All posts by Noob of All Trades

Shawn Lucas is the self identified "Noob of All Trades". He is married and the father of three boys, two of whom help with their own podcast every couple of months. Raised on Atari, Nintendo, and Sega, he enjoys all games and will play all of them to the best of his ability, which is often average at best. Currently, he is most interested in Magic, Heroclix, and other games that he can play with Chris and his sons.

Street Fighter 6 Demo Impressions


Chris and I recorded the reboot of the reboot of 2 Guys Gaming a couple of weeks ago. In anticipation of having to write about the game again, I saw that Steam had the Street Fighter 6 demo available. You may remember that I texted him after he suggested we record again, “Let’s do SF6 and MK1. Seems like the perfect soft landing spot for us.” He agreed and then we promptly recorded the episode three months later.

Hey, we’re old guys. We have lives that don’t often coordinate. The important part is that we recorded. I plan to edit and release it on Wednesday with my MK1 article, but it might end up being Friday instead because I can’t think of another proper way to end the week. Just trust that it will come at some point this week.

Play This Game for Eternity

After loading up the game, I clicked the button to start “Battle Hub”. It informs me that the game mode isn’t available but I can watch the trailer video. Sure thing. Why not. Naturally, after showing some game play via an arcade scene, a woman comes on to the screen to tell us about the mode. But, wait.

While the character sounds feminine and wears make up and booty shorts, some might argue (not me, mind you) “That’s no woman!” and angrily throw their controller at the screen. Instead, I watched the video and actually forgot about the whole thing until later while waiting for dinner with my wife. Then, I decided to look up what the community reaction to the character was. Naturally, I found a headline about some douche bag named “Johnny Chainsaw” or some other ridiculously overtly masculine username complaining about the game as woke. Just par for the course in our national conversation surrounding LGBTQIA+ people and their mere existence.

I, for one, liked the character. They brought energy and fun to the video. They may or may not be trans. But, that’s the thing. Capcom never confirms nor denies anything. Just this individual on the screen and leaves it up to you to do with them what you may. Like Gwen in Spiderverse, it makes the point that they are here and, well, you just have to deal with it. I, for one, am here for all of it and Eternity is one of the reasons I might buy the game.

“You bastard. You flipped.”

That’s a paraphrase of Chris when he responded to my text that I wanted to buy the game. I assured him, probably not at full price but after a drop or two, for sure. When we talked, we both said that neither of us wanted to buy the game because it felt like it just offered more of the same as Street Fighter 5. We both agreed that one was a dumpster fire.

Not so this time around. When he first said to me that I flipped, I texted back, “I know. But the graphics are awesome and the game play is solid. Yes, I made that determination after only about 15 minutes of actual game play. Honesly, though, what more do you need than the 2 minute video I recorded earlier. It’s Street Fighter. You fight…on the street.

The Verdict

I mean, it might be dangerous to judge a game so quickly because, as the Street Fighter 6 demo warns, “This game is still in development…followed by some other word that basically say the finished product probably won’t look or play the exact same way that it does here.” Some of that is true. Most of it, though, is just legalese to cover their butts in case someone takes better notes than I did and wants to sue them over the omission of a game mode or character. For me, though, I’m sold. Hell, if my check is big enough this week, I might just splurge and buy it then.

Wilds of Eldraine Miscellaneous Cards I Love


Time to finish out Wilds of Eldraine with the cards that are left article. After picking my favorite white, blue, and black and then my favorite red and green cards, that leaves multi-colored, colorless, and possibly lands. Full disclosure. Once upon a time (clever, huh?), I got a bit too excited by the gold border. I know every Magic the Gathering player feels the same. But, as a novice, the gold makes you think that a card is better than it really is. All that glitters is gold, as a wise man once sang. On with Wilds of Eldraine miscellaneous.

Wilds of Eldraine Multicolored Cards I Love

I tried to set this one up like the other articles, where I pick 3 honorable mention and one card as the clear favorite. But, then I looked at the cards. And, believe me, I looked. Several times I looked at those cards. And, I found exactly two that I wanted to include in this article. One, I played. The deck that I found included Beluna Grandsquall. Fun card that gave me some advantage in all of the games I played. The Goose Monther caught my eye, as you might figure, because Bird Hydra. How can I ignore that?

