the place again.

They give me some other story about not being able to do that, so I concede and sign up for tomorrow’s event because the boys are adamant about wanting to play. We take the opportunity of being in town to go to the dollar store and they pick up an axe and sword that made them happy and the trip somewhat worthwhile. Plus, we can play Magic tomorrow.

2:30 pm: I soothe my irritation by sorting through my cards. I have so many (that’s an upcoming article) that I need to start thinning the herd, so to speak. I’m also talking to Chris and we both come to the conclusion that I probably need to find another store for the next event. This conversation reminds me that they do a release event. In searching for information about that, I am led to the online client for Magic. I download it and discover that they’ve started something new in the months that I forgot about it-New Player points. You are able to use them to get into events to get used to how the online game functions.

11:53 pm: I’ve spent the better part of the last ten hours playing Magic The Gathering Online. I use ten of my new player tokens to buy into two “sealed” tournaments and win about 150 cards for my trouble. Chris jokes that I’ve found my new drug, which is just my old drug on the computer, and he’s right.

Sunday (September 21, 2014)

6:40 am: I’m awake because I have to use the bathroom. I don’t want to be yet, but I slept downstairs with the boys and they take my temporary consciousness as a cue to turn on the television. Very well. I’m still not excited for today, now for different reasons, but I will try to find my enthusiasm.

7:18 am: The boys want breakfast, so I play some Hearthstone. After having such a good time with Magic last night, I am reminded just how much Hearthstone sucks. Why do I continue to play it? More on that in a future article.

8:24 am: Liam just mentioned that he can’t wait for Magic today. I will try to use their excitement to get through the day and then start looking for another nerd cave for my winter hibernation. Hopefully, there will be as many kids there again today for the two of them to have a chance of winning a game or two.

12:20 pm: Off we go again. Here’s to hoping that things are better today.

1:03 pm: We’re back at the store, again about 3 minutes late. Here goes nothing. Oh, Bubba is running things today. Awesome! “Prerelease today?”, I ask. “Yep,” he confirms. “1 o’clock, right?” “Yep.” Excellent. As he’s checking me in, he confirms one more screw up. The guy charged me tax on the prerelease boxes, so I now have a $4.66 credit at the store. WTF? If I keep coming back, I need to just deal with Bubba from now on. Sundays it is.

1:10 pm: Bubba messed up and put my name wrong on the form and I am now Mardu. After the last day, it is a mistake that I’m willing to laugh at. Also, as I will soon learn, nothing could be further from the truth. I am not Mardu.

1:45 pm: Deck built. 0-3, here I come!

1:53 pm: Time’s up! There are a few kids here. Hopefully, the boys get paired up with them. Nervous excitement is finally starting to set in. My brain seems content with putting everything off, even feelings, until the last minute.

And now for the actual matches. There were only 3 rounds this time with each win getting a booster pack.

First Match: I should have gone with a control clan. I’m playing Mardu as control. “Battle with Speed”? Not if you’re me. I hold the guy at bay until time is up, but I just don’t have enough of the “speed” built into the deck to mount a sustained attack. Even though we battle to overtime, he overwhelms me for an 0-2 first loss. Well on that way to 0-3!

Second Match: The guy has an awesome deck. This certainly is not his first rodeo. After trying to reset my mindset to aggro, I put pressure on in the first game, but there’s not much I can do about his morph creatures that become 6/6 and he just steam rolls me.

After the second match, Aiden said that he felt hungry and tired and wanted to go home. I now have remorse over my choice, so I’m more than willing to leave. I am not an aggro player by any stretch of the imagination. In the pantheon of CCG players, I am firmly planted in control. It is one of the reasons that I don’t like Hearthstone very much. Well, now I know for certain.

So, there you have it. My experience playing in the Khans of Tarkir prerelease. I tried something new, and failed miserably. Homer Simpson is right. “The lesson is to never try.” Seriously, though, after thinking about it and talking to Chris, Jeskai is definitely the way to go in the next event. Hope you all had better luck than me.

