Of the three main gaming genres, I paid the least attention to this one in 2024. Aiden, again, stole the XBox to put in his room so that he could play Minecraft again. He also commandeered my laptop for the same purpose. So, I mostly used that laptop to update my USFL Distant Replay page. The other laptops, I installed various Linux distributions and used them in my coding exercises. Our 2024 look back on PC/Console might seem lacking.
And, so, the majority of my console experience this year came as a result of my new Nintendo Switch and Retroid Pocket emulator. Both technically mobile devices. Nevertheless, I plan to bring you an actual article later in the week. So, I want to set the scene with this one. Join me on the eve of Christmas for opportunities missed.
Train Sim World
The other day, during an impromptu family movie night, we watched The Polar Express. This brought up two things. One, I think the boys want to go to the train show at the Big E this year. Second, it reminded me of this game. After returning from Germany, I became obsessed with this game and the Euro Truck Simulator. I even considered trying to put together a weekly train/truck Tuesday stream. I mean, there’s still time, but I need to load up the games again and figure out the best routes to run for optimal scenery and fun.
Console of Christmas Past
Earlier in the year, they suckered me into ordering an Atari 7800+. I say that, but I willingly placed the order and eagerly anticipated the arrival. Upon that arrival, I immediately plugged it in and played the included game. My wife saw and asked, “Is that for Liam?” I hadn’t considered that, but now it sits under the tree as a present for the boys from 1982. Naturally, I’m including myself as one of the boys.
Every year, during Christmas break, I pick up Minecraft again to see what new things they introduced to the game. Sometimes, I also play it during other breaks and summer. A few years ago, I loaded the game full of mods and went nuts. Last year, I built out a massive farm in front of my dwelling. Stay tuned to see what happens this year.
The Verdict
Our 2024 look back at PC/console reads more like a wish list. That’s okay, though, because that’s what the holidays and end of the year are all about. So, in that spirit, Happy Christmas to you and yours. Can’t believe I’ve been talking to myself on the internet for over 10 years. Here’s to at least 10 more.