Wilds of Eldraine Colorless Cards I Love

They mailed it in on the colorless cards this time, too. While Soul-Guide Lantern probably won’t see play very often in my decks, even I know it’s a good card in the right deck. I picked the other one because it combines the two card types that I play the least. I wonder what it means that clues are in the set. That’s an Innistrad mechanic.

The Verdict

Wilds of Eldraine miscellaneous cards underwhelm. I realize that not all cards in a set an be great, but I usually expect to be wowed by one or two from each section. I can’t remember the last time I needed to work so hard to simply list 4 mediocre cards and convince myself that I love those cards. So, let’s move on to next week.

Images grabbed from Mythic Spoiler

Wilds of Eldraine Gruul Edition Cards I Love


I went through my picks for Esper edition Wilds of Eldraine cards on Monday. As I’ve done since coming up with this format a few years ago, Wednesday brings Wilds of Eldraine Gruul cards. It also brings an admission that I feel the least comfortable playing green and red.

I mitigated that some by building a Naya landfall deck as one of my Commander decks. Until I update my Lord of the Rings elf deck, it is my favorite deck currently to play. Both playing an elf deck on Arena and getting a chance to play with that elf deck gives me some hope when playing those green cards, at least.

There’s hope for me yet to figure out that missing piece of the color pie.

Wilds of Eldraine Red Honorable Mention (Almost Goldspan, Almost Lightning Bolt, and Almost Playable)

Decadent Dragon

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Of these three cards, I’ve actually played one of them. I wanted to record a first day video where I played a deck that I found online. I ended up recording two of them! However, I messed up the sound on both, so who knows if they lead to my big break as a content creator. Long story short, I clicked a link that took me to a Temur adventures deck. In that deck? Scalding Viper. It worked very well against the aggro decks I faced.

I just find the other two cards funny. Wizards of the Coast constantly pushes the envelope with new cards. When they go overboard, they try to find a more balanced version, like the new dragon vs. Goldspan Dragon. Other times, they try to balance unbalanced cards from the past. Then, you get the word salad of something like Torch the Tower.

Red Card I Love (Your Cards Are My Cards, Comrade)

I despise thief decks in Hearthstone. I don’t play a ton of thief cards in Magic the Gathering, but I remember one time Chris and I played and I stole his giant dummy and used it to kill him with. This one doesn’t let you use any mana as some cards do, but it does give you treasure tokens. Combo this with another treasure generator and you can be sitting pretty with a couple of your opponent’s cards.

Wilds of Eldraine Green Honorable Mention (Adventure Shenanigans, Some Ramp, and Card Draw)

Up the Beanstalk

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Honestly, I considered my Naya ramp deck when picking these cards. I think the only one I would really play is the enchantment. But the idea of playing the ramp, bouncing it, and playing it again fills my heart with such joy. Keep your eyes open for just that play. If it happens, you’ll be the first ones to hear about it.

Wilds of Eldraine Green Card I Love (Forest Tortoise)

Forget for a moment, if you can, the almost rhyme. Either Chris or Jason texted this card to the group chat. Then, Chris said, “There ya go, Shawn.” So, even if it hasn’t proven to be much of a threat, my Naya landfall deck is on their minds enough to text me cards that might be fun. This one, indeed, qualifies. The only thing that gives me pause is the mill condition. But, I can always make room for Gaea’s Blessing

The Verdict

I think that forcing myself outside of my comfort zone worked. I found the Wilds of Eldraine Gruul article much easier to write than any in the past. I actually played one of the cards in the article. Several others will most likely get play in my Naya landfall deck. Improvement, indeed.

Images taken from Mythic Spoiler.

Wilds of Eldraine Esper Edition: Cards I Love


I ignored the previous set release on the page, other than to talk crap about Lord of the Rings (again) and expose their dirty, stinking capitalist hearts through my analysis of the “One Ring“. Outside of the page, I actually played one of the commander decks from the set because Chris and Jason splurged for them. I picked the Galadriel, Elven-Queen deck and elf things happened. Unfortunately, they happened a bit too slowly and succumbed to removal. Now, you know all about my MTG adventures between March of the Machine and this Wilds of Eldraine Esper article.

Speaking of adventures (how about that segue?), the return to Eldraine brings the mechanic back into Standard. Other mechanics in the game are “role tokens”, bargain, and celebration. You can read about these keywords and mechanics. here. However, I’m sure I will discuss them at some point in this article, too.

