After far too long to finish Jurassic Park, we return with The Poppy War Episode 1. I feel like I’ve been talking about this book for months. Actually, I have been talking about this book for months. But, finally, I got a chance to read the first 2 (now 4 to prepare for the next one) chapters and it hooked me already. I know, I know. I still need to record the Movie Vs. for Jurassic Park. Give me time to catch up and feel prepared. Hopefully this month. Until then, this book promises to be a blast.
Give it a listen and let me know what you think. What did I do right? What can be improved? I want to make this work and take constructive criticism well. With no additional delay, download and listen to The Poppy War Episode 1. I can’t wait to hear what you think.
The Schedule (for the rest of the year, pending changes if necessary):
- “Jurassic Park” – Finished
- “The Poppy War” – July
- “Dragons of Destiny” – August
- “The Dragon Republic” – September
- “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein” – Halloween Season
- “The Burning God” – November
- “Dune” – December
Note: The schedule may change due to only being able to update twice a week until the end of the school year.
Note: If you want to read along, find a copy at your local (or multinational conglomerate) book store to purchase and add to the conversation. Summary provided by Super Summary.