Communication Breakdown

(Note: Fake Surgeon General’s Warning – Hearthstone May Be Hazardous to Your Mental Health)

I was playing Hearthstone the other morning as I sometimes do. Usually, I will log in to check what the daily quest is and if it is one that doesn’t look like it will take too long or I am close to that magic 100 gold mark (free packs!), then I will try to complete the quest. While the quest was not necessarily and easy one (Hunter or Druid dominance – because my druid deck is not the most efficient win wise as it is a troll deck designed to frustrate hunters and I despise playing hunter because it is basically face roll), I decided to play the druid deck because I haven’t played it much lately. I tweaked it to make it slightly more competitive, but it still works mostly only as a way to get the opponent to use the “threaten” emote as much as possible in the time that it takes me to ultimately lose. Childish? Perhaps, but it is all just meant to be harmless fun.

On this particular morning, the plan backfired big time. Instead of facing hunters, who were no doubt unleashing many hounds on their last minute pushes to legend rank before the nerf bat smacks them, I went up against a priest, a face warrior that somehow drew every weapon in his deck in his opening hand, and then another priest. These are all terrible match ups for my poor druid deck and I lost every single game. Good, you might be thinking, sometimes you are the troll and sometimes you get trolled. Serves you right. I respect that sentiment and agree with all of it. That’s not the point of this post.

As an aside, I should have a drinking game where you take a shot every time I say “That’s not the point of this post” (and chug a beer for every parenthetical phrase) in my articles. Then again, we do want this to be a form for everyone and that disqualifies our younger readers. How about Bingo? Is there a non-old people equivalent to Bingo?

But, I digress. (Aha, that’s another one for Bingo!) The point of this article is that as the losses mounted, my mood turned worse and worse to the point that I was actively cursing the screen and the anonymous person on the other side of it. So, you’re a sore loser, you might respond, why write an entire article about it? I’m usually not. I lose, quite often, to Chris in Magic during our games and I take those losses in stride. Granted there was the time that I called his Quicksilver Amulet “bull…stuff” but that was more a commentary on my inability to properly counter it and it has led me on a crusade to build a deck to do just that. Forget games, I’ve lost plenty in live (most notably jobs) and I just get back out there and “fail up”.

Another piece of this puzzle is that it isn’t just me. Chris stopped playing Hearthstone completely because he didn’t like the person he became when he lost. I have seen more than one Twitch streamer have a meltdown on camera after a prolonged losing streak. I’m not proud of this, but I also rage added an opponent to my friend list simply to type some of the curses directly to him. Mind you, I come here not to bury Hearthstone. Granted, I’m not exactly here to praise it either. While I think that the game relies entirely too much on randomness (a reason that I hate poker and to an extent fantasy football), it isn’t the game alone that elicits these responses.

I once played two Hearthstone games against a Twitch streamer and lost one of them on a fluky play that normally would have caused a tantrum, but I congratulated him and went on completely unfazed. I have also played friendlies against Chris and others and those losses were also handled with my normal good nature. That leaves the question, “Why can this game turn a normally mild mannered gamer into a foul-mouthed verbal assassin?”

The previously mentioned randomness and imbalance of certain cards and classes does not help. You can go from a very strong position to a very weak one in the span of only one draw or turn and it happens regularly. I have seen the phenomenon in other card games, but it happens more infrequently in those games than in Hearthstone. Watch or play enough of this game and you will hear or utter the phrase “top deck” as a curse at least once a game. No doubt that adds to the frustration (I had that game won and it was the last one for the quest. Son of a –) but it has just as much chance of going for you as against you, so there has to be more.

Enter “zoo” warlock and hunter. There are others (like the priests and warriors against my druid deck), but those are the two major offenders right now. Sure, the decks are consistent, cheap, and fast. I’m not even that good of a player and I can win 75-80% of my games with those decks. I finished the hunter quest later in the day with a 5-1 streak as hunter. I cheer when the warlock dominance quest shows up because I know it won’t take more than 15 minutes to complete. So, I can’t blame people for using them. Still, Web Spinner turn 1, then face plus hero power turn two, buzzard plus unleash on turn 5 (this one will change because the only way that Blizzard knows how to balance is with the nerf bat), or Voidwalker, coin blood imp turn one, then two flame imp on turn 2, and then Harvest Golem turn 3. The decks are so damn predictable and that’s boring and frustrating. Warlock has the added bonus of two card potential per turn in a game that features 30 card decks. You can stonewall hunter. As I mentioned earlier, my druid deck does well against them because of removal. If you somehow remove the onslaught of zoo, no worries, they have plenty of one and two drops to replace them. Random plus boring times severe imbalance equals streams of obscenity at some anonymous person that is just as easily a wanna be pro neckbeard as a 12-year old kid trying his first card game.