Wilds of Eldraine White Honorable Mention (Fun Police Reporting for Duty)

Cooped Up

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All three of these cards feed right into my play style. Those of you who follow the page know that I’m only happy in Magic the Gathering when my opponent is absolutely miserable. So, exiling and locking their board sounds like fun to me! I loved playing Glass Casket the last time around. Glad they brought it back. Cooped up just looks like a more powerful Pacifism (my favorite card of all time) and Break the Spell gives enchantment hate in a world full of enchantment. Yes, please!

Wilds of Eldraine White Card I Love (Bring Back My Weenie!)

I always wanted to make a white weenie deck. Okay, here’s the actual truth. Once upon a time, I wanted to make a deck for each of the colors and color combinations in Magic the Gathering. I put together a spreadsheet and everything. For white, I envision a tiny leaders deck. Well, that dream died like so many of my other gaming dreams. “Hey,” you might say, “dreams aren’t dead until you are!” Thanks for the inspiration, random internet denizen. I appreciate it. I don’t see any legendary white weenies in this deck, so I need to do more research. But, be on the lookout for my (possibly insane) “Deck in every single color and combination in Magic the Gathering” series of articles. Coming soon-ish.

Wilds of Eldraine Blue Honorable Mention (Playing into Open Blue Mana? You Fool)

Spell Stutter

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Regular readers of the page will not be surprised by the selections here. I already talked about my fondness of fun police decks. Countering spells is my favorite part of that strategy. Why remove something when you can simply prevent them from casting it? Same for drawing cards, searching their library, gaining life, really anything. I know I sound like a hypocrite because I often speak out against solo Magic the Gathering, but countering spells is just good, clean, interactive game play. The way Richard Garfield intended.

Wilds of Eldraine Blue Card I Love (You Get a Trigger, and You Get a Trigger, Everyone Gets a Trigger!)

I don’t often play ETB trigger decks, but I can be persuaded to change. Especially playing this deck on Arena or xMage sounds fun. I too often miss triggers when actually playing the cards. I just don’t play my decks enough to remember what all of the cards do. If I build this deck for actual play, I will need to goldfish it or come up with a way to remember all of the triggers. Because zero times two is still zero. *sad trombone*

Wilds of Eldraine Black Cards Honorable Mention (Removal, Limited Thoughtseize, and A Terrible Pun)

Scream Puff

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First, let me clear the air. I don’t know that “Scream Puff” is strictly a pun. I belong to a pun group on Facebook and people often argue that things like rebus and something along the lines of “Scream Puff” aren’t actually puns. The thing is, I can’t find another category for it. So, if it’s not a pun, don’t scream at me about it. Let me know what it actually is, so I can learn. As far as the other cards, The End feels like a fun trick to play on your opponent late game and I think that Thoughtseize with exile instead of life loss might be slightly better. I’m sure Spikes out there will tell me why I’m wrong.

Wilds of Eldraine Black Card I Love (Guess Who’s Back?)

This is one of the first cards I saw from the set. While it doesn’t explicitly do things that I often do in Magic the Gathering, I still found myself drawn to the card. I like Ashiok’s lore in the game and I welcome them coming back to grace us with their presence. Hey, I always tell you. It isn’t the best cards in the deck. It’s Wilds of Eldraine Esper Cards I Love.

The Verdict

Wilds of Eldraine Esper cards aren’t terribly powerful. But, they are interesting and fun. That’s all I ask out of my Magic the Gathering cards. People often ask, why put bad cards in your deck? I say, why not? When I top deck that terrible card in just the right situation one out of a thousand times, you can bet I’m going to take a picture of that moment and post it on our Instagram.

Notes: Card images taken from Mythic Spoiler

Marvel Comics August 2023: Great, Good, Decent


I moved comics to this week because the package came this week and, frankly, with the start of school I am in no position to talk about Roll Player Adventures or Baldur’s Gate as I originally planned. Even with that business, I kept more or less on schedule with DC (though only the Manga sampler) and independent comics. I recorded the 4th episode of Noob’s Book Club today. In it, I talked about how busy Thursday was and how yesterday just sort of got away from me. So, Marvel Comics August 2023 comes later than anticipated.


