The Little Things


Full disclosure. This entry was supposed to post yesterday. Also, I skipped an entry from yesterday to answer this question instead. I promise to revisit that sometime in the future. For today, I’m just trying to get back on schedule. So, this entry might be short since it is already almost 9 o’clock and I’m back to work. 345 in the morning comes very early. Still need to make time for the little things. Like these journal entries.

Why do I wake up at 345 in the morning? I have no earthly idea. That’s just the time that my brain decides is a good time to wake up and start thinking about the day. Also, thinking about the day before. Analyzing and overanalyzing every single moment and wondering if I could have done anything better. Melatonin helps, but only sometimes and only marginally. Sorry, folks, we are at 1030 now and I need to put the computer to the side to calm down the old brain. Afraid we have to wait until tomorrow to hear about the little things.

The Journal

Before answering the question today, I need to talk about our “outdoor adventure” on Sunday. After discovering the new hike on Saturday, we simply worked outdoors for most of the day. I burned brush and moved some of the wood pile back underneath a tarp. After that, we celebrated indoors by going to the Quarters for Aiden’s birthday celebration.

Now two days out from the original day, can I remember the original intent of the post? Thankfully, I bookmarked the page with the prompts. The question for this post asks, “Describe a little thing — one of the things you love that defines your world but is often overlooked.” I have to admit that this is the toughest prompt that I’ve seen yet from these.

It’s not that I don’t appreciate the small things. Sometimes I miss big things in favor of the small things, in fact. I’m more having trouble with the overlooked part. Who am I to say what people overlook or not? And, so, this post comes two days late and leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth. I’m sorry.


I promise to be better about this page. I got my new phone today, so I can start planning hikes and grabbing pictures of new fishing spots. I’ve been talking with a student at school and he inspired me to find some of those new fishing spots. Stay tuned. I will eventually find my groove here and on the main page.

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