That brings me to my last, and most important, point in the article. There’s a reason that people hate Twitter. When you can easily create an anonymous account and spew forth any stupid opinion in 140 characters or less, that’s not exactly healthy for intelligent discourse. The same problem plagues Hearthstone. When I played against Chris or my other friends, I knew my enemy and the chat function allowed us to communicate during the match. Even if I wasn’t friends with the streamer, I had watched and interacted with him via chat enough to build a rapport. Normally, the other person in Hearthstone is completely unknown to you and some days you just feel like the world is out to get you. The only way to react to something is through a friend request at the end of the game. Because of rage adding, of which I’ve already admitted to being guilty*, most people won’t even respond or they might try to beat you to the rage with some venom of their own.

A chat function (and there have been many requests and good ideas of how to implement one that Blizzard has routinely ignored in favor of using updates to swing their nerf bats) would solve these problems. you would know if your opponent was a dink worthy of ridicule, scorn, abuse, or simply being ignored. You could react to a good play with an actual comment instead of a preconceived “emote” that more often than not sounds sarcastic. Who knows what could happen? I’ve made connections with people through World of Warcraft that extend beyond the game. A game supposedly built on social interaction might actually foster meaningful and healthy social interactions instead of bouts of furious swearing and the threat of broken monitors.

Do you want to swear at or be sworn at by me? Meet me in Hearthstone and bring your zoo deck. Or, would you rather Blizzard stop nerfing hunter (while completely ignoring the warlock hero power) long enough to implement chat. Show your support in the comments and in forum posts with poor spelling and grammar. Trust me, those are the ones that get the attention of the “Blues”.

*I felt so guilty after swearing at that person that I added the very next person that I played. He pulled off some insane combo with Raging Worgen, Elven Archer, and Power Overwhelming to kill me, so I added him and said, “Awesome combo.” He admitted that was the first time he was able to pull it off and we have chatted a few times since. See…chat. To the forums.

Pitfalls and Perils of Being a Cheap Gamer

Chris and I had our monthly (or semi-monthly or really whenever we can get together around our busy schedules as international men of mystery) nerd night last weekend. It involved the usual rounds of fighting games, attempting to survive round after round of Horde mode in one of the Gears of Wars games, and Magic: the Gathering. Magic featured a control v. control game that warmed the heart of this “Blue blood” player who is on record of saying that Pacifism is my favorite card in the game. There’s a reason that it borders my portrait in the banner.

As we were wrapping up and deciding when to get together again for another nerd night and maybe the opportunity to finally record the pilot show, we somehow got on the topic of unopened/unplayed video games. In addition to being an unabashed noob filthy casual gamer, I have also been a cheap gamer ever since I purchased my first console, a PS1, at full price only to see the price drop literally a year later. I have not paid full price for a console or video game (other than a brief and dark flirtation with Skyrim when it was first released…I was unemployed and needed companionship…don’t judge me!) and often troll the 5 or 10 dollar bins at stores to see what deals I can get.

He talked about getting into Castlevania games and buying a few of them and then not playing them. I recalled that as I was digging through my games to find some two player games for us to break from Magic for a half an hour or so, I found three games that I bought for really cheap and now sit in the plastic in a closet in the living room. I found Mass Effect and Mass Effect 3 at Walmart for 5 dollars each. I bought Fallout: New Vegas for 15 bucks after starting and really enjoying Fallout 3, but not finishing that one, either. That’s not even counting the aforementioned Skyrim that I bought and invested far too much time in initially and now sits in the same closet while my orc archer sits in his home in some village, all of his exploits surely forgotten by now or the dozens of Steam games that I don’t even remember buying because they happened during the euphoric fog of a Summer or Winter sale. I buy these games, play the hell out of them for a time, and then put them off to the side for the next new and shiny (at least to me, by the time I purchase them, they are at least a year old) toy. Sometimes, they don’t even make it out of the wrapper or get installed on the computer.

So, what is a working father of three with a writing habit on the side to do to combat this phenomenon? By the time the kids go to bed and I can play the games, Christine has either co-opted the television (though she’s been watching more upstairs in the bedroom lately) or I’m so tired and brain dead that all I can do is match three in Marvel Puzzle Quest or play Hearthstone with the other noobs at my level in Casual setting. Is there anybody else out there with this problem? How do you carve out the time necessary to enjoy the games that you’ve spent your hard earned money on? I’d like to hear your suggestions.