I texted Chris, “They’re killing me boy.” I said more than that, but in the interest of “can’t say anything nice” and all, I will refrain from repeating them here. A few months ago, when I restarted this column, ASM got his own section. This issue so offended me that I can say no more than, “Ugh.” Chris said he might stop collecting the book altogether. I have the entire run back until 700 now, so I’ll keep collecting. But nothing says I have to keep reading.


Amazing Spider-Man #32 (Writer: Zeb Wells, Artist: Patrick Geleason) Last night, Chris texted to say that he didn’t like Gleason’s art on this book. I agree that it looks weird in parts. But, honestly, that’s the least of my worries with Webhead lately. I actually like the current storyline and I think I said last time that it might find it’s way out of the dumpster. But, then, they tossed it right back in. This issue was actually pretty good and I considered putting it there, but not until they stop it with the nonsense.


Fantastic Four 10

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Writer: Ryan North, Artist: Leandro Fernandez

All of these titles are either trending up or treading water right now. Fantastic Four ventured into “Great” territory a couple of times recently. This one only takes a step back because I don’t understand the story or the reason for it. I’m sure they’ll explain in the next couple of issues. For now, I’m just confused. Doctor Strange, likewise, tells a seemingly unrelated story, but has a promising ending.

Black Panther lost me with the first two issues and I started to wonder if maybe I just lost the thread of the book. This issue brought me back in and I want to see what they do next with the story. The one that excites me, most, though, is the Avengers. I wanted to see what they did with this lineup. The first issues mostly set up them and the villains. This one brought a conflict between the heroes and the villains that I enjoyed very much. Depending on how the next issue goes, I see this one moving up to “Great” next month.


Venom 24 (Writer: Al Ewing, Artist: Sergio Davila) Chris wrote me to tell me that he is on the outs with Venom. While I obviously don’t agree 100%, I have to agree when he said it’s just symbiote after symbiote. Like, I had to take a pause and remember how Eddie became the new Red Venom. After that, though, the showdown with Dr. Doom delivered everything I could have hoped. I think Ewing put the Lethal Protector in a good place and hope that Grønbekk can keep the momentum going.

Guardians of the Galaxy 5: (Writers: Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing, Artist: Kev Walker). The gang is back together and, as always, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. They go after the galaxy spanning threat, Grootfall finally. Realizing that they are out of their league, they retreat and try to come up with another plan. At the end, I finally get a promise that they’ll explain the Grootfall story. I don’t see this one leaving “Great” territory for a while.

The Verdct

Other than the assault on my favorite comic book character, Marvel Comics August 2023 does alright. All of the books are telling some really good stories and many of them remind me of the books of my wasted teenage years. Growing older does things to our brains. I, as I believe many of you, welcome the diversion that takes me back.

Note: Most images taken from the mothership.

August 2023 Independent Comics I Love


I scheduled this article for yesterday. Then, yesterday required me to pick up Aiden from soccer, make dinner (I thought for two days), and record Episode 1 of the reboot of the reboot of 2 Guys Gaming podcast. Then, Quinn and I planned to camp tonight and tomorrow night. But, I screwed that up and apparently never booked the site. So, we are home and I am writing the August 2023 independent comics article.

I mean, this week already went through a few iterations. The end of the summer always messes with me and my timing. Finally, I settled on making it the comics week and moving some other things around. With DC Comics on a “Knight Terrors” break, I luckily received a DC Manga Sampler and that gave me plenty to discuss. This article continues the trend of Spawn Universe and TMNT.

Gunslinger Spawn #23

Writer: Uncle Todd. Artist: Brett Booth. A coupel of issues ago when I picked this book up and started reading it, I infered (or outright said), “Violator fighting a T-Rex? What more do you want?” Well, a couple of issues later, I can’t exactly answer that question other than with, well, “More.” This story thudded back to the ground in this issue. The pacing felt off, I noticed at least one typo, and the writing just comes off as rushed. My Verdict: Decent

King Spawn #25

Writer: Uncle Todd. Artist: Javi Fernandez. Up until now, this one topped my list of the Spawniverse titles. Granted, it still does, but with Scorched oddly not showing up in my box this month, that list reads as much shorter. And, this one suffers from the same rushed feeling as Gunslinger this month. I noticed a typo in this one, too, and the Spawn/Clown routine leaves me wondering what the heck is happening right now. Perhaps they bit off more than they can chew. I’ll chalk it up to growing pains right now. My verdict: Decent.

