Gamer Bros. (Liam, Aiden, and Quinn)

Shawn has three sons. He tried to raise them right, in the way of the gamer. While successful, each person is unique and they all chose their own path. He hoped to include them in the 2 Generations Gaming family as the Gamer Bros. (their name) but, as it does, life got in the way. Never too late to realize your dreams, he continues to update the page and hope for the day that they all play Dungeons and Dragons together again.

Liam, the first born, graduated high school last year. As of this year (2024), he completed his first year of college successfully. He switched his major from education to history. He wants to go on to become a professor of history. When I first made the page, I called him “absolutely a Pokekid.” Even though in college and (sometimes) an adult, he still fits that bill. He keeps saying that he wants to play Portal 2 once more, bringing his total just below my own of 4.

Aiden, the middle child, will be a senior in high school next year. He, like me, runs the gamut when it comes to gaming. While he played Pokemon some, but really enjoyed (and sometimes still does) YuGiOh. He built several world with us in Minecraft, became somewhat obsessed with Fortnite, and dabbled in indy classics like Human Fall Down with his lifelong friend. His true passion, though, lies on the soccer pitch where you will find him in goal or sometimes on defense.

Quinn, the youngest, started middle school this year. He played Dungeons and Dragons and Roll Player Adventures with me several times. I wrote another adventure in D&D for him that we never got a chance to play. But, the family mentioned wanting to play again, so maybe we will all get a chance to do so. He also played too much Minecraft with us and plays YuGiOh whenever he has a chance.

I hope you enjoyed this introduction to the Gamer Bros. If possible, I promise to bring some more of their adventures to the page.

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