Spawn #344

Writer: Rory McConville. Artist: Carlo Barberi. This one actually anchored the Spawniverse this month. I think it’s been quite a while since we could say that. Sure, it insists on dragging the Heaven/Hell war out. Some people might be into that. I am not. Other than that, though, it explains Spawn’s actions in King Spawn and sets up for his intervention to hopefully end Heaven’s and Hell’s machination for the forseeable future. Maybe Scorched fills in some of the details, too, and that’s what I’m missing this month. My verdict: Good.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #142

Writer: Sophie Campbell (with Story Consulting by Kevin Eastman. Artist: Gavin Smith. I wrote that the book took a bit of a dip after Armageddon Game. It was to be expected. That story ramped things up to 11 (or maybe even 12 or 13) and anything after, by comparison, seems tame. Well, it didn’t take long for them to start ratcheting things up again. I blew through this book because the pacing felt so urgent. The turtles deal with the after effects of Armageddon Game and feel the family fracturing a bit as a result. Sophie Campbell just knows how to write this book. I can’t wait for next month. My verdict: Good, bordering on Great.

The Verdict

August 2023 Independent Comics fell off a bit from previous months. The Spawn books, other than the main title, felt rushed and up against a deadline. But, TMNT more than made up for the drop in quality. That book alone makes me excited for what’s coming in September.

Spawn covers taken from Image comics website.

DC Manga Sampler: Bonus Article


As an added bonus (I don’t remember ordering it), DCBS sent me the DC Manga Sampler. Therefore, in my haste to switch things around on the page, I bring you a bonus article about the three stories contained therein. This also comes on the heels of me ordering too many of the Knight Terrors books last month or not ordering enough this month to cover the second issues of the ones I ordered last month. Perhaps both. As a result, I moved the independent books to Wednesday this week and Marvel still drops on Friday.

Joker: One Operation Joker

Once I got used to the manga set up (I knew that you read from back to front, but not that you read from right to left), I enjoyed this story. It starts like so many other stories, with Joker unsure what’s real and what’s not. Therefore, when he reveals that he has a baby (?!), you are left to wonder what’s real and what’s not. He pulls a knife. Sure, not even the joker is that much of a monster. Thankfully no. He uses the knife to cut open a bag of diapers and change the baby.

How the hell does he even have a baby? Well, let me tell you, dear reader. Apparently, it has to do with the night before. He met Batman on the same catwalk near the same vat of toxic waste that created him. They tussle and when you think that Batman might finish the job, Joker grabs him and throws him into the waste. Well, that’s quite the cliffhanger. Now I need to add this to my pull list.

Batman: Justice Buster

This one involves a wordless chase with Batman after a villain I don’t recognize. He wears one of his armored suits. At the end of the episode, he suffers a malfunction and the villain taunts him from above. The villain activates a “B-17 trap”. I assume the B stands for Batman, but I have no clue on the 17. Written by the same author, this one felt weaker than the Joker one. Maybe it’s the unfamiliar characters or the lack of dialogue. Whatever the case, I’m less excited about this one. I will still give it a shot and hope for the best, though.

Superman vs. Meshi

This one also opens in a familiar way. Wherever someone calls for help, he hears it. Even if it comes from the other side of the world. But, today, he stands in front of a noodle joint in Japan. He’s, as the book says, “super hooked” on ramen. Cut to Clark Kent getting chewed out for not bringing scintillating enough stories. Why can’t he be more like Lois and get great interviews with Superman? Speaking of Lois, when he leaves the meeting, he bumps into her and asks her out. She says no. Thank goodness, he thinks, there’s no way I could get her to Japan as Clark Kent! Yes, more noodles! The set up here is funny, if not overly dramatic. But, who knows what Meshi holds in store for the Man of Steel.

The Verdict

I never knew anything about the DC Manga Sampler before receiving it in my shipment. After reading the three stories, one of them interests me greatly. Another has potential. And, the third, well, I just don’t understand the appeal. Granted, I never liked Superman. And, I always preach that sometimes it isn’t for you. So, maybe that one just isn’t for me. But, I will definitely check out the other two.

Loki For All Time Preview


I wrote in my Marvel SNAP article last month that I lost interest in the game for a bit. At the time, I theorized then that it might end up as one of the many games that came out with great promise but then ended up in the scrap heap of previously loved games. I think I also wrote that a card like X-23 alone could get me to play the game more. Well, with this Loki for All Time preview, I can confidently say that none of that is true.

I played more in this last month than the previous two combined. That much is true. But, I never opened X-23, so it had nothing to do with that card. I just remembered how much fun the game can be and also how quickly games go. I finish my quests in a game or two and it rarely takes more than 10 minutes.

Why a Preview?

Due to circumstances completely within my control, I moved some things around and rearranged my writing schedule for this month and next. I planned to do Dungeons and Dragons last week and then moved it to this week. I further moved it to next week because we took full advantage of the end of summer. Quinn and I never sat down to play either Roll Player Adventures or D&D, so I have no updates there. My DCBS order arrived the other day and when I sat down with my planner this afternoon, I decided to slot comics into this week. I mean, Marvel SNAP always has a new update every month.

While true, the updates don’t release precisely at the beginning of each month. Last month, for example, the article that I used as a resource for my Marvel SNAP article came out on August 9th. So, the official word for next month won’t come for another couple of days. I sort of painted myself into a corner here. Luckily, some information got data mined and I can at least talk about the new cards. Maybe when the other information releases, I can write an update talking about the stuff I missed.

The Trickster

On Reveal: Replace your hand with cards from your opponent’s starting deck. Give them -1 cost.

Our Loki for All Time preview starts, predictably, with the man of the hour, Loki. While not generally a fan of theft decks in any card game, I might make an exception with this card. I like that you are replacing your hand with their cards. Also, my “no fun police” sense tingles with the chance to beat those disco and destro decks at their own game. I never played Daken. I intend to play Loki day 1.

The Other Cards

Ongoing: Your cards with 1 or less Power cost 1 less. (minimum 1)

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If I’m being honest, none of these cards interest me very much. I can think of much more interesting things to do on turn 6 besides destroying my opponents cards played at a certain location on that turn. Maybe I see some utility with the location that destroys all the others, but that feels far too limited for my game play style. I play a “Ones” deck sometimes to finish the quest, but I think they all have more than one power. Besides, they can’t have their cost reduced below one. I suppose she allows for quicker Gobby and Hobby shenanigans. Some other utility. I might try a deck for a game or two with her if I end up opening her card. The only time I ever see a card that increases the cost of my cards is Iceman. I suppose that Wave gets hit by this one and that’s sometimes a popular play to lock you out of playing multiple cards later in the game. So, I might put Mobius in my Ongoing deck if I can find a slot for him.

The Verdict

The only card that looks remotely interesting to me is Loki. The others have limited (or almost no) functionality for my play style. When I come back in a couple of weeks with all of the information from the update, including the locations, I can give an update on my thoughts here in this Loki for All Time preview.

Note: Images snapped from Marvel SNAP Zone.

Minecraft Dungeons August 2023


I first found and played Minecraft Dungeons about two years ago. As often happens, I lost interest in the game because others came into (or back into) my life. Maybe I played it through the summer and then school started and neither me nor Quinn had enough time for the game. Then again, I doubt that very much. Because, I happened to see Quinn playing the game last year and he beat it…or was very close to doing so. I might have joined him for a few rounds of combat to try to get back into the game, but it wasn’t meant to be. And, so, like my previous article, I struggle with what this Minecraft Dungeons August 2023 article will look like.

Relax. Unlike that previous article, Minecraft Dungeons means less to me. Only Quinn and I ever played it. I remember thinking that Aiden might. But, he never picked it up as far as I know. So, no waxing poetic and philosphic about kids and growing up. What, then, can I write for this article?

Maybe This Article Shouldn’t Exist

I chose Minecraft for this week early in the summer. I hoped it might inspire me to play the game with the boys again. Instead, I started a new world of my own and never played Minecraft Dungeons until a couple of days ago. I saw it on the Minecraft Launcher, installed it, and loaded it. So, I played just about as much as I played before writing the first article.

Yes, definitely, this Minecraft reeks of grand plans that fall short. It happens quite often around here. If you’re a regular, you don’t even feel bad about it anymore. If not, I apologize. I tried so hard to keep the page going in spite of a busy summer and I think I just ran out of steam. I said earlier to my wife, “I shudder to think what this year looks like. I have no motivation whatsoever to do any work.” Maybe I just need some time to recouperate.

Just a few more weeks of summer? Please?

Wait Until Minecraft in May?

So, in closing, I’m going to kill the Minecraft Dungeons August 2023 article. Go back to read the first look article and I promise to have another better update sometime in the future. If not before, I try to have a Minecraft in May feature week. In the meantime, download the game and see if you can inspire me to play more by sending me your progress.

Minecraft Boy in a Minecraft World


I planned to write about Minecraft this week. Today I wanted to talk about the Java (PC) version. Then, on Wednesday, I wanted to discuss the console (or Bedrock) version. Honestly, I had no coherent plan for Friday and I wrote, “developing an RPG?” in my planner for that day. So, in anticipation of this epic update on the game, I started a new Minecraft world about a week ago.

A view from my front door.

I played through for an hour or so cumulatively. Mined. Crafted. Found some cool stuff like an amethyst cave and a desert village. The amethyst cave is a first for me. Oh, I also mined some copper during my first trip down in this world. And, ended up spawning near a type of forest I never saw before. Even so, I’m honestly at a loss of how to approach this article.

A Minecraft Update August 2023

This is usually how I approach these articles where I want to talk about new and exciting developments in games. However, with those games I usually play them daily and the update involves only a new set of cards. As I replied to all three of my kids, at different times, when they noticed I loaded up the game, “Yeah, I haven’t played it in a long time.” Traditionally, Minecraft is our vacation game. I play with Quinn, and sometimes Aiden. We have a Minecraft world or two with Liam, too, but he played Pokemon more than any other game.

In this game, I missed several updates. I kept an eye on them as they released and I even considered playing once or twice to write one of those traditional update articles. Obviously, I never followed through. One reason is because my gaming PC, the PC I’m writing this article on had a busted charging port and I thought it would take far too much effort to fix. A couple of weeks ago, that proved wrong and I replaced the port. So, I loaded up Minecraft.

The More Things Change…

…supposed to be the more they stay the same. I think people just say that to comfort themselves when things seem to be changing so rapidly. As a parent, you learn some harsh truths about, well, everything. One of those truths we are learning now is that kids are kids. Until they aren’t anymore. And that process seems to happen overnight. I don’t know if it’s because you don’t pay attention to those small changes or you only start paying attention when the rapid changes happen.

I wrote an article about going to the train show with Aiden one year. I worried that it might be the last year I got to go. He was the only one who wanted to come and I mused about how quickly childhood evaporates. It didn’t happen then. But, I think it is happening now. I mean, sure, the kids all came with me to the comic book convention in Fitchburg this weekend. And, they all had an absolute blast. It was a small one, so nobody felt too crowded (I think the reason they don’t want to go to the train show) but it still had the cool artists, cosplayers, and something for everyone.

We also found him!

But, Minecraft

Losing an annual train show is one thing. I can live with that loss. Especially if I can keep convincing them to join me at the smaller comic shows. But, like I said, Minecraft was a staple for us during vacations. We picked up old worlds. Sometimes, when bored, we created a new Minecraft world. But, we always played. This summer vacation is the 4th vacation with no Minecraft with the kids.

I think part of the problem is that I get caught up in other things and I don’t ask them to play. I’m sure if I asked Quinn or Aiden to play Minecraft, they would. At least for a couple of sessions before they got bored. I mean I saw Aiden playing Fortnight again the other night when I went up to visit him in his room. So, I need to take some responsibility here. But, parents, trust me when I say. Your kids are kids until they aren’t anymore. Cherish those moments. Take the pictures. And at the risk of sounding like a middle aged Facebook mom.

The Verdict

Who knew when I randomly picked up the game and created a Minecraft world that it would lead to such deep feelings and me fighting off tears? These episodes come at random times. About a month ago, my wife and I had a conversation because she talked about remembering when they were little. She thinks I have a limited memory, which I sometimes do, but I just said, “You just remember” and then fired off a few dozen memories, both big and little of them being kids. We have a week left of summer. Aiden wanted to disc golf. We are taking them all to the beach on Wednesday (so the console article won’t happen then), and now I need to figure out a way to